Dorothy Mary Stopps

12-09-1935 - 05-07-2022

Dorothy had a memorial service with the interment of her ashes on 12th September 2022 at Cogenhoe. Ringing before and after the service was half muffled.
The following were read at the service by her fellow ringers:
From the early 1960’s Dorothy was a stalwart of Cogenhoe’s band of bell ringers, ringing for Sunday services, practice nights, weddings and funerals and ringing in quarter peals and peals for special occasions. She had been our tower captain for many years.
She was a member of the Peterborough Diocesan Guild of Church Bellringers Northampton Branch for over 50 years and during that time she served as press correspondent, secretary, treasurer, Guild management committee member and ringing master. She was always supportive of other
towers in the branch.
She taught many to ring over the years at Cogenhoe, especially encouraging young people to ring. She is sadly missed in Cogenhoe tower and the Northampton Branch.
Charlotte Eley

Dorothy was a gentle soul, who could be very determined and persuasive, but always in a kind encouraging way. She was also a good friend; a friend in Dorothy was a friend for life. An example of this could be (speaking from personal experience), if one was going through somewhat of a bad time, there may be a knock at the door or a phone call from Dorothy, with just 3 little word “How are you”? That meant a lot.
Now, to my return to ringing for which Dorothy played a big part. Some 20-25 years ago I was learning to ring at Little Houghton. Sadly, the group had to disband when Colin Stanton, the Tower Captain had an accident and was no longer able to ring. I thought about it a lot over the years that I would like to pick up my ringing but, didn’t pursue it. I talked to Dorothy about it on several occasions and about 3 years ago Dorothy started to become more serious about my return to the bells but, she realised over time I had lost my nerve. Then our uninvited guest called COVID arrived in all our lives, and as you are aware ringing stopped for some time.
Once ringing re-started Dorothy commented to me “I have not forgotten you know”; “Oh dear” I replied! I think she realised I had been making every excuse possible to put it off. Towards the end of 2021, I was invited by Dorothy that after Christmas I must come to lunch so we can discuss the matter. I duly reported at the agreed date and time, when I suddenly realised that I was now fully in the grasp of Dorothy’s very own exclusive method of “gentle persuasion” from which I would not be allowed to escape, no turning back and no more excuses. The following Monday evening I nervously reported to the Cogenhoe tower at 7.30 to begin my retraining.
Sadly after a few weeks Dorothy suffered her stroke, from which she never returned to ringing or to live in Cogenhoe. Thankfully my training continued with the help of fellow Branch and Guild ringers.
I was honoured to visit Dorothy on a number of occasions both in hospital and then the care home, to sit with her and chat. There were difficulties communicating however, on one occasion when talking about bells, I was telling her how I was getting on with ringing and who was teaching us: I said to her “I really am trying Dorothy, I will get there I promise”, to which she raised her left hand, waved finger at me, as if to say “You better”!!
So, finally, on her birthday, Happy Birthday Dorothy and Thank you.

Author: Jenny Monk