GRETTON, Northamptonshire, St James the Great
Saturday 23 November, 2019 (8-2-24 in Ab)
1260 Reverse Canterbury Pleasure Place Doubles
  1 Sue Marsden
  2 Nick Elks
  3 Steve Millington
  4 Daniel Iliffe
  5 Terry Iliffe (C)

GRETTON, Northamptonshire, St James the Great
Thursday 3 August, 2017 in 0h46 (8-2-24 in Ab)
1360 Gretton Bob Doubles
  1 Gareth L M Lawson
  2 Claire C Nicholson
  3 Phill A Butler
  4 Simon J Poole
  5 Simon D G Webb (C)

Lincoln Diocesan Guild
GRETTON, Northamptonshire, St James the Great
Sunday 13 March, 2016 in 0h47 (8-2-24 in Ab)
1260 Doubles (3 methods)
(Comprising St. Martin Bob, St. Simon Bob, and Plain Bob)
  1 P Barry Jones
  2 Mandy Dawson
  3 Anthony D Walker
  4 Andrew Usborne
  5 Ian Dawson (C)
86th Birthday (today) compliment to John Jones father of the treble ringer

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
GRETTON, Northamptonshire, St James
Monday 7 June, 2004 in 0h45 (8)
1260 Doubles
(1v, 4m: April Day, Grandsire, St Simons, St Martins, Plain)
  1 Mary Poyner
  2 Peggy Jennings
  3 Harry Poyner
  4 Ray Bailey
  5 Robin Rogers (C)
A PDG 80th Anniversary quarter

GRETTON, Northamptonshire, St James the Great
Thursday 7 August, 1997 (8-2-24 in Ab)
1280 Rockingham Doubles
  1 Helen Coleman
  2 Victoria Samson
  3 Nicholas Churchman
  4 Paul Mason (C)
  5 Timothy Samson
1st Q. in v.: cc 7 a/c/f.

GRETTON, Northamptonshire, St James the Great
Saturday 11 June, 1960 in 0h44 (8-2-24 in Ab)
1260 Doubles (2 Methods)
(Plain Bob and Grandsire)
  1 Miss S Meredith
  2 June Thomas
  3 Ronald J Hill
  4 Michael E Stracey (C)
  5 John Meredith (C)