Peterborough Diocesan Guild
WANSFORD, Cambridgeshire, St Mary the Virgin
Sunday 12 May, 2024 in 0h38 (3-3-1 in Eb)
1260 Doubles (5m/v)
(May Day, April Day, Pennywell, Plain Bob and Grandsire Doubles)
1 Caroline Mould
2 Stuart Weston
3 Alex Heaton
4 Jane Robinson
5 Andrew Christie (C)
6 Terry Wright
Rung in celebration of Paula and Terry`s 34th wedding anniversary.
3: Most m/v inside.
Chiltern Midweek Group
WANSFORD, Cambridgeshire, St Mary the Virgin
Thursday 18 April, 2024 in 0h35 (3-3-1 in Eb)
1269 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Nicky J Smith
2 Brian D Crawley (C)
3 Brian C Watson
4 Penny Watson
5 David M Gambling
6 Stephen J Wooler
Peterborough Diocesan Guild
WANSFORD, Cambridgeshire, St Mary the Virgin
Sunday 17 December, 2023 in 0h35 (3-3-1 in Eb)
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1 Andrew Christie
2 Diana Street
3 Elaine Wilkinson
4 Stuart Weston
5 David Banks (C)
6 Julian Burton
Rung ahead of the Community Carol Service
6: First inside to PB Minor
Peterborough Diocesan Guild
WANSFORD, Cambridgeshire, St Mary the Virgin
Monday 25 April, 2022 in 0h39 (3-3-1 in Eb)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Jane Robinson
2 Bob Payne
3 Hilary Hardie
4 Terry Wright
5 Stuart Weston (C)
6 Sally Hudson
First quarter 6.
Rung to belatedly celebrate her Golden Wedding anniversary on 27th March 2021
Peterborough Diocesan Guild
WANSFORD, Cambridgeshire, St Mary the Virgin
Monday 21 March, 2022 in 0h37 (3-3-1 in Eb)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Hilary Hardie
2 Bob Payne
3 Caroline Mould
4 Stuart Weston (C)
5 Terry Wright
6 Alex Heaton
First QP inside 3
Rung to celebrate the 10th birthday of her daughter Lyra, on 20 March
Peterborough Diocesan Guild
WANSFORD, Cambridgeshire, St Mary the Virgin
Tuesday 22 February, 2022 in 0h32 (3-3-1 in Eb)
1260 Reverse Bob and Plain Bob Doubles
(630 changes of each)
1 Andrew Christie
2 Stuart Weston
3 Diana Street
4 David Banks (C)
5 Jane McKee
6 Julian Burton
Rung to mark the palindromic date. Looking forward to the next one on 3rd Feb 2030.
First in Reverse Bob by the band.
Peterborough Diocesan Guild
WANSFORD, Cambridgeshire, St Mary the Virgin
Monday 23 April, 2018 in 0h34 (3-3-1 in Eb)
1260 Doubles (3 Methods/V)
(Grandsire, April Day and Plain Bob)
1 Alex Dyer
2 David Banks
3 Michael Smedley
4 Andrew Christie (C)
5 Terry Wright
6 Gavin Simpson
Rung in celebration of the Royal birth of the third child for Duke and Duchess if Cambridge.
QP 5 of 8 on St George`s Day tourand celebrating all things English.
Peterborough Diocesan Guild
WANSFORD, Cambridgeshire, St Mary the Virgin
Friday 28 April, 2017 in 0h37 (3-3-1 in Eb)
1260 Produban Doubles
(Wainfleet Place with a That'll Do Nicely Bob )
1 Rhiannon F Pugh
2 Stuart Weston
3 Elaine Wilkinson
4 Mark Pugh
5 Andrew Christie (C)
6 Ian Larter
This new variation, Produban Doubles, rung for the first time is Wainfleet Place with a That`ll Do Nicely Bob.
The conductor starts work for Produban, the IT division of Santander next week and hence the naming.
Peterborough Diocesan Guild
WANSFORD, Cambridgeshire, St Mary the Virgin
Monday 2 January, 2017 in 0h35 (3-3-1 in Eb)
1280 Fitzwilliam Hunt Doubles (new Variation)
(Fitzwilliam Hunt Doubles is Maltby with an Oldfield Single )
1 Stuart Weston
2 Andrew Christie
3 Edward Baxter
4 David Banks (C)
5 William Baxter
6 Ian Larter
This new variation and rung for the first time has been named Fitzwilliam Hunt Doubles and is Maltby with an Oldfield Single.
Rung at the start of the Fitzwilliam Hunt for the New Year`s meet.
WANSFORD, Cambridgeshire, St Mary the Virgin
Tuesday 2 August, 2016 in 0h36 (3-3-1)
1296 Variable Treble Cambridge Minor
1 Christopher J Field
2 Gareth L M Lawson
3 Andrew J Rawlinson
4 Anthony M Bulteel
5 Simon J Poole
6 Christian J Brown (C)
Peterborough Diocesan Guild
WANSFORD, Cambridgeshire, St Mary the Virgin
Sunday 14 February, 2016 in 0h35 (3-3-1 in Eb)
1296 Cambridge Surprise Minor
1 Nick Elks (C)
2 David Banks
3 Stuart Weston
4 Andrew Christie
5 Matthew Bradwell
6 Sue Marsden
Lincoln Diocesan Guild
WANSFORD, Cambridgeshire, St Mary the Virgin
Thursday 31 December, 2015 in 0h34 (3-3-1 in Eb)
1260 Plain Minor (2m)
(720 Double Oxford, 540 St Clements)
1 Mike Maughan
2 Sue Marsden
3 Nick Elks
4 Anthony D Walker
5 Jim Benner (C)
6 Ian Dawson
To celebrate the birth of Amy Alice Anne Baxter, born this morning, daughter for Edward and Shelley, granddaughter for William (local ringer)& Anne.
Peterborough Diocesan Guild
WANSFORD, Cambridgeshire, St Mary the Virgin
Saturday 10 March, 2012 in 0h37 (3-3-1)
1260 Single Oxford and Plain Bob Minor
1 Geoff Davis
2 Joan Parker
3 Marilyn Jenner
4 Richard Laing
5 Alex Dyer
6 Andrew Christie (C)
Rung in recognition for the life of service of Canon Thomas Christie, former parish priest of Wansford and Thornhaugh. 08/08/1931 - 01/03/2012
Peterborough Diocesan Guild
WANSFORD, Cambridgeshire, St Mary the Virgin
Saturday 24 September, 2011 in 0h35 (3-3-1)
1260 Grandsire and Plain Bob Doubles
1 Joan Parker
2 Stuart Weston
3 Andrew Christie (C)
4 Geoff Davis
5 William Baxter
6 Steve Reed
Retirement tribute to Canon Tom Christie, after 10 years serving the parishes of Wansford & Thornhaugh.
Peterborough Diocesan Guild
WANSFORD, Cambridgeshire, St Mary
Saturday 10 July, 2010 in 0h37 (3-3-19)
1260 Plain Bob/ Grandsire
1 Mandy Loveder
2 Joan Parker
3 Stuart Weston (C)
4 Mick Loveder
5 William Baxter
6 Steve Reed
With good wishes to Rev. Canon Thomas Christie, with thanks for his safe return after his operation.
To Nick Sharman in celebration of his son, James Sharman`s wedding to Jennifer Druck.
WANSFORD, Cambridgeshire, St Mary the Virgin
Saturday 22 November, 2003 in 0h35 (3-3-1 in Eb)
1296 Cambridge Surprise Minor
1 David H Dunford
2 Robin E H Woolley
3 Rhona I H McEune
4 Jane E Woolley
5 Elizabeth Dunford
6 Michael Chester (C)
Peterborough Diocesan Guild
WANSFORD, Cambridgeshire, St Mary
Sunday 4 August, 2002 in 0h37 (3 cwt)
1320 Plain Bob Minor
1 Diana Street
2 Marion Joseph
3 June Pitcher
4 Albert Hinton
5 Gaby Cowcill
6 Jack Gunning (C)
Rung as celebration of the life of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother, on the anniversary of her birth and on the Peterborough Branch Quarter Peal Day.
WANSFORD, Cambridgeshire, St Mary the Virgin
Saturday 31 July, 1993 in 0h36 (3-3-1 in Eb)
1296 Beverley Surprise Minor
1 Michael Edwards
2 Adrian Malton (C)
3 Janet Edwards
4 Roger Butt
5 David Pearson
6 Colin Newman
WANSFORD, Cambridgeshire, St Mary the Virgin
Saturday 27 December, 1980 (3-3-1 in Eb)
1296 Cambridge Surprise Minor
1 Paul Loxton
2 Alf Waller
3 Derek Jones
4 Colin Ashworth
5 Len Halifax
6 W John Riley (C)
Peterborough Diocesan Guild
WANSFORD, Cambridgeshire, St Mary the Virgin
Saturday 18 September, 1976 in 0h39 (3-3-1 in Eb)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 John MacKay
2 Michael Parker
3 Colin Ashworth
4 Andrew Parker
5 Alf Waller (C)
First quarter: 1. For Peterborough 1/4 peal day.