DINGLEY, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Thursday 3 August, 2017 in 0h45 (8 in Ab)
1360 Dingley Bob Doubles
(720 and 640.)
Comp: M Lynch
1 Michael T Childs
2 Claire C Nicholson
3 Siân E Austin
4 Samuel M Austin (C)
5 David A C Matthews
DINGLEY, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Wednesday 6 August, 2014 (8 cwt)
1260 Doubles (3 M)
1 Louise G Pink
2 Matthew D Hardy
3 Elizabeth A Evans (C)
4 Phill A Butler
5 Malcolm N Evans
DINGLEY, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Friday 23 May, 2014 (8 cwt)
1260 Shipway Place Doubles
1 Rose Nightingale
2 Richard Booth
3 Peter K Phillips
4 Bob Tregillus
5 Simon J O Head (C)
1 of 4. First in method: 4