NORTON, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Sunday 6 August, 2023 in 0h48 (15-2-6 in F)
1260 Grandsire Doubles
  1 Andrew J Williams
  2 Colin Friend
  3 Claire Holbrook (C)
  4 Caleb Saunders
  5 Adrian Udal
Rung on the 3rd NB Blueline tour

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
NORTON, Northamptonshire
Thursday 7 November, 2013 ()
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
  1 Gwynneth White
  2 Christine Rodhouse (C)
  3 Carole Pullin
  4 Geoff Pullin
  5 James White
1st as conductor

NORTON, Northamptonshire
Saturday 25 February, 2012 ()
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
  1 Emily Marriott
  2 Hilary Aslett (C)
  3 Shirley Waterhouse
  4 Richard Piner
  5 Ian Willgress
On Daventry Branch Quarter Peal Day.

NORTON, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Sunday 29 September, 1991 (15-2-6 in F)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
  1 Charles Woodward
  2 Janet Bowers
  3 Ron Woodward
  4 Richard Waddy (C)
  5 Frank Smith
8/9 by Daventry Branch to celebrate 450th anniversary of the diocese.

NORTON, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Monday 29 May, 1989 (15-2-6 in F)
1260 Doubles (2m)
  1 George Toseland
  2 Janet Bowers
  3 Shirley Northcote
  4 W (Bill) H Collins
  5 E (Ted) C Garrett (C)
6/9 Daventry Branch QP Day

NORTON, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Monday 30 May, 1988 (15-2-6 in F)
1260 Doubles (5m/p)
  1 Bob Sinclair (C)
  2 Michael Harding
  3 Janet Bowers
  4 Alison Collins
  5 Carole Pullin
Most methods - 2. 2/8 on Daventry Branch QP Day

NORTON, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Monday 26 May, 1986 (15-2-6 in F)
1260 Doubles (2m)
  1 John Gilbert
  2 Janet Collins (C)
  3 Marion Gilbert
  4 Graham S Pratt
  5 Richard Hobbs
6/10 sponsored QPs rung by Daventry Branch for Peterborough Cathedral Bells appeal.