ALDERTON, Northamptonshire, St Margaret
Sunday 5 November, 2023 in 0h43 (7-2-23 in G#)
1260 Doubles (11m)
(120 St Nicholas, Winchendon, St Remigius, Huntley, Reverse Canterbury, Grandsire, St Simon's, St Martin's, St Osmund, Eynesbury; 60 Plain Bob )
  1 Adrian Malton (C)
  2 Adrian Edwards
  3 Janet Garnett
  4 Joe Ostler
  5 Edward Groome

ALDERTON, Northamptonshire, St Margaret
Friday 24 September, 2021 in 0h49 (7-2-23 in G#)
1260 All Saints Place Doubles
  1 Gail Lilley
  2 Thomas A G Wareing
  3 Julia A Lysaght
  4 Michael J Lilley
  5 Clifford R Nicholls (C)

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
ALDERTON, Northamptonshire, St Margaret
Saturday 3 December, 2016 in 0h41 (7-2-23 in G#)
1260 Julie McDonnell Bob Doubles
  1 Richard W Yates
  2 Julie McDonnell
  3 Barry Eglesfield
  4 Louise G Pink
  5 Alan D Pink (C)
Rung for Strike Back Against Blood Cancer.
Dedicated to Julie and Norman Cummings.
"I go, and it is done; the bell invites me".

ALDERTON, Northamptonshire, St Margaret
Monday 25 August, 2014 (7-2-23)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
  1 Rose Nightingale (C)
  2 Thomas Monks (C)
  3 Kevin Pughe (C)
  4 Richard Booth (C)
  5 Simon J O Head (C)
Joint Conductors, each calling 2 extents, 4 calling additional 60.

Oxford Diocesan Guild
ALDERTON, Northamptonshire, St Margaret
Saturday 20 October, 2007 in 0h42 (7-2-23 in G#)
1260 Doubles (9m)
(Stedman, St Simon's, St Martin's, Winchendon, St Nicholas, All Saints, Reverse Canterbury, Plain Bob, Grandsire)
  1 Simon L Edwards
  2 Roy H Jones
  3 Hugh Deam (C)
  4 Maarit Kivilo
  5 Andrew Dunn

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
ALDERTON, Northamptonshire, St Margaret
Friday 24 September, 2004 in 0h40 (7-2-23)
1260 Grandsire Doubles
  1 Philip Cahill
  2 Gerald Kingston
  3 Charles Truman (C)
  4 David J Bennett
  5 Ian K Chapple
A 100th birthday compliment to Dorothy Jane `Granny` Taylor

ALDERTON, Northamptonshire, St Margaret
Saturday 15 February, 2003 in 0h39 (7-2-23 in G#)
1260 Doubles (21m/v/p)
  1 Roy H Jones
  2 E Ann Williams
  3 Colin Ashworth
  4 Robin E H Woolley (C)
  5 Michael Chester

ALDERTON, Northamptonshire, St Margaret
Sunday 26 April, 1998 (7-2-23)
1260 3m Doubles
(Plain Bob, St Simons and Grandsire)
  1 Kate Earl
  2 Kevin Haseldine
  3 Janet Haseldine
  4 Gerald Kingston
  5 Richard Haseldine (C)
First quarter - 1

ALDERTON, Northamptonshire, St Margaret
Friday 5 September, 1997 (5-2-23)
1260 Plain Bob and Grandsire Doubles
  1 Adam Murby
  2 Kevin Haseldine
  3 Janet Haseldine
  4 Gerald Kingston
  5 Richard Haseldine (C)
Rung half muffled in memory of Diana, Princess of Wales

ALDERTON, Northamptonshire, St Margaret
Wednesday 30 July, 1997 (7-2-23)
1260 St Simons, Grandsire and Plain Bob Doubles
  1 Adam Murby
  2 Kevin Haseldine
  3 Janet Haseldine
  4 Gerald Kingston
  5 Richard Haseldine (C)
First quarter - 1

ALDERTON, Northamptonshire, St Margaret
Wednesday 15 November, 1995 (7-2-23 in G#)
1260 2m Doubles
(Plain Bob and Grandsire)
  1 Kevin Haseldine
  2 Janet Haseldine
  3 Gerald Kingston
  4 Alan Cozens
  5 Richard Haseldine (C)
#1 - First quarter