Here are a selection of documents that are available to download.
Publicity Displays
The Guild has obtained two 'pop-up' display panels 1m wide by 2m high for use by members at local events aimed at publicity and recruiting. They are titled 'All about Bells' and 'All about Change Ringing'. The content is shown here. They are available free, first come - first served, from the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Arrangements for collection and return will need to be negotiated!
Publicity for Bellringing
The CCCBR Public Relations Committee draws our attention to these new leaflets and flyers and encourages the use of these resources in our area:
'Engaging with the Public' Leaflet
Ideas and tips to successfully engage the public with your ringing and associated activities: Easy to use 'mix-and-match' format to help you to put together the ideas which will work for you locally. Available here. Produced by The Central Council of Church Bell Ringers (CCCBR) Public Relations Committee.
Bell Ringing Flyer
Flyers for you to give to members of the public with a section for your tower or association/guild/society details (contacts, ringing times, website, Facebook, etc). Available here in pdf format with provision for you to enter your tower’s information.
Originally produced for Peak 2015 International Scout & Guide Camp and the Derby Diocesan Association, now approved by CCCBR.
Posters and certificates that you can use and enter your own details are available here.
Bellringing logo above is available here. To change the colour, download the image into Paint and use the paint-can to fill with your colour selection.
Write your own Press Release
A press release is pseudo-news story, written in the third person, that seeks to demonstrate to an editor or reporter that the event, person or product you want to publicise, or the message you want to put over, is newsworthy. Click here for further advice and samples.
Service Booklet
PDG Form of Service.pdf
Click on the link above to obtain the 'Form of Service for Guild and Branch Meetings' as approved by the Bishop in 2002. The hymn tune 'Belfry Praise' is available here.
Ringers' Hymns
A collection of 14 different hymns can be found here.
A new song written in 2019, both words and music 'Hagdyke', for the Bath & Wells Association are available here. It was published in The Ringing World p786, 2019.
Guild Badges
Guild badges are available for members at a cost of £5 each from the Guild This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. There are also pendants available at a cost of £4 each. |
Logo for documents etc.
The image contained in this document can be highlighted, copied and pasted into another document.
Please change the size by dragging only a corner diagonal arrow, otherwise the circle will be distorted into an oval.
Certificate for first quarter peal
This certificate can be changed to show the member's branch, name, tower at which the quarter peal was rung and the date before printing.
Letter to estate agents
Letter Nearby house for sale.pdf
Bearing in mind the provisions of the Environmental Protection Act, it is best to take precautions to prevent a complaint about noise being made to the local Environmental Health Officer. The simplest precaution is to bring to the attention of the estate agent dealing with a property close to your tower that it contains bells that ring.
This is a sample of similar letters which have been used effectively in several locations, including new flats developed within 100m of a tower's bell louvres.
There is also a page on Dealing With Complaints that is on the Central Council website.
“Warning Bells up!” sign
While it is not always good practice to leave bells up, sometimes it is necessary, perhaps ready to ring a couple out after a wedding. Where the ropes are at congregation level, few non-ringers understand the dangers of pulling a rope. This notice is quite clear, but it doesn’t deal with young children –better to make sure they can’t reach the ropes.
Welcome New Incumbents
It can be a useful ploy to welcome new incumbents and provide an overview of ringing activity and assistance that can be made. There is a Word document here that you can alter or use as a template and the pdf version here for those who dislike Word, but it cannot be altered!