Peterborough Diocesan Guild
HARPOLE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Thursday 28 November, 2024 in 0h48 (12-1-12 in F#)
1320 Cambridge Surprise Minor
  1 Val Bridges
  2 Graham Paul
  3 Debbie Sampson
  4 Jane Bloomfield
  5 Mike Sawle
  6 Colin Sampson (C)
Rung after meeting short for a proper practice with thanks to Bridget Paul for standing down. First quarter treble dodging for Val. Celebrating the centenary of the Peterborough Diocesan Guild.

HARPOLE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Saturday 21 September, 2024 in 0h45 (12-1-12 in F#)
1320 Sandal Treble Bob Minor
  1 Colin D Brown
  2 Bridget Paul
  3 Alan A Paul
  4 Graham C Paul
  5 Nicholas J Parsons
  6 G Nigel Williams (C)
With fond memories of James Linnell, marking one year since his passing.
A very warm welcome back to quarter peal ringing to Alan Paul!
By a band with an average age approaching 75 years

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
HARPOLE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Sunday 3 March, 2024 in 0h48 (12-1-12 in F#)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
  1 Bridget Paul
  2 Charlotte Brierley
  3 Jane Bloomfield
  4 Graham Paul
  5 Michael Sawle (C)
  6 Andrew Brighty
First quarter peal "inside" for Charlotte.
Rung before morning service to celebrate the Installation today at a Service of Welcome in Peterborough Cathedral of Right Rev Debbie Sellin as the 39th Bishop of Peterborough.

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
HARPOLE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Saturday 23 September, 2023 in 0h45 (12-1-12 in F#)
1296 Cambridge Surprise Minor
  1 Jenny Ball
  2 Debbie Sampson
  3 Bridget Paul
  4 Colin Brown
  5 Graham Paul
  6 Colin Sampson (C)
Rung in affectionate memory of a good friend, Jim Linnell, who died on 15th September 2023 aged 92. Jennie Paul and Alan Paul are associated with this ringing.

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
HARPOLE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Monday 24 April, 2023 in 0h43 (12-1-12 in F#)
1260 Doubles (2m)
(600 Reverse Canterbury Pleasure Place and 660 Plain Bob)
  1 Bridget Paul
  2 Val Bridges
  3 Jane Bloomfield
  4 Graham Paul
  5 James White (C)
  6 Gwynneth White
First quarter peal on an inside bell for Val Bridges
A welcome to Rev Nic Edwards, inducted yesterday as Rector in the Bugbrooke benefice (Bugbrooke, Harpole, Kislingbury and Rothersthorpe) at St Michael & All Angels, Bugbrooke, and his family.

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
HARPOLE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Thursday 2 June, 2022 in 0h45 (12-1-12 in F#)
1320 Cambridge Surprise Minor
  1 Andrew Brighty
  2 Jane Bloomfield
  3 Roger Fountain
  4 Jennie Paul
  5 Graham Paul (C)
  6 Michael Sawle
Celebrating the Platinum Jubilee of HM Queen Elizabeth II.

HARPOLE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Monday 23 December, 2019 in 0h44 (12-1-12 in F#)
1260 Doubles
(480 each Plain Bob and Reverse Canterbury Pleasure Place and 300 Grandsire)
  1 Bridget Paul
  2 Graham Paul (C)
  3 Andrew Brighty
  4 Roger Fountain
  5 James Forster-Rea
  6 Michael Sawle
Rung by members of the local band to celebrate Roger Fountain`s 80th birthday yesterday.

HARPOLE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Monday 29 July, 2019 in 0h47 (12-1-12 in F#)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
  1 Val Bridges
  2 Bridget Paul
  3 Jane Bloomfield
  4 Andrew Brighty
  5 Graham Paul (C)
  6 Michael Sawle
First quarter peal 1.

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
HARPOLE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Saturday 18 May, 2019 (12-1-12 in F#)
1260 Doubles
(2 methods: 600 Reverse Canterbury Pleasure Place and 660 Plain Bob.)
  1 Charlotte Brierley
  2 Jennie Paul (C)
  3 Debbie Sampson
  4 Bridget Paul
  5 Colin Brown
  6 Colin Sampson
First quarter peal for Charlotte.
To mark the retirement of Mark and Diane Rogers from the posts of PDG Northampton Branch Chairman and Secretary respectively, and with congratulations to Branch member Ray Henman from Brafield-on-the-Green on the award of BEM.

HARPOLE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Saturday 10 November, 2018 (12-1-12 in F#)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
(480 St Simon and St Martin, 300 Plain )
  1 Elizabeth Moore
  2 Nicholas Parsons
  3 Andrew Brighty
  4 Colin Brown
  5 Graham Paul (C)
  6 Michael Sawle
Rung with the bells half-muffled in memory of the fifty four men of this parish who gave their lives in the First World War.

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
HARPOLE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Saturday 28 July, 2018 in 0h46 (12-1-12 in F#)
1320 Ipswich Surprise Minor
  1 Bridget Paul
  2 Jane Bloomfield
  3 Gwynneth White
  4 Alan Paul
  5 James White (C)
  6 Graham Paul
First in the method 2.
A compliment to Revd Stephen French, Rector of the Benefice of Bugbrooke, Harpole, Kislingbury and Rothersthorpe who is celebrating 30 years in the Priesthood. The ringers are from Benefice churches.

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
HARPOLE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Wednesday 4 April, 2018 in 0h46 (12-1-12 in F#)
1320 Cambridge Surprise Minor
  1 Alan Cozens
  2 Bridget Paul
  3 Debbie Sampson
  4 Colin Brown
  5 Graham Paul (C)
  6 Colin Sampson
Remembering Stanley M Ruddlesden on the day of his funeral. A good friend of these ringers and a valued supporter of ringing at Harpole. RIP Stan.

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
HARPOLE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Monday 20 November, 2017 in 0h48 (12-1-12 in F#)
1260 Doubles
(2 methods: 600 Reverse Canterbury Pleasure Place and 660 Plain Bob.)
  1 Bridget Paul
  2 Graham Paul (C)
  3 Roger Fountain
  4 Andrew Brighty
  5 Michael Sawle
  6 Alan Paul
Rung to celebrate the 70th Wedding Anniversary today of HM Queen Elizabeth II and HRH Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh.

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
HARPOLE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Sunday 1 October, 2017 in 0h45 (12-1-12 in F#)
1260 Reverse Canterbury Pleasure Place Doubles
  1 Jane Bloomfield
  2 Hannah Brighty
  3 Andrew Brighty
  4 Graham Paul (C)
  5 Michael Sawle
  6 Alan Paul
For Harvest Festival.
Bridget Paul wishes to be associated with this quarter peal.

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
HARPOLE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Monday 8 May, 2017 in 0h44 (12-1-12 in F#)
1260 Plain Bob Minor
  1 Bridget Paul
  2 Jennie Paul (C)
  3 Andrew Brighty
  4 Colin Brown
  5 Michael Sawle
  6 Graham Paul
Andrew Brighty`s first quarter of minor.
An early celebration of Bridget Paul`s 70th birthday which is tomorrow, 9th May.

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
HARPOLE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Tuesday 1 November, 2016 in 0h47 (12-1-12)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
  1 Bridget Paul
  2 Hannah Brighty
  3 Andrew Brighty
  4 Roger Fountain
  5 Graham Paul (C)
  6 Alan Paul
First quarter peal "inside" - 2
Rung by members of the local band on All Saints Day for the Feast of Title

Northampton Ringers Society
HARPOLE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Tuesday 25 October, 2016 in 0h47 (12-1-12)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
  1 Graham Paul
  2 Colin Brown
  3 Peter Woodward
  4 Roger Fountain
  5 Colin Sampson (C)
  6 Alan Paul
To celebrate Canon Peter Woodward`s 80th birthday. It was also Peter`s first quarter peal on an "inside" bell. Bridget Paul wishes to be associated with this quarter peal

HARPOLE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Monday 13 June, 2016 in 0h46 (12-1-12 in F#)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
  1 Hannah Brighty
  2 Bridget Paul
  3 Andrew Brighty
  4 Graham Paul
  5 Michael Sawle (C)
  6 Alan Paul
First quarter peal at first attempt age 13 - 1. First quarter peal as conductor.
By Harpole Sunday service ringers to celebrate the official 90th birthday of HM Queen Elizabeth II.

HARPOLE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Monday 8 February, 2016 in 0h49 (12-1-12 in F#)
1320 Cambridge Surprise Minor
  1 Bridget Paul
  2 Jane Bloomfield
  3 Roger Fountain
  4 Michael Sawle
  5 Alan Paul
  6 Graham Paul (C)
First quarter of surprise - 4. Rung by a local band.

HARPOLE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Wednesday 11 November, 2015 in 0h47 (12-1-12 in F#)
1260 Doubles
(600 Reverse Canterbury Pleasure Bob and 660 Plain Bob.)
  1 Alan Paul
  2 Bridget Paul
  3 Roger Fountain
  4 Michael Sawle
  5 Graham Paul (C)
  6 Michael Harvey
Rung half-muffled on Armistice Day in memory of the fallen of two World Wars and other conflicts. Ringing began at 11.02am following observance of the 2 minutes silence.

HARPOLE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Monday 2 November, 2015 in 0h45 (12-1-12 in F#)
1260 Doubles and Minor
(720 Plain Bob Minor, 540 Plain Bob Doubles)
  1 Alan Paul
  2 Jane Bloomfield
  3 Roger Fountain
  4 Michael Sawle
  5 Graham Paul (C)
  6 Kevin Browne
First of mixed minor and doubles for all.
Rung by a local band for the dedication festival.

HARPOLE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Monday 3 August, 2015 in 0h45 (12-1-12 in F#)
1260 Minor
(720 Kent TB, 540 Plain Bob.)
  1 Kevin Browne
  2 Debbie Sampson
  3 Roger Fountain
  4 Bridget Paul
  5 Colin Sampson
  6 Graham Paul (C)
With best wishes to Hazel and Roger Fountain who celebrated their Golden Wedding anniversary on 31st July.

HARPOLE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Sunday 19 July, 2015 in 0h44 (12-1-12)
1260 Plain Bob Minor
  1 Andrew Brighty
  2 Jennie Paul
  3 Bridget Paul
  4 Michael Sawle
  5 Graham Paul (C)
  6 Kevin Browne
First of Minor 1. First of Minor "inside" 4.
All the ringers are residents of Harpole.

HARPOLE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Tuesday 11 November, 2014 in 0h48 (12-1-12)
1260 Doubles
(600 Reverse Canterbury Pleasure Bob, 660 Plain Bob.)
  1 Graham Paul (C)
  2 Jill Harvey
  3 Roger Fountain
  4 Bridget Paul
  5 Michael Sawle
  6 Michael Harvey
First in two methods - 5.
Rung half-muffled in memory of the Fallen of two World Wars, especially remembering the men of this village who died during those conflicts. Ringing started immediately following observance of the two minute silence at 11am

HARPOLE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Monday 3 November, 2014 in 0h47 (12-1-12)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
  1 Bridget Paul
  2 Graham Paul (C)
  3 Andrew Brighty
  4 Roger Fountain
  5 Michael Sawle
  6 Alan Paul
First "inside" - 3
Rung by a local band for the Feast of Title

Northampton Ringers Society
HARPOLE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Sunday 3 August, 2014 in 0h45 (12-1-12)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
  1 Jennie Higson
  2 Bridget Paul
  3 Nick Wilson-Chatt
  4 Giles Willson (C)
  5 Graham Paul
  6 Joe Wilson-Chatt
First of Plain Bob - 3. First as conductor.
Rung half-muffled to commemorate the centenary of the outbreak of war in Europe in 1914.

HARPOLE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Monday 17 February, 2014 in 0h46 (12-1-12)
1260 Doubles
(480 each Reverse Canterbury Pleasure and Plain, 300 Grandsire)
  1 Andrew Brighty
  2 Jennie Higson (C)
  3 Greg Jordan
  4 Bridget Paul
  5 Stephen Borman
  6 Colin Sampson
Rung to welcome Benjamin William Borman, son of Stephen and Nicola, born 15th February 2014.

HARPOLE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Monday 11 November, 2013 in 0h47 (12-1-12)
1260 Doubles
(600 Plain and 660 Reverse Canterbury Pleasure)
  1 Andrew Brighty
  2 Jill Harvey
  3 Jane Bloomfield
  4 Bridget Paul
  5 Graham Paul (C)
  6 Michael Harvey
Andrew Brighty`s first quarter peal.
Rung half-muffled In Remembrance.

HARPOLE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Monday 6 August, 2012 in 0h46 (12-1-12)
1320 Oswald Delight Minor
  1 Bridget Paul
  2 Alan Paul
  3 Nicholas Elks
  4 Colin Brown
  5 Colin Sampson
  6 Graham Paul (C)
First in the method for all.
To celebrate the Feast of St Oswald of Northumbria (5th August).

HARPOLE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Friday 1 June, 2012 in 0h46 (12-1-12)
1260 Doubles
(480 each St Simon and Reverse Canterbury Pleasure, 300 Plain Bob.)
  1 Graham Paul (C)
  2 Jane Bloomfield
  3 Roger Fountain
  4 Colin Brown
  5 Michael Harvey
  6 Alan Paul
Rung to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

HARPOLE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Wednesday 9 May, 2012 in 0h47 (12-1-12)
1320 Minor
(720 Kent TB, 600 Cambridge S.)
  1 Alan Paul
  2 Jill Harvey
  3 Bridget Paul
  4 Michael Harvey
  5 Colin Brown
  6 Graham Paul (C)
A 65th birthday compliment to Bridget Paul

HARPOLE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Saturday 18 February, 2012 in 0h46 (12-1-12)
1260 Plain Bob Minor
  1 Elizabeth Moore
  2 Bridget Paul
  3 Andrew White
  4 Graham Paul
  5 Nicholas Elks (C)
  6 Alan Paul
Rung by some of his ringing friends as a 70th birthday compliment to Michael R Harvey of Weedon Bec.
First quarter-peal of minor - Elizabeth Moore. First quarter-peal of minor as conductor

HARPOLE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Saturday 14 January, 2012 in 0h47 (12-1-12)
1296 Cambridge Surprise Minor
  1 Bridget Paul
  2 Jane Bloomfield
  3 Nicholas Elks
  4 Graham Paul (C)
  5 Barry Saunders
  6 Alan Paul
First of surprise inside 2

HARPOLE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Tuesday 20 December, 2011 in 0h40 (12-1-12)
1260 Doubles
(240 St Simon, 480 Plain, 540 Reverse Canterbury Pleasure.)
  1 Bridget Paul
  2 Jane Bloomfield
  3 Alan Cozens
  4 John Lindsay
  5 Graham Paul (C)
  6 Alan Paul
Rung to celebrate the birth on 15th December of Charlotte Elizabeth Borman, first child of Stephen and Nicola of Southampton. Nicola learnt to ring in this tower and her parents still live in the village.

HARPOLE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Saturday 19 November, 2011 in 0h50 (12-1-12)
1320 Cambridge Surprise Minor
  1 Bridget Paul
  2 Colin Brown
  3 Roger Fountain
  4 Andrew White
  5 Nicholas Elks
  6 Graham Paul (C)
4 First of Surprise.
Birthday good wishes to Nick Elks, 50 today, and Lynn Brown (Colin`s wife), 65 tomorrow.

HARPOLE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Sunday 30 October, 2011 in 0h47 (12-1-12)
1260 Doubles
(600 Reverse Canterbury Pleasure, 660 Plain Bob)
  1 Bridget Paul
  2 Jane Bloomfield
  3 Roger Fountain
  4 Nicholas Elks
  5 Graham Paul (C)
  6 Alan Paul
Rung before morning service to celebrate the Patronal Festival and the 50th birthday of Jane Bloomfield.

HARPOLE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Friday 23 September, 2011 in 0h45 (12-1-12)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
  1 Canon Peter Woodward
  2 Ian Calvert
  3 Robert Woodward
  4 Colin Anderson
  5 Graham Paul (C)
  6 Malcolm Taylor
A celebration of Canon Peter Woodward`s 50 years in the priesthood. The ringers of 2, 4 and 6 are from parishes in which he served, Weedon, Everdon and Brackley respectively.

HARPOLE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Monday 13 June, 2011 in 0h47 (12-1-12)
1320 Kent TB Minor
  1 Jane Bloomfield
  2 Bridget Paul
  3 Roger Fountain
  4 Graham Paul (C)
  5 Colin Brown
  6 Alan Paul
Celebrating the 90th birthday of HRH Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh.

HARPOLE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Friday 29 April, 2011 in 0h46 (12-1-12)
1260 Spliced Minor
(2 methods: 720 St Clements, 540 Plain Bob.)
  1 Jane Bloomfield
  2 Colin Brown
  3 Bridget Paul
  4 Nicholas Elks
  5 Graham Paul (C)
  6 Alan Paul
Celebrating the Marriage today of HRH Prince William of Wales, K.G. with Miss Catherine Middleton.

HARPOLE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Monday 28 March, 2011 in 0h47 (12-1-12)
1260 Doubles
(6m: 240 Reverse Canterbury Pleasure, St Nicholas, Winchendon Place, Plain Bob, 120 St Simon's, 180 St Martin's.)
  1 Graham Paul (C)
  2 Bridget Paul
  3 John Lindsay
  4 Nicholas Elks
  5 Nicholas Parsons
  6 Alan Paul
Remembering Douglas Bond, Rector of Harpole between 1995 and 2003, who died on 18th March 2011

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
HARPOLE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Monday 7 February, 2011 in 0h46 ()
1260 Minor (2m)
(St Clement's College Bob Minor Plain Bob Minor)
  1 Barbara Starmer
  2 Jill Harvey
  3 Jenny Ball
  4 Debbie Sampson
  5 Mike Harvey
  6 Colin Sampson (C)
Rung to celebrate the birth on 1 February 2011 of the first grandchild, Lucy Grace, of Colin & Debbie Sampson

South Northamptonshire Society
HARPOLE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Sunday 8 August, 2010 in 0h45 (12-1-12)
1296 Barham Delight Minor
  1 Jennie Higson
  2 Alan A Paul
  3 Barry E Saunders
  4 Graham C Paul
  5 John M Thurman (C)
  6 Andrew D Higson
Rung as a Ruby Wedding compliment to Graham and Bridget Paul, married in this Church on 8th August 1970.

HARPOLE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Wednesday 30 June, 2010 in 0h48 (12-1-12)
1260 Doubles
(240 each St Simon, St Martin, Plain Bob, Reverse Canterbury Pleasure, 300 Grandsire)
  1 Bridget Paul
  2 Graham Paul (C)
  3 Roger Fountain
  4 Nicholas Elks
  5 Michael Harvey
  6 Alan Paul
In thanksgiving for the life of Paul Briscoe, Church Warden here until recently, on the day of his funeral.

HARPOLE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Thursday 25 March, 2010 in 0h45 (12cwt)
1272 Minor
(720 Kent TB & 552 Plain Bob)
  1 Bridget Paul
  2 Jane Bloomfield
  3 Alan Paul
  4 Roger Fountain
  5 Graham Paul
  6 John Thurman (C)
Rung as a 70th birthday compliment to Pat Cowley, a local ringer, and also with good wishes to John Thurman, who has been a friend of Harpole bells and ringers for many years, before his imminent return to his roots in Yorkshire.

HARPOLE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Monday 16 November, 2009 in 0h48 (12-1-12)
1320 Cambridge Surprise Minor
  1 Alan Paul
  2 Bridget Paul
  3 Colin Brown
  4 Nick Elks
  5 Graham Paul (C)
  6 Colin Sampson
To celebrate the birth on 13th November of Charlotte Rebecca Higson, second daughter of Andrew and Jennie and second grandchild of Bridget and Graham Paul.

HARPOLE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Monday 2 November, 2009 in 0h47 (12-1-12)
1320 Cambridge Surprise Minor
  1 Bridget Paul
  2 Alan Paul
  3 Colin Brown
  4 Nick Elks
  5 Robin Hickmott
  6 Graham Paul (C)
First of Surprise: 4. Rung for the Feast of Title.

South Northamptonshire Society
HARPOLE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Monday 30 March, 2009 in 0h44 (12-1-12)
1272 Neasden Delight Minor
Comp: Traditional (720) and J S Warboys (552)
  1 Graham Paul
  2 Debbie Sampson
  3 Jenny Ball
  4 Bridget Paul
  5 Colin Sampson
  6 John Thurman (C)
Rung as a compliment to Paul Briscoe, retiring as Churchwarden after 20 years service.

HARPOLE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Wednesday 18 February, 2009 in 0h42 (12)
1272 Old Oxford Delight Minor
  1 Liz Griffith-Jones
  2 John Roberts
  3 Bill Griffith-Jones
  4 Ann Evans
  5 John Rank
  6 Adrian Malton (C)

South Northamptonshire Society
HARPOLE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Thursday 1 January, 2009 in 0h45 (12-1-12)
1272 Plain Bob Minor
  1 Liz Moore
  2 Bridget Paul
  3 Jane Bloomfield
  4 Alan A Paul
  5 Graham C Paul
  6 John M Thurman (C)
First quarter: 1.
First inside and first quarter for 30 years: 3.

HARPOLE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Wednesday 20 February, 2008 in 0h46 (12)
1320 Spliced Treble Bob Minor
(4m: Sandal, London Scholars Pleasure, Capel, Kingston)
  1 Alan Paul
  2 Debbie Sampson
  3 Jenny Ball
  4 Bridget Paul
  5 Graham Paul (C)
  6 Colin Sampson
To celebrate the christening at All Saints, Loughborough on 17th February of Grace Elizabeth Higson, grand-daughter of 4 and 5, great-niece of 1.

HARPOLE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Wednesday 30 May, 2007 in 0h47 ()
1320 Surprise Minor
(Beverley, Surfleet, Cambridge)
  1 Alan Paul
  2 Jenny Ball
  3 Debbie Sampson
  4 Bridget Paul
  5 John Lindsay
  6 Graham Paul (C)
To welcome Grace Elizabeth, daughter of Andrew Higson and Jennie Paul, first grandchild for Bridget and Graham Paul, born 28th May, and a belated 60th birthday compliment to Bridget Paul (May 9th).

HARPOLE, Nhants, All Saints
Saturday 31 March, 2007 in 0h47 (12cwt)
1320 Cambridge Surprise Minor
  1 Alan Paul
  2 Bridget Paul
  3 Robin Hickmott
  4 Roger Fountain
  5 Barry Saunders
  6 Graham Paul (C)
First Surprise Inside 3

South Northamptonshire Society
HARPOLE, Nhants, All Saints
Saturday 18 November, 2006 in 0h47 ()
1320 Cambridge Surprise Minor
  1 Robin Hickmott
  2 Colin Brown
  3 Bridget Paul
  4 Barry Saunders
  5 Graham Paul (C)
  6 Alan Paul
To say Goodbye to Colin Brown before his sabbatical to Perth.

South Northamptonshire Society
HARPOLE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Monday 2 January, 2006 in 0h44 (12)
1272 Surprise Minor
(720 Surfleet, 552 Beverley)
  1 Alan A Paul
  2 Jill Harvey
  3 Bridget Paul
  4 Michael R Harvey
  5 Graham C Paul
  6 John M Thurman (C)
60th Birthday compliment to Graham Paul.

South Northamptonshire Society
HARPOLE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Saturday 4 June, 2005 in 0h46 (12-1-12)
1320 Beverly and Surfleet Surprise Minor
  1 Bridget Paul
  2 Jennie Paul (C)
  3 Deborah Sampson
  4 Jenny Ball
  5 Colin Sampson
  6 Graham C Paul
To celebrate the 100th birthday of Miss Dorothy Starmer. Aunt of 1, Great Aunt of 2.

HARPOLE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Saturday 6 June, 1998 in 0h45 (12-1-12 in F#)
1260 Doubles
(240 each Winchendon, St Nicholas, St Martins, St Simons, Plain Bob and 60 Grandsire)
  1 Ben Sinclair
  2 Maureen Sinclair (100th QP)
  3 Geoff Pullin
  4 Carole Pullin
  5 Bob Sinclair (C)
  6 Sarah Pullin
Daventry Branch quarter peal day.

HARPOLE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Sunday 4 August, 1996 (12-1-12)
1260 Minor
  1 Nicola E Firminger
  2 Bridget Paul
  3 Jennie Paul
  4 Roger M J Fountain
  5 Graham C Paul
  6 R Owen Battye
First quarter: 1
For Evensong (no C given).
Ringing world: 4453.0885

HARPOLE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Wednesday 17 April, 1996 (12-1-12)
1260 Plain Bob Minor
  1 Deborah Sampson
  2 Raymond Vickers
  3 John M Thurman
  4 R Owen Battye
  5 Mark Reynolds (C)
  6 Jennie Paul
Ringing world: 4440.571

HARPOLE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Saturday 5 September, 1992 (12-1-12 in F#)
1260 Doubles (3m)
  1 Graham Paul
  2 Pat Cowley
  3 Jennie Paul (C)
  4 Paul Cowley
  5 Alan Paul
6/9 Daventry QP Week.

HARPOLE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Thursday 7 August, 1980 in 0h40 (12-1-12 in F#)
1260 Grandsire Doubles
  1 Stephen Bryant
  2 John Martin
  3 Nicholas Doyle
  4 Michael J de C Henshaw
  5 Adrian Malton (C)

HARPOLE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Thursday 8 September, 1955 (12-1-12 in F#)
1320 St Giles Doubles
  1 E Barrett
  2 K Rogers
  3 J Webb
  4 G Roome (C)
  5 P Amos
Believed to be the first quarter of St. Giles` Doubles ever rung.
Rung also on the eve of the 52nd wedding anniversary of the Rev. and Mrs. R. B. Disney.