TWYWELL, Northamptonshire, St Nicholas
Thursday 23 November, 2023 in 0h42 (6-3-23 in B)
1272 Primrose Surprise Minor
1 Pam M Bailey
2 Andrew Gunstone
3 Steve Millington
4 Alistair Donaldson
5 Thomas Coulter-Brophy
6 Simon J Dixon (C)
Ely Diocesan Association
TWYWELL, Northamptonshire, St Nicholas
Sunday 17 June, 2018 (6-3-23 in B)
1320 Spliced Surprise Minor (4m)
(720 Lightfoot, Wearmouth 600 Rossendale, Stamford )
1 Philip Bailey
2 Marion Robinson
3 Vanessa E Webster
4 Sue Binns
5 Janet Garnett
6 Edith Robinson (C)
For the Twywell Festival
TWYWELL, Northamptonshire
Friday 10 November, 2017 ()
1260 Minor
(Cambridge and Plain Bob )
1 Diane Buckby
2 Hilary Aslett
3 Chris Jenkins
4 Ted Buckby
5 Frank Jenkins
6 Ian Hayden (C)
Rung to mark the centenary of the death of Cpl Philip Hector Knight Australian Imperial Forces on the final day of the Battle of Passchendaele. His parents were living in Twywell at the time. Uncle of Hilary
TWYWELL, Northamptonshire, St Nicholas
Friday 20 November, 2015 in 0h41 (6-3-23 in B)
1272 Westminster Surprise Minor
1 Bjørn E Bradstock
2 Ian K Bushell
3 Ann Evans
4 Claire C Nicholson
5 Richard Sales
6 Simon D G Webb (C)
TWYWELL, Northamptonshire, St Nicholas
Monday 28 September, 2009 (6-3-23 in B)
1260 Grandsire Doubles
1 Catherine Moore
2 Judy Bourne
3 Mark Harris
4 Philip Vracas
5 Alec Gray (C)
6 Margaret Peirce
TWYWELL, Northamptonshire, St Nicholas
Saturday 2 December, 1995 (6-3-23 in B)
1296 London Surprise Minor
1 Grahame Groves
2 Frances Mulvey
3 Carole Hurst
4 Andrew Wood
5 Michael Mulvey
6 Tom Hinton (C)
5, 6. 1st London
(One of two quarters rung at Twywell that day after a lockout elsewhere).
TWYWELL, Northamptonshire, St Nicholas
Saturday 2 December, 1995 (6-3-23 in B)
1305 Doubles (11m/v)
1 Ben Gooch
2 Frances Mulvey
3 Michael Mulvey
4 Tom Hinton
5 Andrew Wood (C)
TWYWELL, Northamptonshire, St Nicholas
Saturday 8 January, 1994 in 0h43 (6-3-23 in B)
1296 Single Oxford Bob Minor
1 Adrian Malton (C)
2 Kenneth Crozier
3 Jeni Dodds
4 Rowena Marshall
5 Roger Butt
6 Angus Dodds
First in method - 2
Peterborough Diocesan Guild
TWYWELL, Northamptonshire, St Nicholas
Tuesday 28 December, 1993 (6-3-23 in B)
1272 Hexham Surprise Minor
1 Brian C Bunting
2 Andrew P Warboys
3 Revd Richard B Dorrington
4 Matthew A Walker
5 Anthony D Walker
6 Peter J Waterfield (C)
TWYWELL, Northamptonshire, St Nicholas
Monday 31 August, 1992 (6-3-23 in B)
1274 York Surprise Minor
1 Philip H Reynolds
2 Andrew P Warboys (C)
3 Matthew A Walker
4 Brian C Bunting
5 Peter C Warboys
6 Anthony D Walker
First in method: 3
Oxford Diocesan Guild
TWYWELL, Northamptonshire, St Nicholas
Sunday 22 January, 1989 in 0h39 (6-3-23 in B)
1260 Double Oxford Bob Minor
1 Lindsey C Cutler
2 Sarah E Perrett
3 Donald B Carter (C)
4 Sally A Franklin
5 John G Harwood
6 Brian J Curtis
First in the method - 2 & 5
Peterborough Diocesan Guild
TWYWELL, Northamptonshire, St Nicholas
Thursday 11 August, 1977 in 0h44 (6-3-23 in B)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Jane Jolliefe
2 Paul M Mason
3 John H Holmes
4 Margaret Chamberlain
5 Christopher J Idle (C)
6 Michael Hurst
Rung half muffled in memory of V O Stapleton
Peterborough Diocesan Guild
TWYWELL, Northamptonshire, St Nicholas
Monday 8 August, 1977 in 0h44 (6-3-23 in B)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Jane Jolliefe
2 Paul M Mason
3 Trevor Bonham
4 Margaret Chamberlain
5 Christopher J Idle (C)
6 Michael Hurst
Rung half muffled in memory of V O Stapleton
Peterborough Diocesan Guild
TWYWELL, Northamptonshire, St Nicholas
Tuesday 7 June, 1977 (6-3-23 in B)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Sharon Lee
2 Laurence G Stapleton
3 Arthur H Idle
4 Margaret Chamberlain
5 Paul M Mason
6 Christopher J Idle (C)
Rung to celebrate Her Majesty The Queen`s Silver Jubilee
Peterborough Diocesan Guild
TWYWELL, Northamptonshire, St Nicholas
Sunday 1 August, 1976 (6-3-23 in B)
1260 Doubles and Minor (2m)
(720 Plain Bob Minor, 540 Grandsire Doubles)
1 Paul M Mason
2 Christopher J Idle (Joint C)
3 Margaret S Bull (Joint C)
4 Alan Bull
5 Trevor Bonham
6 Laurence G Stapleton
10th birthday compliment to treble ringer
Peterborough Diocesan Guild
TWYWELL, Northamptonshire, St Nicholas
Monday 4 February, 1974 (6-3-23 in B)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Miss L Barton
2 Vesta K Headland
3 Christopher J Idle
4 Laurence G Stapleton
5 Sally K Diamond (C)
Peterborough Diocesan Guild
TWYWELL, Northamptonshire, St Nicholas
Saturday 6 January, 1973 in 0h40 (6-3-23 in B)
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1 Clive George
2 Christopher J Idle
3 Paul J Loxton
4 J Russell Charlton
5 David Clarke
6 W John Riley (C)
1st inside: 2 and 5
TWYWELL, Northamptonshire, St Nicholas
Saturday 10 February, 1962 (6-3-23)
1260 Doubles
(St Martins, Plain Bob & St Simons)
1 Murray A Coleman
2 Frank Coles
3 Chris L Bell
4 Peter M Fleckney
5 Harold S Peacock (C)
Rung after attempt for a peal of Stedman Doubles
TWYWELL, Northamptonshire, St Nicholas
Monday 25 April, 1955 (6-3-23 in B)
1320 Southrepps Pleasure Bob Doubles
1 H Willis
2 C H Newell
3 L G Berridge
4 D W James (C)
5 F E Crosier
First quarter by present local band of Cranford St. John.
Birthday compliments to 3 and 5 and the niece of 1.
Also rung to celebrate the birth of a grandchild to 2, Cranford St. John tower captain.
First of Doubles - 1, 5.
First quarter - 2.