Peterborough Diocesan Guild
CREATON, Northamptonshire, St Michael and All Angels
Saturday 20 April, 2024 in 2h45 (7-2-0 in A)
5040 Uplands Treble Place Minor
arranged Paul M Mason (No.250)
  1 Murray A Coleman
  2 Lewis D Benfield
  3 Paul F Curtis
  4 Julie A Tarling
  5 R Owen Battye
  6 Paul M Mason (C)
Rung on the annual Northamptonshire Peal Week.
A Peterborough DG centenary peal.
First peal in the method.
Uplands Treble Place Minor:
f -34-16-56-16-1256-56 lh12
Ringing World page ref: 5902.0518

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
CREATON, Northamptonshire, St Michael and All Angels
Wednesday 21 June, 2023 in 2h39 (7½ in A)
5040 Surprise Minor (7m)
(7m: 1 extent each Alnwick, Newcastle, Wells, Chester, Carlisle, Northumberland, Ipswich.)
  1 Lewis D Benfield
  2 Julie A Tarling
  3 Michael J Dew
  4 Nicholas R Wilson
  5 Paul M Mason
  6 Richard I Allton (C)
Circled tower: 5.
200th together: 4 & 5.
Ringing World page ref: 5856.0724

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
GREAT CREATON, Northamptonshire, St Michael and All Angels
Wednesday 9 February, 2022 in 2h40 (7-2-0 in A)
5040 Surprise Minor (7m)
(1 extent each Bourne, Hull, Ipswich, Norfolk, Cambridge, Primrose, Norwich; 7 callings)
  1 Robert M Wood
  2 Nicholas R Wilson
  3 Helena M Thorpe
  4 Paul M Mason (C)
  5 Alistair M Donaldson
  6 James F Thorpe
Ringing World page ref: 5784.0209

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
CREATON, Northamptonshire, St Michael and All Angels
Thursday 24 May, 2018 in 2h30 (7½ in A)
5040 Spliced Surprise Minor
(14m: 7 extents 1 London, Wells; 2 Westminster, Allendale; 3 Norfolk, Ipswich; 4 Hexham, Berwick; 5 York, Durham; 6 Beverley, Surfleet; 7 Cambridge, Primrose.)
  1 Celia J K Stanworth
  2 Stephanie J Warboys
  3 Paul M Mason
  4 A John Stanworth
  5 Paul McNutt
  6 Richard I Allton (C)
Ringing World page ref: 5590.0574

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
GREAT CREATON, Northamptonshire, St Michael and All Angels
Friday 11 July, 2003 in 2h32 (7-2-0 in A)
5040 Spliced Minor (12m)
(1 Creaton A, Little B; 2 Deene A, Little B; 3 York Colleges Guild A, Little B; 4 Bourne S, Caithness S; 5 York S, Durham S; 6 Cambridge S, Ipswich S; 7 Beverley S, Surfleet S)
  1 William H Hulme
  2 M J 'Bill' Blowfield
  3 Victoria Samson
  4 Michael D Fiander
  5 Richard C L Brown
  6 Paul M Mason (C)
Creaton Alliance Minor:
f -4-23.2.345.2.5 lh12
Deene Alliance Minor:
f -4-23-345-5 lh12
York Colleges Guild Alliance Minor:
f -4-3-345-5 lh12
Ringing World page ref: 4814.0733

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
GREAT CREATON, Northamptonshire, St Michael and All Angels
Friday 22 February, 2002 in 2h28 (7-2-0 in A)
5040 Great Creaton Surprise Minor
(7 different extents)
  1 William H Hulme
  2 Paul M Mason (C)
  3 Richard C L Brown
  4 Victoria Samson
  5 M J 'Bill' Blowfield
  6 Michael D Fiander
200th peal for the Guild: 4.
First peal in the method.
Great Creaton Surprise Minor:
f -34-4-2-23.4-34.5 lh12
Ringing World page ref: 4742.0267

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
GREAT CREATON, Northamptonshire, St Michael and All Angels
Friday 22 December, 2000 in 2h27 (7-2-0 in A)
5040 Kilifi Surprise Minor
Comp: Roger Bailey (No.1)
  1 Paul M Mason (C)
  2 Michael D Fiander
  3 Victoria Samson
  4 Barry R Care
  5 Denis G Pearson
  6 Nicholas A Churchman
First peal in the method.
Kilifi Surprise Minor:
e -3-4.5-2.3.4-2.1 lh12 (TDMM 50361)
Ringing World page ref: 4683.0089

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
CREATON, Northamptonshire, St Michael and All Angels
Saturday 28 May, 1949 in 2h50 (7½ in A)
5040 Grandsire Doubles
(42 extents, 10 callings)
  1 L George Wykes
  2 Percy Amos
  3 C William Brown
  4 Arthur Millward
  5 Ernest G Orland (C)
First peal - 1. First peal as conductor. First peal on the bells since 1926.