Peterborough Diocesan Guild
MEARS ASHBY, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Wednesday 19 July, 2023 in 2h55 (11-3-2 in G)
5040 Spliced Surprise Minor (23m)
(7 extents: 1 Carlisle, Munden, Chester; 2 London, Wells, Cunecastre; 3 Bamborough, Bacup; 4 Westminster, Allendale; 5 Annable's London, Rossendale; 6 Durham, Beverley, Berwick, Surfleet, Hexham; 7 Cambridge, Primrose, Ipswich, Norfolk, Bourne, Hull.)
  1 Julie A Tarling
  2 Helena M Thorpe
  3 Simon J Dixon
  4 Paul M Mason
  5 James F Thorpe
  6 Richard I Allton (C)
Most methods: 2.
Ringing World page ref: 5859.0790

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
MEARS ASHBY, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Thursday 27 January, 2022 in 2h59 (11-3-2 in G)
5040 Spliced Surprise Minor (41m)
(1-3 Carlisle, Sandiacre, Wooler, Northumberland, Whitley, Newcastle, Morpeth, Chester, Alnwick, Canterbury, Munden, London, Kelso, Lincoln, Coldstream, Cunecastre, Wells; 4-7 Norwich, Bamborough, Westminster, Allendale, Wearmouth, Netherseale, Lightfoot, Warkworth, Stamford, Annable's London, Bacup, Rossendale, Cambridge, Ipswich, Bourne, Durham, York, Beverley, Primrose, Hull, Berwick, Norfolk, Hexham, Surfleet)
Comp: John S Warboys (SU0308 & SU0403)
  1 Robert M Wood
  2 Paul M Mason
  3 Nicholas R Wilson
  4 Paul McNutt
  5 Alistair M Donaldson
  6 Richard I Allton (C)
First 41-Spliced: 5.
Ringing World page ref: 5783.0182

Leicester Diocesan Guild
MEARS ASHBY, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Thursday 21 October, 2021 in 3h14 (11-3-2 in G)
5760 Spliced Treble Dodging Minor (147m)
(147m: Balmoral, Barham, Beeston, Belvoir, Berkeley, Bogedone, Bucknall, Caernarvon, Cambridge, Carisbrooke, Castleton, Chelsea, Chepstow, Conisborough, Conway, Coventry, Disley, Donottar, Dover, Dunedin, Edinburgh, Ely, Evening Star, Fotheringay, Francis Genius, Kentish, Knutsford, Leasowe, Ludlow, Melandra, Oswald, Pembroke, Pevensey, Peveril, Pontefract, Richborough, Rostherne, Skipton, Stirling, Warwick, Wath, Wilmslow Thirds Place Delight; Abbeyville, Bedford, Braintree, Burnaby, Burslem, Canterbury, Charlwood, Clarence, College Bob IV, Combermere, Crowland, Elston, Evesham, Fountains, Glastonbury, Humber, Kirkstall, London Victory, Marple, Melrose, Merton, Neasden, Newdigate, Old Oxford, Sherborne, Southwark, St Albans, St Werburgh, Taxal, Tewkesbury, Tintern, Vale Royal, Waltham, Willesden, Wragby Fourths Place Delight; Allendale, Alnwick, Annable's London, Bacup, Bamborough, Berwick, Beverley, Bourne, Cambridge, Canterbury, Carlisle, Chester, Coldstream, Cunecastre, Durham, Hexham, Hull, Ipswich, Kelso, Lightfoot, Lincoln, London, Morpeth, Munden, Netherseale, Newcastle, Norfolk, Northumberland, Norwich, Primrose, Rossendale, Sandiacre, Stamford, Surfleet, Warkworth, Wearmouth, Wells, Westminster, Whitley, Wooler, York Surprise; Berwyn, British Scholars’ Pleasure, Burton, Capel, Chadkirk, Cheviot, Chiltern, College Exercise, Cotswold, Duke of Norfolk, Kent, Killamarsh, Kingston, London Scholars’ Pleasure, Mendip, Morning Star, Nelson, Norbury, Norton-le-Moors, Ockley, Oxford, Pennine, Quantock, Rochester, Sandal, Snowdon, Trinity Sunday, Waterford, Woodcock’s Victory Treble Bob)
Comp: John S Warboys (TD0801)
  1 Michael Angrave
  2 Stephanie J Warboys
  3 Luke G Groom
  4 Richard I Allton
  5 Peter G C Ellis
  6 John S Warboys (C)
Ringing World page ref: 5768.1035

Trent Valley Association
MEARS ASHBY, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Saturday 7 April, 2018 in 2h51 (11-3-2 in G)
5040 Spliced Surprise Minor (41m)
(1-3 Carlisle, Northumberland, Whitley, Sandiacre, Wooler, Newcastle, Morpeth, Alnwick, Canterbury, Chester, Munden, London, Kelso, Lincoln, Coldstream, Cunecastre, Wells 4-7 Cambridge, Primrose, Ipswich, Norfolk, Bourne, Hull, York, Durham, Beverley, Berwick, Surfleet, Hexham, Norwich, Warkworth, Netherseale, Annable's London, Lightfoot, Rossendale, Wearmouth, Stamford, Westminster, Allendale, Bamborough, Bacup.)
Comp: J S Warboys (SU0308, SU0403)
  1 Ruth Curtis
  2 Susan E Marshall
  3 Paul M Mason
  4 Paul F Curtis
  5 Peter G C Ellis (C)
  6 Andrew C Ogden
Compliment to Rev Katrina Hutchins, inducted as vicar of Mears Ashby, Hardwick, Sywell and Overstone on 11th March 2018.
Ringing World page ref: 5583.0404

Bedfordshire Association
MEARS ASHBY, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Monday 20 June, 2011 in 2h49 (11¾)
5040 Spliced Surprise Minor
(29m: 480 Warkworth, 360 Carlisle, Lightfoot, 240 Allendale, Cambridge, Ipswich, Northumberland, Westminster, Wooler, 120 Annables London, Bacup, Bamborough, Berwick, Beverley, Chester, Durham, Hexham, Morpeth, Netherseale, Newcastle, Norfolk, Primrose, Rossendale, Sandiacre, Stamford, Surfleet, Wearmouth, Whitley, York, with 85 changes of method, all the work)
Comp: John S Warboys (SU0307 & SU0401)
  1 Rosemary H Buckle
  2 Martin J Whiteley
  3 Margaret Whiteley
  4 Paul M Mason
  5 Richard I Allton (C)
  6 Frank W Rivett
A compliment to Clifford Izzard of Kempston on the occasion of his 80th birthday.
Ringing World page ref: 5229.0725

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
MEARS ASHBY, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Saturday 23 January, 2010 in 2h57 (11)
5040 Treble Dodging Minor (13m)
(13m: 1 Mears Ashby D; 2 Wearmouth S; 3 Berwick, Hexham S; 4 Westminster, Fryerning, Allendale S; 5 Bourne, Caithness S; 6 Beverley, Surfleet S; 7 Cambridge, Ipswich S; 7 callings)
  1 Michael D Fiander
  2 Victoria Samson
  3 M J 'Bill' Blowfield
  4 Nicholas A Churchman
  5 Paul M Mason (C)
  6 Michael J Dew
Mears Ashby Delight Minor:
m -34-4.2-2.1-34-3 lh16 (TDMM 2660)
Ringing World page ref: 5155.0148

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
MEARS ASHBY, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Saturday 1 February, 2003 in 2h58 (12)
5040 Mears Ashby Hybrid Minor
(7 different extents)
  1 Sally A Mason
  2 Paul M Mason (C)
  3 Victoria Samson
  4 Emma J Southerington
  5 Michael D Fiander
  6 Nicholas A Churchman
First peal in the method.
Mears Ashby Hybrid Minor:
f 34-3.1-2-3-2.234-234.25-3-2-1.3-34.2
Ringing World page ref: 4791.0177

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
MEARS ASHBY, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Thursday 26 March, 1998 in 3h1 (11-3-2 in G)
5040 Minor (4m)
(1 Cambridge S; 2,6 Double Oxford B; 3,5,7 Plain B; 4 St Clement's CB; 7 callings)
  1 Anthony D Sansom
  2 Victoria Samson
  3 Timothy F W Samson
  4 Bob Whitworth
  5 Murray A Coleman
  6 Paul M Mason (C)
50th peal of Minor: 6.
50th peal together: 5 & 6.
Ringing World page ref: 4540.0439

MEARS ASHBY, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Friday 28 February, 1997 in 2h55 (11-3-2 in G)
5040 Cambridge Surprise Minor
(Two different 2160s and one 720)
  1 Rex Line
  2 Pamela M Bailey
  3 Jack Hadley
  4 Alan Bull
  5 Bob Whitworth
  6 Robert Dennis (C)
Rung in memory of William (Bill) G Callis, tower captain of Mears Ashby for 55 years until his death the previous week, aged 81
Ringing World page ref: 4483.0317

Oxford Diocesan Guild
MEARS ASHBY, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Monday 2 January, 1995 in 2h46 (11-3-2 in G)
5040 Spliced Surprise Minor (14m)
(1 London, Wells 2 Berwick, Hexham 3 Lightfoot, Wearmouth 4 Chester, Munden 5 Westminster, Allendale 6 York, Durham 7 Cambridge, Ipswich)
  1 Michael D Fiander
  2 Nicola J Crichton
  3 Robert J Crocker
  4 Michael J Stone
  5 Peter G C Ellis (C)
  6 Colin M Turner
100th Northamptonshire tower for a peal: 5,6
Ringing World page ref: 4375.0224

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
MEARS ASHBY, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Saturday 5 January, 1985 in 2h46 (11-3-2 in G)
5040 Plain Bob Minor
  1 Philip J Ellis
  2 Simon J Dixon
  3 Jack Hadley
  4 David J Garton
  5 Peter W H Barker
  6 Mike Pidd (C)
First on the bells since being rehung in November 1984.
Ringing World page ref: 3850.0134

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
MEARS ASHBY, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Saturday 11 December, 1982 in 2h42 (11-3-2 in G)
5040 Plain Bob Minor
  1 Mike Pidd
  2 Diane E Craddock
  3 Jayne M Spencer
  4 Janet E Wilkins
  5 Rex Line
  6 John H Holmes (C)
First peal: 4. First Minor: 2, 3. First as conductor. To mark 50 years` ringing by Mr and Mrs W G Callis (tower captain).

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
MEARS ASHBY, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Friday 7 May, 1982 in 2h54 (11-3-2 in G)
5040 Plain Bob Minor
  1 William H Hulme
  2 Andrea J Core
  3 Philip J Ellis
  4 Peter W H Barker
  5 David J Garton
  6 Peter M Fleckney (C)
First Minor inside: 3
Ringing World page ref: 3711.0489

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
MEARS ASHBY, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Saturday 7 August, 1971 in 2h50 (11-3-2 in G)
5040 Minor (7m)
(Methods in order: Double Court, Cambridge, Oxford, Kent, Double Oxford, St Clements and Plain Bob)
  1 Diane Osborne
  2 Diane Vickers
  3 Brenda M Dixon
  4 Edward C Buckby
  5 Alan J Marks
  6 Murray A Coleman (C)
First peal: 1,2
A 21st birthday compliment to Diane Vickers
Ringing World page ref: 3149.0768

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
MEARS ASHBY, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Saturday 11 June, 1960 in 2h44 (11-3-2 in G)
5040 Grandsire Minor
(Being seven extents)
  1 George F Roome
  2 Percy Amos
  3 Victor A Perry
  4 Timothy A Wooding
  5 John W Hall
  6 Allan R Jones (C)
First in the method: 3,4,5 & 6
25th peal together: 1 & 6
Rung as a welcome to the Rev. R Rutter as Vicar of this Parish
Ringing World page ref: 2567.0444

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
MEARS ASHBY, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Tuesday 3 June, 1958 in 2h53 (11-3-2 in G)
5040 Minor (3m)
(Being two extents Cambridge Surprise, two extents St. Clement's, three extents Plain Bob)
  1 Raymond Henman
  2 Allan R Jones
  3 Robert S Roberts
  4 Arthur J Henman
  5 Michael R Bennett
  6 Robin V Baker (C)
First of Minor: 1,4
Rung as a birthday compliment to Michael R Bennett
Ringing World page ref: 2464.0397

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
MEARS ASHBY, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Saturday 14 November, 1953 in 2h58 (11-3-2 in G)
5040 Plain Bob Minor
(Seven different callings)
  1 Eric Chapman
  2 Maureen Mabbutt
  3 Harry Wooding
  4 John King
  5 Malcolm King
  6 Robert G Turner (C)
First peal: 1
First peal on tower bells: 5
Rung in honour of the birthday of H.R.H. Prince Charles
Ringing World page ref: 2226.0770

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
MEARS ASHBY, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Tuesday 4 September, 1951 in 2h55 (11-3-2 in G)
5040 Minor (2m)
(Comprising three 720s of Kent Treble Bob and four 720s of Plain Bob)
  1 Ernest Morris (C)
  2 George F Roome
  3 Albert E Goodman
  4 Ronald Russell
  5 Percy Amos
  6 Harry Wooding
First peal: 3
Specially rung to mark the 250th anniversary of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel. Also a birthday compliment to Mrs H Wooding
Ringing World page ref: 2112.0598

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
MEARS ASHBY, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Saturday 3 June, 1950 in 3h2 (11-3-2 in G)
5040 Plain Bob Minor
(Being seven different callings)
  1 Joshua J Partridge
  2 Jack Mallows
  3 Edward Smart
  4 William Griggs
  5 Fred Holly
  6 George Care (C)
First peal: 2,5
First of Minor: 3,4
A birthday compliment to Mr H Gayton and Mr J J Partridge
Ringing World page ref: 2046.0388

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
MEARS ASHBY, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Thursday 16 February, 1950 in 2h53 (11-3-2 in G)
5040 Plain Bob Minor
(Being seven different extents)
  1 Brian Mabbutt
  2 Maureen Mabbutt
  3 G E Watson
  4 William G Callis
  5 John King
  6 Geoffrey E Watson (C)
First peal: 1
First of minor inside: 2
A birthday compliment to ringers of treble and second
Ringing World page ref: 2031.0150

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
MEARS ASHBY, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Thursday 12 August, 1948 in 2h40 (11-3-2 in G)
5040 Plain Bob Minor
(Seven different callings)
  1 Maureen Mabbutt
  2 Ronald C Noon
  3 Charles W Partridge
  4 G E Watson
  5 Patrick I Chapman
  6 Geoffrey E Watson (C)
First of Minor: 1,3
Ringing World page ref: 1954.0392

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
MEARS ASHBY, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Saturday 10 April, 1948 in 2h55 (11-3-2 in G)
5040 Doubles (4m)
(Being two six-scores of Stedman, 10 of April Day, 10 of Plain Bob and 20 of Grandsire)
  1 Maureen Mabbutt
  2 Betty Callis
  3 George Care
  4 William G Callis
  5 Ronald C Noon (C)
  6 Charles W Partridge
First peal: 1,2
Ringing World page ref: 1934.0181

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
MEARS ASHBY, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Saturday 13 March, 1948 in 2h52 (11-3-2 in G)
5040 Cambridge Surprise Minor
(Rev E Bankes James' Arrangement)
  1 William G Callis
  2 John King
  3 Enid Walklate
  4 Ronald C Noon
  5 Geoffrey E Watson
  6 George Care (C)
First of Surprise: 1,3,5,6
First of Surprise minor: 4
Ringing World page ref: 1931.0145

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
MEARS ASHBY, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Saturday 13 September, 1947 in 2h45 (11-3-2 in G)
5040 Minor (2m)
(Consisting of two different extents of St. Clement's and five different extents of Plain Bob)
  1 Edward G Bennett
  2 Enid Walklate
  3 Stanley M Ruddlesden
  4 Geoffrey E Watson
  5 William R Hammons
  6 Eric Nobles (C)
First peal: 1
First of Minor inside: 4
Ringing World page ref: 1904.0472

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
MEARS ASHBY, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Saturday 28 January, 1939 in 3h2 (11-3-2 in G)
5040 Plain Bob Minor
(Seven different extents)
  1 Arthur Reader
  2 Bernard J Saddington
  3 William G Callis
  4 Geoffrey E Watson
  5 Christopher G Hendry
  6 Sidney G Munton (C)
First peal: 1,3
Rung as a compliment to Mr and Mrs R Coleman of Kettering, whose infant son, Graham Alfred, was baptised at All Saints`, Pytchley, on the previous Sunday
Ringing World page ref: 1455.0085

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
MEARS ASHBY, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Thursday 27 September, 1934 in 2h58 (11-3-2 in G)
5040 Minor (4m)
(Being 720 of Cambridge Surprise, two 720s each of Kent and Oxford Treble Bob and Plain Bob)
  1 Bevys V Dobson
  2 Evelyn Steel
  3 Walter Perkins
  4 Francis Ball
  5 Charles W Clarke (C)
  6 Harry Chambers
First Minor inside: 6
First peal at first attempt: 1
Rung to celebrate the 21st birthday of Miss B V Dobson
Ringing World page ref: 1228.0629

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
MEARS ASHBY, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Thursday 11 August, 1932 in 2h57 (11-3-2 in G)
5040 Plain Bob Minor
(Seven different extents)
  1 Walter Perkins
  2 John J Mawby
  3 Francis Ball
  4 Amos Smart
  5 John M Gray
  6 Roger D St J Smith (C)
First as conductor
Ringing World page ref: 1117.0545

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
MEARS ASHBY, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Thursday 10 September, 1931 in 3h0 (11-3-2 in G)
5040 Surprise Minor (7m)
(Being 720 each of London, Wells, York, Durham, Lancaster, Stamford and Cambridge)
  1 Albert E Ball
  2 Francis Ball
  3 Evelyn Steel
  4 Charles W Clarke
  5 Amos Smart
  6 Walter Perkins (C)
First peal in seven Surprise methods on the bells
Ringing World page ref: 1069.0602

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
MEARS ASHBY, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Saturday 1 February, 1930 in 2h55 (11-3-2 in G)
5040 Plain Bob Minor
(Comprising seven different 720s)
  1 Henry Wilkins
  2 Harry Marlow
  3 George Parker
  4 Bertie O Soden
  5 Harry England
  6 Tom Tebbutt (C)
First peal on six bells: 1
First peal of Minor on a bob bell: 5
Ringing World page ref: 985..0005

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
MEARS ASHBY, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Saturday 18 May, 1929 in 3h1 (11-3-2 in G)
5040 Minor (7m)
(Being 720 each of London and Cambridge Surprise, Woodbine, Oxford and Kent Treble Bob, Oxford Bob and Plain Bob)
  1 Frank Kirk
  2 Walter Perkins
  3 George Basford
  4 Henry W Gayton (C)
  5 Amos Smart
  6 William Stock
Ringing World page ref: 950..0057

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
MEARS ASHBY, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Saturday 11 February, 1928 in 3h0 (11-3-2 in G)
5040 Minor (7m)
(Being 720 each of Cambridge Surprise, Woodbine, Kent and Oxford Treble Bob, Double Oxford, Oxford Bob and Plain Bob)
  1 Joseph Sharp
  2 Henry W Gayton (C)
  3 William Sharp
  4 Amos Smart
  5 James Hudson
  6 William Stock
Ringing World page ref: 882..0001

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
MEARS ASHBY, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Saturday 30 October, 1926 in 2h58 (11-3-2 in G)
5040 Cambridge Surprise Minor
(Rev E Bankes James' Arrangement)
  1 Thomas J H Wise
  2 Bertie O Soden
  3 Walter T Wilson
  4 Thomas Law
  5 Robert G Black
  6 Tom Tebbutt (C)
First peal of Cambridge Surprise Minor: 1,4
Rung on the occasion of the Rev J P Frend (late president of the Northampton Branch) being made an honorary canon of the diocese
Ringing World page ref: 816..0009

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
MEARS ASHBY, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Saturday 25 September, 1926 in 3h2 (11-3-2 in G)
5040 Cambridge Surprise Minor
(Rev E Bankes James' Arrangement)
  2 George Basford
  3 John King
  4 John R Main
  5 George Lines
  6 Walter Perkins (C)
First of Minor: 1
First peal of Surprise Minor and 70th peal: 5
Rung for the harvest festival. It is twenty years since the treble ringer rang his last peal
Ringing World page ref: 811..0029

Central Northamptonshire Association
MEARS ASHBY, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Friday 26 December, 1919 in 2h53 (11-3-2 in G)
5040 Minor (7m)
(Being 720 each of Woodbine, Oxford and Kent Treble Bob, Double Oxford Bob, Double Court, Oxford Bob and Plain Bob)
  1 Alfred Knight
  2 Daniel Redhead
  3 Leonard J Wyman
  4 George Basford
  5 Harry Meadows
  6 Reginald C Loveday (C)
Ringing World page ref: 464..0004

Central Northamptonshire Association
MEARS ASHBY, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Saturday 11 July, 1914 in 2h53 (11-3-2 in G)
5040 Minor (7m)
(Comprising 720 each of Court Bob, Oxford Treble Bob, Kent Treble Bob, Double Oxford Bob, Double Court Bob, Oxford Bob and Plain Bob)
  1 Rex T Buswell
  2 George S Valentine
  3 Matthias Hobbs
  4 George A Blaxley
  5 Walter T Wilson
  6 E Maurice Atkins (C)
First peal attempt: 2
Rung as a birthday compliment to the conductor
Ringing World page ref: 174..0006

Central Northamptonshire Association
MEARS ASHBY, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Saturday 6 September, 1913 in 2h51 (11-3-2 in G)
5040 Minor (7m)
(Being 720 each of Woodbine, Kent and Oxford Treble Bob, Double Oxford, Double Court, Oxford Bob and Plain Bob)
  1 Arthur Chapman
  2 Henry W Gayton
  3 Walter Perkins
  4 Evelyn Steel
  5 Alfred H Martin
  6 Charles W Clarke (C)
First peal on the bells
Ringing World page ref: 130..0069