Peterborough Diocesan Guild
CHURCH BRAMPTON, Northamptonshire, St Botolph
Sunday 5 February, 2023 in 2h45 (9-1-2 in G)
5040 Doubles (23m)
(480 Church Brampton B; 2 extents each Hertfordshire B, Lancashire B, Herefordshire B, Nottinghamshire B, St Simon's B, St Martin's B, St Osmund B, Eynesbury B, St Nicholas B, Winchendon P, St Remigius B, Huntley P, Westminster II B, Blackburn P, St Hilary B, Dragon P; 1 extent each New B, Huntspill B, St Vedast B, Blaisdon B, Reverse Canterbury Pleasure P, Plain B)
arranged Paul M Mason (480)
  1 Robert M Wood
  2 Nicholas R Wilson
  3 Simon J Dixon
  4 Paul M Mason (C)
  5 Richard I Allton
Circled the tower as conductor.
Rung remembering Robert B Smith.
Ringing World page ref: 5854.0690

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
CHURCH BRAMPTON, Northamptonshire, St Botolph
Sunday 2 January, 2022 in 2h53 (9-1-2 in G)
5040 Fawsley Bob Doubles
Comp: Paul M Mason (No.263)
  1 Alistair M Donaldson
  2 Nicholas A Churchman
  3 Nicholas R Wilson
  4 Richard I Allton
  5 Paul M Mason (C)
First peal in the method.
Ringing World page ref: 5778.0061

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
CHURCH BRAMPTON, Northamptonshire, St Botolph
Saturday 16 December, 2006 in 2h54 (9)
5040 Doubles (16m)
(16m: 240 each Harlestone P, Great Brington P; 3 extents each St Simon's B, St Martin's B, St Osmund B, Eynesbury B; 2 extents each St Nicholas B, Winchendon P, St Remigius B, Huntley P; 3 extents each Westminster II B, Blackburn P, New B, Huntspill B, Shipway P, Plain B)
  1 Paul M Mason (C)
  2 Michael D Fiander
  3 Nicholas A Churchman
  4 Victoria Samson
  5 Michael J Dew
Rung for the Carol Service.
Harlestone Place Doubles:
r (cc 892)
Great Brington Place Doubles:
r (cc 927)
Ringing World page ref: 4994.0033

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
CHURCH BRAMPTON, Northamptonshire, St Botolph
Friday 13 June, 2003 in 2h43 (9)
5040 Doubles (13m)
(13m: 1,2 240 Church Brampton P; 3,4 240 Chapel Brampton B; 5-42 720 St Martin's B, 360 each Westminster II B, Blackburn P, St Hilary B, Dragon P, New B, Huntspill B, St Vedast B, Blaisdon B, 480 each Reverse Canterbury Pleasure P, Plain B; 37 handstroke rounds)
Comp: P M Mason (Arr)
  1 Richard C L Brown
  2 Paul M Mason (C)
  3 Victoria Samson
  4 Michael D Fiander
  5 M J 'Bill' Blowfield
Rung for the Patronal Festival.
Church Brampton Place Doubles:
s (cc 1153)
Chapel Brampton Bob Doubles:
s (cc 1154)
Ringing World page ref: 4810.0638

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
CHURCH BRAMPTON, Northamptonshire, St Botolph
Monday 24 December, 2001 in 2h41 (9-1-2 in G)
5040 Doubles (48m)
(48m: 1-6 720 Church Brampton B; 7-12 720 Denton B; 13-18 720 Great Billing B; 19-24 720 Overstone B; 25 St Simon's B, Rugby SC, Braywood B; 26 St Martin's B, Slapton SC, Welford B; 27 St Osmund B, Merton SC, Longworth B; 28 Eynesbury B, Sutton-upon-Trent; 29 St Nicholas B, Longford SC, Fundenhall B; 30 Winchendon P, Thornborough SC, Haddiscoe P; 31 St Remigius B, Hascombe SC, Harpley B; 32 Huntley P, Ossington P; 33 Westminster II B, Chesham SC, Knapton B; 34 Blackburn P, Broughton SC, Lyng P; 35 St Hilary B, Ockham SC, Intwood B; 36 Dragon P, Strelley P; 37 New B, Itchingfield SC, Forncett B; 38 Huntspill B, Oakley SC, Ellingham B; 39 St Vedast B, Chipstead SC, Bedingham B; 40-42 Blaisdon B, Screveton B)
Comp: Paul M Mason (720s)
  1 Denis G Pearson
  2 Victoria Samson
  3 Paul M Mason (C)
  4 Nicholas A Churchman
  5 Michael D Fiander
Church Brampton Bob Doubles:
p 345.
Denton Bob Doubles:
p 345.
Great Billing Bob Doubles:
p 345.
Overstone Bob Doubles:
p 345.
Ringing World page ref: 4735.0083