Peterborough Diocesan Guild
CRANFORD ST JOHN, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Thursday 9 May, 2024 in 2h38 (9-1-2 in G)
5040 Surprise Minor (7m)
(7m: 1 extent each Munden, Wells, Westminster, Bourne, Annable's London, Cambridge, Norwich.)
  1 James M Bence
  2 Anthony J Rowan
  3 Nicholas R Wilson
  4 Paul M Mason
  5 Nicholas A Churchman
  6 Richard I Allton (C)
Ringing World page ref: 5901.0495

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
CRANFORD ST JOHN, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Monday 27 November, 2023 in 2h47 (9-1-2 in G)
5040 Minor (7m)
(1 extent each London S, Wells S, Cambridge S, Beverley S, Bourne S, Double Oxford B, St Clement's CB; 7 callings)
  1 Alan J Frost
  2 Barrie Hendry
  3 Murray A Coleman
  4 Simon J Dixon
  5 Nicholas R Wilson
  6 Paul M Mason (C)
Rung to celebrate the life of David W James who learnt to ring at this tower.
David, Alan, Barrie & Murray were all members of the Kettering Grammar/High School ringing club.
Ringing World page ref: 5877.1258

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
CRANFORD ST JOHN, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Tuesday 29 November, 2022 in 2h41 (9-1-2 in G)
5040 Surprise Minor (7m)
(1 extent each Sandiacre, Carlisle, London, Annable's London, Hull, Cambridge, Norwich)
  1 Simon J Dixon
  2 Julie A Tarling
  3 Robert M Wood
  4 Nicholas R Wilson
  5 Paul M Mason
  6 Richard I Allton (C)
Ringing World page ref: 5825.1212

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
CRANFORD ST JOHN, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Wednesday 25 May, 2022 in 2h38 (9-1-2 in G)
5040 Surprise Minor (7m)
(1 extent each Carlisle, Cunecastre, London, Annable's London, Rossendale, Westminster, Norwich)
  1 Timothy F W Samson
  2 Paul M Mason
  3 Helena M Thorpe
  4 Nicholas R Wilson
  5 James F Thorpe
  6 Richard I Allton (C)
Ringing World page ref: 5800.0603

Ancient Society of College Youths
CRANFORD ST JOHN, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Tuesday 13 February, 2018 in 2h43 (9-1-2 in G)
5040 Surprise Minor (7m)
(One extent each Sandiacre, Carlisle, London, Bamborough, Norwich, York, Cambridge.)
  1 Ann White
  2 Stephanie J Warboys
  3 Murray A Coleman
  4 Susan E Marshall
  5 Simon J L Linford
  6 John S Warboys (C)
40th anniversary of first peal, rung on this bell: 2.
Ringing World page ref: 5575.0202

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
CRANFORD ST JOHN, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Monday 4 December, 2017 in 2h42 (9-1-2 in G)
5040 Ipswich Surprise Minor
Comp: Richard I Allton (No 2408)
  1 Peter M Fleckney
  2 Celia J K Wood
  3 Paul M Mason
  4 Simon J Dixon
  5 Michael J Dew
  6 Richard I Allton (C)
Circled tower: 3.
In memoriam Private 7096 Alfred Fleckney of Cranford, 1st Battalion Northamptonshire Regiment who died in the service of his country at Ypres on 22nd October 1914.
Their name liveth for evermore.
Ringing World page ref: 5565.1274

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
CRANFORD ST JOHN, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Tuesday 20 June, 2017 in 2h44 (9-1-2 in G)
5040 Surprise Minor
(7m: 1 extent each London, Cranford, Surfleet, Berwick, Bourne, Cambridge, Norwich)
  1 Charlotte M Smith
  2 Richard I Allton (C)
  3 Simon J Dixon
  4 Anthony H Smith
  5 Paul M Mason
  6 Alan Regin
Rung in memory of Private Ben Saddington, a ringer at this tower. 10th Battalion, Cheshire Regiment. He was wounded during the action at Messines Ridge, Belgium, and died on 14th June 1917. He is buried at Longuenesse (St. Omer) Souvenir Cemetery, France. On 13th February 1909, at the age of 14, he took part in a peal of Plain Bob Minor at Cranford which, at the time, was the youngest band to have rung a peal, average age 16⅔ years. Their name liveth for evermore.
Ringing World page ref: 5541.0676

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
CRANFORD ST JOHN, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Friday 7 March, 2003 in 2h38 (9-1-2 in G)
5040 Duck End Treble Place Minor
(7 different extents)
  1 Denis G Pearson
  2 Michael D Fiander
  3 Victoria Samson
  4 Richard C L Brown
  5 M J 'Bill' Blowfield
  6 Paul M Mason (C)
Rung in celebration of the life of Margery Mason, recently died aged 90, the conductor`s Great Aunt who was a life-long resident of Cranford St John.
First peal in the method.
Duck End Treble Place Minor:
f -5-4-5- lh12
Ringing World page ref: 4796.0297

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
CRANFORD ST JOHN, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Friday 28 June, 2002 in 2h35 (9-1-2 in G)
5040 Cranford Treble Bob Minor
(7 different extents)
  1 Sally A Mason
  2 Paul M Mason (C)
  3 Victoria Samson
  4 M J 'Bill' Blowfield
  5 Emma J Southerington
  6 Michael D Fiander
Rung for the Patronal Festival.
First peal in the method.
Cranford Treble Bob Minor:
f -3.345.1-5-1.4-2.5 lh12 (TDMM 61182)
Ringing World page ref: 4760.0737

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
CRANFORD ST JOHN, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Saturday 29 June, 1996 in 2h38 (9-1-2 in G)
5040 Bob Minor (7m)
(1 extent each Single Oxford, St Clement's College, Buxton, Pinehurst, Double Oxford, Single Canterbury Pleasure, Plain)
  1 Paul M Mason (C)
  2 Victoria Samson
  3 Nicholas A Churchman
  4 Andrew R Wignell
  5 Timothy F W Samson
  6 Murray A Coleman
Most Minor: 2 & 5.
Most Plain Minor methods by all except 1.
Most Minor methods as conductor.
Rung during the centenary celebrations in Cranford of Timson`s Ltd of Kettering.
Ringing World page ref: 4448.0758

Oxford Diocesan Guild
CRANFORD ST JOHN, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Sunday 18 July, 1993 in 4h5 (9-1-2 in G)
7920 Surprise Minor (41m)
(1x5760 and 3 extents: 1 384 Bacup; 240 each Hull, Allendale ,Stamford, Westminster, Wooler; 216 each Wearmouth, Rossendale, Bamborough; 168 Lightfoot; 120 each Alnwick, Annable's London, Berwick, Beverley, Bourne, Cambridge, Canterbury, Carlisle, Chester, Coldstream, Cunecastre, Durham, Hexham, Ipswich, Kelso, Lincoln, London, Morpeth, Munden, Netherseale, Newcastle, Norfolk, Northumberland, Sandiacre, Surfleet, Wells, Whitley, York; 2 Warkworth; 3 Primrose; 4 Norwich; 77 com, atw. No 65s at backstroke.)
Comp: Richard A Pearce
  1 Richard J Tibbetts
  2 Martin J Whiteley
  3 Frank W Rivett
  4 Timothy G Pett
  5 Peter G C Ellis (C)
  6 Colin M Turner
This arrangement is the shortest length so far rung of all the standard 41 Surprise Minor methods including all-the-work.
Ringing World page ref: 4294.0808

Hertford County Association
CRANFORD ST JOHN, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Saturday 4 March, 1989 in 2h42 (9-1-2 in G)
5040 Surprise Minor (7m)
(1 extent each Norwich, London, Wells, Durham, York, Beverley, Cambridge)
  1 Joan Hooton
  2 Dorothea M Robotham
  3 Thomas J Lock
  4 John J Ford
  5 John R Mayne (C)
  6 Howard J Wastling
Ringing World page ref: 4066.0302

Hertford County Association
CRANFORD ST JOHN, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Saturday 3 September, 1988 in 2h48 (9-1-2 in G)
5040 Spliced Surprise Minor (15m)
(1 Carlisle, Chester, Munden; 2 Alnwick, Newcastle; 3 Rossendale, Stamford; 4 London, Wells; 5 York, Durham; 6 Beverley, Surfleet; 7 Cambridge, Ipswich)
  1 Thomas J Lock
  2 Dorothea M Robotham
  3 Wendy Bloom
  4 John J Ford
  5 John R Mayne (C)
  6 Graham Bloom
Most Minor methods: 3.
Ringing World page ref: 4040.0932

Hertford County Association
CRANFORD ST JOHN, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Friday 11 September, 1987 in 2h42 (9-1-2 in G)
5040 Surprise Minor (7m)
(1 extent each London, Wells, Durham, York, Beverley, Norwich, Cambridge)
  1 Howard J Wastling
  2 Dorothea M Robotham
  3 W Eric Critchley
  4 John R Southey
  5 Murray A Coleman
  6 John R Mayne (C)
1,000th tower-bell peal: 2.
50th peal together: 3 & 6.
A Golden Wedding compliment to Mr & Mrs W Abbott of Cranford.
Ringing World page ref: 3988.0874

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
CRANFORD ST JOHN, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Thursday 20 September, 1984 in 2h37 (9-1-2 in G)
5040 Surprise Minor (7m)
(1 extent each London, Wells, Durham, York, Beverley, Norwich, Cambridge)
  1 Dorothea M Robotham
  2 John R Southey
  3 Geoffrey Pearson
  4 Walter Hunt
  5 John G Gipson
  6 John R Mayne (C)
150th peal together: 5 & 6.
Ringing World page ref: 3834.0896

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
CRANFORD ST JOHN, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Saturday 28 July, 1984 in 2h45 (9-1-2 in G)
5040 Minor (3m)
(4 extents Plain B; 2 extents Double Oxford B, 1 extent St Clement's CB)
  1 E Jane Sibson
  2 Nicola R Sibson
  3 Andrew D Sibson
  4 Peter M Fleckney
  5 Derek E Sibson (C)
  6 Christopher J Groome
First peal: 2.
Ringing World page ref: 3826.0729

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
CRANFORD ST JOHN, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Wednesday 23 September, 1981 in 2h52 (9-1-2 in G)
5040 Minor (9m)
(Double Oxford B, Pinehurst B, Thelwall B, St Clement's CB, Buxton B, Childwall B, Hereward B, Single Oxford B, Plain B)
  1 Denise M Mason
  2 Christine H Crosier
  3 Julia H Telford
  4 Paul M Mason
  5 Anthony D Sansom
  6 Frank E Crosier (C)
First peal: 1 & 3.
First peal inside on tower bells: 4.
Rung half-muffled in memorium Sylvia Thursfield.
Ringing World page ref: 3681.0992

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
CRANFORD ST JOHN, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Thursday 26 September, 1968 in 2h44 (9-1-2 in G)
5040 Minor (4m)
(1 extent each Double Oxford B, Single Oxford B; 2 extents St Clement's CB; 3 extents Plain B)
  1 Pamela B Dacre
  2 Ronald Russell
  3 Murray A Coleman
  4 Peter S Abbott
  5 Barry R Care
  6 Stephen B Bell (C)
First peal: 1.
Ringing World page ref: 3001.0834

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
CRANFORD ST JOHN, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Thursday 5 June, 1952 in 2h35 (9-1-2 in G)
5040 Minor (7m)
(1 extent each St Clement's CB, Double Oxford B, Single Oxford B, Cambridge S, Kent TB, Oxford TB, Plain B)
  1 Patrick I Chapman
  2 Geoffrey E Watson
  3 Ronald C Noon
  4 Harry Wooding
  5 Eric Nobles
  6 C Edward Jeffries (C)
Rung in honour of HM the Queen`s Official Birthday, and for the Feast of St Boniface.
Ringing World page ref: 2151.0389

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
CRANFORD ST JOHN, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Thursday 12 January, 1950 in 2h38 (9-1-2 in G)
5040 Minor (8m)
(1 Cambridge S; 2 Double B, Plain B; 3 Double Court B; 4 Double Oxford B; 5 Single Oxford B; 6 Oxford TB: 7 Kent TB)
  1 Arthur Gibbs
  2 Patrick I Chapman
  3 Mrs GE Watson
  4 Geoffrey E Watson (C)
  5 Harry Wooding
  6 Burley P Morris
First peal in 8 Minor methods: 2.
Ringing World page ref: 2026.0077

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
CRANFORD ST JOHN, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Friday 26 August, 1949 in 2h46 (9-1-2 in G)
5040 Minor (9m)
(7 extents: 1 Double Bob & Plain Bob 2 Double Oxford and Plain Bob 3 Kent & Oxford TB 4 Cambridge Surprise 5 Double Court 6 St Clements 6 Oxford Bob and 7 Double Oxford)
  1 Patrick I Chapman
  2 Geoffrey E Watson (C)
  3 Mrs GE Watson
  4 John E Skerritt
  5 Brian Austin
  6 Burley P Morris
First peal in 9 methods by all the band.
Ringing World page ref: 2007.0451

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
CRANFORD ST JOHN, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Thursday 17 February, 1949 in 2h48 (9-1-2 in G)
5040 Minor (7m)
(An extent ach of Cambridge Surprise, Double Court, Double Oxford, Oxford TB, Kent TB, Oxford Bob and Plain Bob.)
  1 Ernest E Whitmore
  2 Bernard J Saddington
  3 Brian S Cope
  4 John E Skerritt
  5 Geoffrey E Watson (C)
  6 Patrick I Chapman
First peal in seven methods - 3,4,6. Twice circled this, his native tower - 2.

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
CRANFORD ST JOHN, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Thursday 11 December, 1947 in 2h42 (9-1-2 in G)
5040 Minor (7m)
(7m: 1 extent each Double Court B, Double Oxford B, St Clement’s CB, Single Oxford B, Oxford TB, Kent TB, Plain B)
  1 Leonard G Toseland
  2 Enid Walklake
  3 John Shatford
  4 Bernard J Saddington
  5 Burley P Morris
  6 Geoffrey E Watson (C)
First peal in 7 methods: 2, 3 & 6.
Ringing World page ref: 1918.0016

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
CRANFORD ST JOHN, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Thursday 2 June, 1932 in 2h54 (9-1-2 in G)
5040 Surprise Minor (7m)
(Being 720 each of Lancaster, Stamford, London, Wells, York, Durham, and Cambridge)
  1 Harry Chambers
  2 Amos Smart
  3 Evelyn Steel
  4 Charles W Clarke
  5 Francis Ball
  6 Walter Perkins (C)
First peal in seven Surprise methods on the bells.
Ringing World page ref: 1108.0402

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
CRANFORD ST JOHN, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Saturday 20 February, 1932 in 2h52 (9-1-2 in G)
5040 Minor (2m)
(3 extents Single Oxford; 4 extents Plain B)
  1 George W Clarke
  2 Stanley G Robinson
  3 Walter Copperwheat
  4 Ernest E Whitmore
  5 Burley P Morris
  6 William J Whitmore (C)
First peal of Minor: 3.
Ringing World page ref: 1093.0149

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
CRANFORD ST JOHN, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Saturday 7 September, 1929 in 2h49 (9-1-2 in G)
5040 Minor (5m)
(1 extent each Woodbine D, Oxford TB, Kent TB; 2 extents each Single Oxford B, Plain B)
  1 Fred Arnold
  2 William J Whitmore
  3 Frank Kirk
  4 Cyril Wilson
  5 George W Jeffs
  6 Leslie Groom (C)
First peal in more than one method: 1.
First peal in 5 methods: 2.
Ringing World page ref: 964..0080

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
CRANFORD ST JOHN, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Monday 6 August, 1928 in 2h52 (9-1-2 in G)
5040 Plain Bob Minor
(7 different extents)
  1 Leonard G Toseland
  2 Harry Warren
  3 Burley P Morris
  4 Kitty Moore
  5 Cyril D Nichols
  6 Robert G Black (C)
First peal at first attempt: 1.
First 6 bell peal at first attempt: 3.
Ringing World page ref: 907..0000

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
CRANFORD ST JOHN, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Saturday 14 July, 1928 in 2h48 (9-1-2 in G)
5040 Minor (4m)
(1 extent each Kent TB, Oxford TB; 2 extents Single Oxford B; 3 extents Plain B; each called differently)
  1 George Groom
  2 Frank Lewin
  3 Thomas H Garley
  4 John Lewin
  5 Leslie Groom
  6 James M Nickerson (C)
First peal at first attempt: 1.
The band are alll employees in the engineering department of the LMS Railway Co, and this is the first railwaymen’s peal for the Guild, and in the county. Rung at the first attempt.
Ringing World page ref: 904..0052

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
CRANFORD ST JOHN, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Saturday 24 December, 1927 in h0 (9-1-2 in G)
5040 Minor
(Being 720 each of Cambridge , Double Court , Double Oxford , Oxford Treble Bob Kent Treble Bob , Single Oxford and Plain Bob)
  1 Frederick J Tite
  2 John King
  3 Harry Baxter
  4 Frank Lewin
  5 John R Main
  6 Robert G Black (C)
100th peal 5 .
Ringing World page ref: 876..0000

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
CRANFORD ST JOHN, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Saturday 12 March, 1927 in 2h50 (9-1-2 in G)
5040 Plain Bob Minor
(7 different extents)
  1 Frank Lewin
  2 Sylvia Thursfield
  3 C Edward Berridge
  4 Fred Penn
  5 John Lewin
  6 Robert G Black (C)
First peal on six bells: 3.
First peal at first attempt: 4.
All the ringers, with the exception of the conductor, belong to the local band.
Ringing World page ref: 834..0065

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
CRANFORD ST JOHN, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Thursday 18 November, 1926 in 2h54 (9-1-2 in G)
5040 Cambridge Surprise Minor
arranged Revd E Bankes James
  1 Sylvia Thursfield
  2 Frank Lewin
  3 John R Main
  4 Charles W Bird
  5 George Basford
  6 David Vincent (C)
First peal in the method: 2.
First peal as conductor, rung on his birthday.
Ringing World page ref: 818..0042

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
CRANFORD ST JOHN, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Saturday 24 April, 1926 in 2h42 (9-1-2 in G)
5040 Minor (7m)
(1 extent Cambridge S, Double Court B, Double Oxford B, Oxford TB, Kent TB, Single Oxford B, Plain B)
  1 John Lewin
  2 Joseph Saddington
  3 Kitty Moore
  4 Thomas H Garley
  5 Harry Baxter
  6 Robert G Black (C)
Rung to welcome home, after four years in Burma, Mr Rupert Thursfield, son of the Rector of Cranford, who is president of the Kettering Branch.
Ringing World page ref: 789..0077

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
CRANFORD ST JOHN, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Saturday 5 December, 1925 in 2h48 (9-1-2 in G)
5040 Plain Bob Minor
(7 different extents)
  1 Kitty Moore
  2 C Arthur Manning
  3 Frank Lewin
  4 Cyril D Nichols
  5 Harry Baxter
  6 Robert G Black (C)
Rung as a birthday compliment to C D Nichols, it also being his first peal away from the treble.
Ringing World page ref: 769..0090

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
CRANFORD ST JOHN, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Saturday 13 December, 1924 in 2h50 (9-1-2 in G)
5040 Minor (7m)
(1 extent each Cambridge S, Double Court B, Double Oxford B, Oxford TB, Kent TB, Single Oxford B, Plain B)
  1 Frank Lewin
  2 Sylvia Thursfield
  3 Matthias Hobbs
  4 Harry Baxter
  5 Frederick W Sawfoot
  6 Robert G Black (C)
First peal in 7 methods: 2, and as conductor.
The band were kindly entertained to tea at the Rectory after the peal by the Revd R C Thursfield, president of the Kettering Branch.
Ringing World page ref: 718..0006

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
CRANFORD ST JOHN, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Saturday 4 October, 1924 in 2h50 (9-1-2 in G)
5040 Minor (5m)
(1 extent each Double Oxford B, Oxford TB, Kent TB; 2 extents each Single Oxford B, Plain B)
  1 Cecil E Hepburn
  2 Matthias Hobbs
  3 Frank Lewin
  4 Sylvia Thursfield
  5 Harry Baxter
  6 Robert G Black (C)
First peal in five methods: 4, and as conductor.
Rung as a birthday compliment to Mr F Lewin.
After the peal, the band were kindly entertained to tea at the Rectory by the Rector (the Revd R C Thursfield), the President of the Kettering Branch.
Ringing World page ref: 708..0046

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
CRANFORD ST JOHN, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Wednesday 6 August, 1924 in 2h52 (9-1-2 in G)
5040 Minor (4m)
(2 extents each Oxford TB, Kent TB, Single Oxford B; 1 extent Plain B)
  1 Kitty Moore
  2 Sylvia Thursfield
  3 Harry Baxter
  4 Cecil E Hepburn
  5 Robert G Black
  6 Tom Tebbutt (C)
First in 4 methods: 2.
25th peal: 3.
Ringing World page ref: 700..0016

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
CRANFORD ST JOHN, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Saturday 22 March, 1924 in 2h53 (9-1-2 in G)
5040 Plain Bob Minor
(7 different extents)
  1 John Lewin
  2 Sylvia Thursfield
  3 Joseph Saddington
  4 Frank Lewin
  5 Thomas Price
  6 Robert G Black (C)
First peal: 2.
First PB Minor and first as conductor on 6 bells: 6.
Ringing World page ref: 680..0097

Central Northamptonshire Association
CRANFORD ST JOHN, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Saturday 1 December, 1923 in 2h50 (9-1-2 in G)
5040 Minor (7m)
(1 extent each Double Oxford B, Double Court B, Single Oxford B, Plain B, Woodbine D, Kent TB, Oxford TB)
  1 Frank Lewin
  2 George Basford
  3 John R Main
  4 Anderson Y Tyler
  5 James B Hudson
  6 George Lines (C)
This peal was arranged for Mr J Main, and was his first in 7 methods at first attempt.
First peal as conductor in 7 methods for nearly ten years.
Ringing World page ref: 665..0089

Central Northamptonshire Association
CRANFORD ST JOHN, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Friday 29 December, 1922 in 2h45 (9-1-2 in G)
5040 Minor (7m)
(1 extent each Double Oxford B, Double Court B, Cambridge S, Oxford TB, Kent TB, Single Oxford B, Plain B)
  1 Mary Randall
  2 Dorothy M Atkins
  3 John Woolley
  4 Walter T Wilson
  5 Wilfred H J Hooton
  6 E Maurice Atkins (C)
First peal: 1.
First peal in 7 methods: 2.
Ringing World page ref: 617..0002

Central Northamptonshire Association
CRANFORD ST JOHN, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Saturday 12 November, 1921 in 2h48 (9-1-2 in G)
5040 Plain Bob Minor
(7 extents, each called differently)
  1 R William Lawrence
  2 Herbert F Wainwright
  3 Cyril Wilson
  4 Harry Baxter
  5 Frank Lewin
  6 Cecil Chapman (C)
First peal: 2.
First peal of Minor: 4.
Ringing World page ref: 557..0001

Central Northamptonshire Association
CRANFORD ST JOHN, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Saturday 10 September, 1921 in 2h53 (9-1-2 in G)
5040 Minor (7m)
(1 extent each Worcester D, Double Oxford B, Double Court B, Kent TB, Oxford TB, Single Oxford B, Plain B)
  1 Dorothy M Atkins
  2 Walter T Wilson
  3 Hugh G Benson
  4 James Butler
  5 E Maurice Atkins
  6 Wilfred H J Hooton (C)
Ringing World page ref: 548..0056

Central Northamptonshire Association
CRANFORD ST JOHN, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Tuesday 5 July, 1921 in 2h57 (9-1-2 in G)
5040 Minor (8m)
(1 Cambridge S; 2 Double Oxford B, Single Oxford B; 3 Worcester D; 4 Kent TB; 5 Oxford TB; 6 Double Court B; 7 Plain B)
  1 Hugh G Benson
  2 E Maurice Atkins (C)
  3 Walter T Wilson
  4 George A Blaxley
  5 Wilfred H J Hooton
  6 Charles W Bird
First peal on tower bells: 1.
Ringing World page ref: 540..0027

Central Northamptonshire Association
CRANFORD ST JOHN, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Saturday 23 April, 1921 in 2h40 (9-1-2 in G)
5040 Minor (8m)
(Cambridge S, Worcester D, Kent TB, Oxford TB, Double Oxford B, Double Court B, Single Oxford B, Plain B)
  1 Cecil E Hepburn
  2 Cecil Chapman
  3 Walter T Wilson
  4 E Maurice Atkins (C)
  5 Thomas H Garley
  6 George A Blaxley
First peal containing more than 3 methods: 2.
Ringing World page ref: 529..0053

Central Northamptonshire Association
CRANFORD ST JOHN, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Monday 14 June, 1920 in 2h46 (9-1-2 in G)
5040 Minor (7m)
(1 extent each Double Oxford B, Double Court B, Worcester D, Kent TB, Oxford TB, Canterbury B, Plain B)
  1 John Saddington
  2 Charles W Bird
  3 Walter T Wilson
  4 Thomas H Garley
  5 Bertram F Shepherd
  6 E Maurice Atkins (C)
250th peal: 6.
First peal other than Doubles: 1.
First peal on tower bells & first in 7 methods: 5.
Ringing World page ref: 486..0034

Central Northamptonshire Association
CRANFORD ST JOHN, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Friday 19 September, 1919 in 2h43 (9-1-2 in G)
5040 Minor (7m)
(1 extent each Cambridge S, Kent TB, Oxford TB, Double Oxford B, Double Court B, Single Oxford B, Plain B)
  1 Wilfred H J Hooton
  2 Joseph Saddington
  3 Andrew Blaxley
  4 Walter T Wilson
  5 Thomas H Garley
  6 E Maurice Atkins (C)
Ringing World page ref: 449..0055

Central Northamptonshire Association
CRANFORD ST JOHN, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Saturday 21 June, 1919 in 2h54 (9-1-2 in G)
5040 Minor (4m)
(1 extent Oxford TB; 2 extents each Kent TB, Single Oxford B, Plain B - each called differently)
  1 Daniel Redhead
  2 Leonard J Wyman
  3 Harry Meadows
  4 William J Gilbert
  5 Arthur Bellamy
  6 Reginald C Loveday (C)
First peal with a bob bell: 5.
Rung as a birthday peal to A Bellamy & W J Gilbert.
Ringing World page ref: 433..0064

Central Northamptonshire Association
CRANFORD ST JOHN, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Saturday 13 June, 1914 in 2h43 (9-1-2 in G)
5040 Minor (7m)
(1 extent each Woodbine D, Oxford TB, Kent TB, Double Oxford B, Double Court B, Single Oxford B, Plain B)
  1 Arthur Fairy
  2 William Hayo
  3 Horace Copperwheat
  4 William J Gilbert
  5 James Hudson
  6 Walter Gilbert (C)
Ringing World page ref: 170..0009

Central Northamptonshire Association
CRANFORD ST JOHN, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Saturday 24 January, 1914 in 2h43 (9-1-2 in G)
5040 Minor (7m)
(1 extent each Cambridge S, Woodbine D, Oxford TB, Double Oxford B, Double Court B, Double B, Plain B)
  1 Joseph Saddington
  2 Arthur Smeathers
  3 Matthias Hobbs
  4 Harry Meadows
  5 Herbert Saddington
  6 George Lines (C)
First peal away from the treble at first attempt: 5.
Rung in honour of the birth of a son and heir to Lady and Sir Frederick Robinson, Bart, Sir Frederick being patron of the two churches of Cranford St John and St Andrew.
Ringing World page ref: 150..0005

Central Northamptonshire Association
CRANFORD ST JOHN, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Saturday 6 December, 1913 in 2h46 (9-1-2 in G)
5040 Minor (7m)
(1 extent each Woodbine D, Oxford TB, Kent TB, Double Court B, Double Oxford B, Single Oxford B, Plain B)
  1 Robert G Black
  2 Frederick Kilborn
  3 Percy J Lenton
  4 Horace W Sharman
  5 Frederick W Sawfoot
  6 David J Nichols (C)
Ringing World page ref: 143..0088

The Central Northamptonshire Association
CRANFORD ST JOHN, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Saturday 20 September, 1913 in 2h45 (9-1-2 in G)
5040 Minor (7m)
(Being 720 each of Double Oxford, Double Court, Woodbine, Oxford TB, Kent TB, Oxford Bob, and Bob Minor)
  1 Joseph Saddington
  2 William Hays
  3 E Pearl Inskip
  4 Harry Meadows
  5 Thomas Jervis
  6 Reginald C Loveday (C)
Ringing World page ref: 132..0002

Central Northamptonshire Association
CRANFORD ST JOHN, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Saturday 26 July, 1913 in 2h50 (9-1-2 in G)
5040 Minor (4m)
(2 extents each Kent TB, Oxford TB, Single Oxford B; 1 extent Plain B - each called differently)
  1 Leslie Groom
  2 Frank Lewin
  3 John Lewin
  4 Joseph Saddington
  5 Daniel Redhead
  6 James M Nickerson (C)
First peal in 4 methods: 1.
Ringing World page ref: 124..0002

The Central Northamptonshire Association
CRANFORD ST JOHN, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Monday 24 March, 1913 in 2h40 (9-1-2 in G)
5040 Minor (7m)
(Being 720 each of Double Oxford, Double Court, Woodbine, Kent TB, Oxford TB, Oxford Bob, and Plain Bob)
  1 Joseph Saddington
  2 Arthur Pettit
  3 Henry W Gayton
  4 E Pearl Inskip
  5 Harry Meadows
  6 George Lines (C)
Ringing World page ref: 107..0027

The Central Northamptonshire Association
CRANFORD ST JOHN, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Saturday 14 September, 1912 in 2h48 (9-1-2 in G)
5040 Treble Bob Minor (7m)
(Being 720 each of College Pleasure, London Scholars' Pleasure, College Exercise, Violet, Woodbine, Kent TB, and Oxford TB)
  1 Archie Henman
  2 George Lines
  3 Harry [Burton Latimer] Meadows
  4 Henry W Gayton
  5 E Pearl Inskip
  6 Charles W Clarke (C)
First peal in seven Treble Bob Minor methods - 1, 2, and 3.
First peal in seven Treble Bob methods on the bells.
Ringing World page ref: 80.2.0000

Central Northamptonshire Association
CRANFORD ST JOHN, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Wednesday 7 August, 1912 in 2h40 (9-1-2 in G)
5040 Minor (7m)
(1 extent each Woodbine D, Oxford TB, Kent TB, Double Court B, Double Oxford B, Single Oxford B, Plain B)
  1 Ben Saddington
  2 Matthias Hobbs
  3 J Edward Chapman
  4 E Maurice Atkins
  5 Charles W Bird
  6 Bernard J Saddington (C)
First peal containing Treble Bob hunt: 1.
First 7 method peal as conductor: 6.
Ringing World page ref: 74.1.0007

Central Northamptonshire Association
CRANFORD ST JOHN, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Saturday 25 May, 1912 in 2h58 (9-1-2 in G)
5040 Minor (7m)
(1 extent each Oxford TB, Kent TB, Double Oxford B, Single Oxford B, Grandsire, Canterbury P, Plain B)
  1 Frederick C Woolley
  2 Matthias Hobbs
  3 Percy J Lenton
  4 George Holland
  5 William Jacques
  6 Horace W Sharman (C)
First peal in 7 methods as conductor.
Arranged for W Jacques of Olney, Bucks, and as a birthday compliment to F Woolley.
Ringing World page ref: 63.3.0006

Central Northamptonshire Association
CRANFORD ST JOHN, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Wednesday 27 December, 1911 in 2h45 (9-1-2 in G)
5040 Minor (7m)
(1 extent each Double Court B, Double Oxford B, Woodbine D, Oxford TB, Kent TB, Single Oxford B, Plain B)
  1 Archie Henman
  2 Joseph Pettit
  3 Edward Chapman
  4 Arthur Pettitt
  5 Matthias Hobbs
  6 Reginald C Loveday (C)
First peal in 7 methods away from treble: 2.
Ringing World page ref: 42.1.0000

Central Northamptonshire Association
CRANFORD ST JOHN, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Thursday 23 March, 1911 in 2h43 (9-1-2 in G)
5040 Minor (7m)
(1 extent each Woodbine D, Kent TB, Oxfort TB, Double Oxford B, Double Court B, Single Oxford B, Plain B)
  1 Albert E Fourt
  2 Charles W Bird
  3 George A Blaxley
  4 George Lines
  5 Frank S Andrew
  6 E Maurice Atkins (C)
Rung to celebrate the coming of age of ths ringer of the 5th.
Bell News No.1515, Page 45.

Central Northamptonshire Association
CRANFORD ST JOHN, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Monday 26 December, 1910 in 2h40 (9-1-2 in G)
5040 Minor (7m)
(1 extent each Double Court B, Double Oxford B, Woodbine D, Oxford TB, Kent TB, Single Oxford B, Plain B)
  1 Charles W Clarke
  2 Joseph Saddington
  3 William Lewis
  4 Harry Meadows
  5 Bernard J Saddington
  6 George Lines (C)
First peal as conductor.
Quickest peal on the bells.
Bell News No.1504, page 619.

Central Northamptonshire Association
CRANFORD ST JOHN, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Saturday 8 October, 1910 in 2h47 (9-1-2 in G)
5040 Minor (7m)
(1 extent each Double Court B, Double Oxford B, Woodbine D, Kent TB, Oxford TB, Single Oxford B, Plain B)
  1 Bernard J Saddington
  2 Frank Lewin
  3 John Lewin
  4 Mark Norton
  5 Arthur Smeathers
  6 Joseph Saddington (C)
First peal as conductor.
Rung as a 21st birthday compliment to F Lewin.
Bell News No.1492, Page 475.

Central Northamptonshire Association
CRANFORD ST JOHN, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Thursday 8 September, 1910 in 2h47 (9-1-2 in G)
5040 Minor (2m)
(3 extents Single Oxford B; 4 extents Plain B, each called differently)
  1 Rex T Buswell
  2 Joseph Farey
  3 E Maurice Atkins
  4 Albert E Fourt
  5 John Lewin
  6 Bernard J Saddington (C)
First peal away from treble: 4.
First peal as conductor.
Bell News No.1486, Page 404.

Central Northamptonshire Association
CRANFORD ST JOHN, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Tuesday 28 June, 1910 in 2h41 (9-1-2 in G)
5040 Minor (7m)
(1 extent each Woodbine D, Kent TB, Oxford TB, Double Oxford B, Double Court B, Single Oxford B, Plain B)
  1 Albert V Innes
  2 J Edward Chapman
  3 Joseph Saddington
  4 Frederick W Sawfoot
  5 Bernard J Saddington
  6 E Maurice Atkins (C)
Rung to celebrate the festival of the dedication of the church, and it is the quickest peal on the bells.
Bell News No.1477, Page 297.

Central Northamptonshire Association
CRANFORD ST JOHN, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Saturday 15 January, 1910 in 2h51 (9-1-2 in G)
5040 Minor (7m)
(1 extent each Woodbine D, Kent TB, Oxford TB, Double Court B, Double Oxford B, Single Oxford B, Plain B)
  1 Edward Chapman
  2 Arthur E Payne
  3 George A Blaxley
  4 Frank H Talbott
  5 Bernard J Saddington
  6 E Maurice Atkins (C)
First peal in 7 methods by the ringer of the 2nd, he having not struck a blow in 3 of them previous to the peal.
Bell News No.1455, Page 31.

CRANFORD ST JOHN, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Saturday 1 May, 1909 in 2h48 (9-1-2 in G)
5040 Minor (7m)
(1 extent each Double Court B, Double Oxford B, Woodbine D, Oxford TB, Kent TB, Single Oxford B, Plain B)
  1 John R Main
  2 Frank Lewin
  3 Joseph Saddington
  4 Fred Sturman
  5 Harry Meadows
  6 Arthur Smeathers (C)
First peal in 7 methods away from the treble: 2.
First peal: 5.
Bell News No.1415, Page 152.

Central Northamptonshire Association
CRANFORD ST JOHN, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Saturday 13 February, 1909 in 2h56 (9-1-2 in G)
5040 Plain Bob Minor
(7 extents, each called differently)
  1 Oscar Judd
  2 Ben Saddington
  3 Thomas Nicholls
  4 Frank Lewin
  5 E Maurice Atkins (C)
  6 Bernard J Saddington
First peal : 1 & 2.
First peal away from the treble: 3 & 4.
This is the youngest band that has ever rung a peal.
The treble ringer was elected a member of the Association before starting the peal. Further reference elsewhere.
Bell News No.1405, Page 33.

Central Northamptonshire Association
CRANFORD ST JOHN, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Saturday 12 September, 1908 in 2h52 (9-1-2 in G)
5040 Minor (7m)
(1 extent each Woodbine D, Kent TB, Oxford TB, Double Court B, Double Oxford B, Single Oxford B, Plain B)
  1 William J Gilbert
  2 Bernard J Saddington
  3 Frank Kirk
  4 Joseph Saddington
  5 Walter Gilbert
  6 Fred Gilbert (C)
First peal in 7 different methods: 4.
Bell News No.1382, Page 355.

Central Northamptonshire Association
CRANFORD ST JOHN, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Monday 3 August, 1908 in 2h57 (9-1-2 in G)
5040 Minor (7m)
(1 extent each Double Court B, Double Oxford B, Woodbine D, Kent TB, Oxford TB, Single Oxford B, Plain B)
  1 John R Main
  2 Isaac J Judd
  3 Bernard J Saddington
  4 William B Meadows
  5 Walter Perkins
  6 Arthur Smeathers (C)
Bell News No.1375, Page 272.

Central Northamptonshire Association
CRANFORD ST JOHN, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Tuesday 9 June, 1908 in 2h55 (9-1-2 in G)
5040 Minor (7m)
(1 extent each Double Court B, Double Oxford B, Woodbine D, Oxford TB, Kent TB, Single Oxford B, Plain B)
  1 Frank Lewin
  2 Isaac J Judd
  3 Joseph Saddington
  4 Bernard J Saddington
  5 John Lewin
  6 Arthur Smeathers (C)
First peal in 7 methods: 2 & 5.
First peal inside in 7 methods: 3 & 4.
Bell News No.1368, page 188

Central Northamptonshire Association
CRANFORD ST JOHN, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Saturday 2 May, 1908 in 2h43 (9-1-2 in G)
5040 Minor (7m)
(1 extent each Woodbine D, Kent TB, Oxford TB, Double Court B, Double Oxford B, Single Oxford B, Plain B)
  1 Bernard J Saddington
  2 Anderson Y Tyler
  3 William B Meadows
  4 William V Newman
  5 George Lines
  6 James Houghton (C)
First peal: 1.
First peal in 7 methods: 4.
Bell News No.1362, Page 116.

Central Northamptonshire Association
CRANFORD ST JOHN, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Saturday 29 February, 1908 in 2h51 (9-1-2 in G)
5040 Minor (7m)
(1 extent each Double Court B, Double Oxford B, Woodbine D, Oxford TB, Kent TB, Single Oxford B, Plain B)
  1 John R Main
  2 James E Chapman
  3 William B Meadows
  4 George Lines
  5 Matthias Hobbs
  6 Arthur Smeathers (C)
First peal in 7 methods: 1 & 5.
First peal as conductor.
Rung as a birthday compliment to M Hobbs, the band wishing him many happy returns.
Bell News No.1354, Page 21.

Central Northamptonshire Association
CRANFORD ST JOHN, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Saturday 16 November, 1907 in 2h55 (9-1-2 in G)
5040 Plain Bob Minor
  1 Frank Lewin
  2 John Lewin
  3 Arthur Smeathers
  4 Isaac J Judd
  5 Joseph Saddington
  6 Walter Perkins (C)
First peal: 1, 2 & 4.
First peal away from the treble: 5.
Bell News No.1340, page 451

Central Northamptonshire Association
CRANFORD ST JOHN, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Saturday 17 August, 1907 in 2h44 (9-1-2 in G)
5040 Minor (7m)
(1 extent each Woodbine D, Kent TB, Oxford TB, Double Court B, Double Oxford B, Single Oxford B, Plain B)
  1 Joseph Saddington
  2 Mark Norton
  3 George Lines
  4 James Houghton
  5 William B Meadows
  6 Charles W Clarke (C)
First peal: 1 (of the local band)
First peal in 7 methods: 2.
First peal on the bells which have recently been rehung by Messrs. Taylor.
Bell News No.1325, page 272