Peterborough Diocesan Guild
NASSINGTON, Northamptonshire, St Mary the Virgin and All Saints
Monday 15 July, 2024 in 0h42 (9-2-4 in G)
1260 Minor (2m)
(720 St Clement's College Bob Minor 540 Plain Bob Minor)
  1 Hilary Hardie
  2 Diana Street
  3 Terry Wright
  4 David Banks
  5 Stuart Weston
  6 Andrew Christie (C)
100th QP, 3.
The band would all like to congratulate Terry on ringing 100 QPs.

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
NASSINGTON, Northamptonshire, St Mary the Virgin and All Saints
Monday 3 June, 2024 in 0h43 (9-2-4 in G)
1260 Plain Bob Minor
  1 Caroline Mould
  2 Diana Street
  3 Hilary Hardie
  4 Terry Wright
  5 David Banks (C)
  6 Stuart Weston
Final QP for Caroline to achieve LtR L5.

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
NASSINGTON, Northamptonshire, St Mary the Virgin and All Saints
Saturday 2 March, 2024 in 0h42 (9-2-4 in G)
1260 Grandsire Doubles
  1 Jane Robinson
  2 Diana Street
  3 Caroline Mould
  4 Andrew Christie
  5 Stuart Weston (C)
  6 Bob Payne
First QP in method, 3, rung to complete level 5 of Learning the Ropes.
Rung in celebration of the installation of The Right Reverend Debbie Sellin as the 39th Bishop of Peterborough on 3 March.

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
NASSINGTON, Northamptonshire, St Mary the Virgin and All Saints
Monday 18 September, 2023 in 0h40 (9-2-4 in G)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
  1 Terry Wright
  2 Geoff Bridges
  3 David Banks
  4 Bob Payne
  5 Stuart Weston (C)
  6 Hilary Hardie
1st Quarter inside, 2

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
NASSINGTON, Northamptonshire, St Mary the Virgin and All Saints
Thursday 8 June, 2023 in 0h42 (9-2-4 in G)
1320 Golden Wedding Doubles
(Golden Wedding Doubles is Shipway Place with a Shipway Bob and a Pinks Bob)
  1 Terry Wright
  2 Diana Street
  3 David Banks (C)
  4 Andrew Christie
  5 Stuart Weston
  6 Hilary Hardie
Rung to celebrate the Golden Wedding Anniversary of David and Pat Teall. Many congratulations from all your bell ringing friends.

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
NASSINGTON, Northamptonshire, St Mary the Virgin and All Saints
Monday 24 April, 2023 in 0h40 (9-2-4 in G)
1260 Minor (16m)
(Double Burton Pedwardine, Tillington, Beaconside, Number of the Beast, Junction, Vaynol Hall, Xebec, Minsterworth, Southery, Bluntisham, Grantchester, Tulip, Braeside Place, Foti Place, W E Tann, Un Block Place)
  1 Hilary Hardie
  2 Sue Marsden
  3 Elaine Wilkinson
  4 Andrew Christie
  5 David Banks (C)
  6 Stuart Weston

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
NASSINGTON, Northamptonshire, St Mary the Virgin and All Saints
Saturday 25 February, 2023 in 0h43 (9-2-4 in G)
1260 Doubles (4m)
(360 Eynesbury Bob, 360 St Martins Bob, 360 St Simons Bob, 180 Plain Bob Doubles)
  1 Terry Wright
  2 Hilary Hardie
  3 Diana Street
  4 David Banks
  5 Stuart Weston (C)
  6 Steve Fuller

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
NASSINGTON, Northamptonshire, St Mary the Virgin and All Saints
Saturday 25 February, 2023 in 0h42 (9-2-4 in G)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
  1 Hilary Hardie
  2 Diana Street
  3 David Banks
  4 Steve Fuller
  5 Stuart Weston (C)
  6 Terry Wright
1st QP inside 4.

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
NASSINGTON, Northamptonshire, St Mary the Virgin and All Saints
Monday 16 January, 2023 in 0h42 (9-2-4 in G)
1260 Grandsire Doubles
  1 Julie Pocock
  2 Diana Street
  3 Andrew Christie
  4 Bob Payne
  5 Stuart Weston (C)
  6 Terry Wright
1st QP in method, 1

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
NASSINGTON, Northamptonshire, St Mary the Virgin and All Saints
Wednesday 21 December, 2022 in 0h42 (9-2-4 in G)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
  1 Steve Fuller
  2 Diana Street
  3 Bob Payne
  4 Terry Wright
  5 Stuart Weston (C)
  6 Jane Robinson
1st QP 1.

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
NASSINGTON, Northamptonshire, St Mary the Virgin and All Saints
Wednesday 12 October, 2022 in 0h45 (9-2-4 in G)
1320 St Clements Bob Minor, Bob Minor, Little Bob Minor
  1 Hilary Hardie
  2 Diana Street
  3 Andrew Christie
  4 Terry Wright
  5 David Banks (C)
  6 Stuart Weston
Rung to celebrate Terry`s 60th birthday

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
NASSINGTON, Northamptonshire, St Mary the Virgin and All Saints
Sunday 25 September, 2022 in 0h46 (9-2-4 in G)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
  1 Matthew Osborne
  2 Hilary Hardie
  3 Andrew Osborne
  4 Jan Osborne
  5 Stuart Weston (C)
  6 Terry Wright
1 First Quarter
Rung with his parents to celebrate his recent marriage

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
NASSINGTON, Northamptonshire, St Mary the Virgin and All Saints
Monday 4 April, 2022 in 0h45 (9-2-4 in G)
1260 Grandsire Doubles
  1 Jane Webb
  2 Andrew Christie
  3 Hilary Hardie
  4 Stuart Weston (C)
  5 Bob Payne
  6 Terry Wright
First QP in method 1. Rung to celebrate the arrival of her Great Granddaughter Daisy Snow Cotter born 28 December 2021

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
NASSINGTON, Northamptonshire, St Mary the Virgin and All Saints
Thursday 24 February, 2022 (9-2-4 in G)
1260 Doubles (2m)
(Grandsire, Plain Bob)
  1 Caroline Mould
  2 Helena Thorpe
  3 Hilary Hardie
  4 James Thorpe
  5 Will Bosworth (C)
  6 Alex Dyer

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
NASSINGTON, Northamptonshire, St Mary the Virgin and All Saints
Wednesday 24 November, 2021 in 0h44 (9-2-4 in G)
1272 Cambridge Surprise Minor
Comp: Glenn A Taylor
  1 Hilary Hardie
  2 Sue Marsden
  3 Helena Thorpe
  4 Nick Elks
  5 John Riley
  6 James Thorpe (C)
A Peterborough Branch striking workshop event
1: 1st treble bob

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
NASSINGTON, Northamptonshire, St Mary the Virgin and All Saints
Monday 25 October, 2021 in 0h44 (9-2-4 in G)
1260 Pearl Wedding Doubles
  1 Terry Wright
  2 David Banks (C)
  3 Stuart Weston
  4 Paul Reed
  5 Andrew Christie
  6 Hilary Hardie
A delayed QP rung to celebrate Terry and Paula`s 30th wedding anniversary in May 2020
First in method 4.

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
NASSINGTON, Northamptonshire, St Mary the Virgin and All Saints
Monday 2 August, 2021 in 0h48 (9-2-4 in G)
1260 April Day Doubles
  1 Alex Heaton
  2 Stuart Weston
  3 Hilary Hardie
  4 Andrew Christie (C)
  5 Terry Wright
  6 Jane Robinson
A quarter peal, delayed by lockdown, to celebrate Brian and Hilary Hardie`s 25 wedding anniversary in April 2020.
1. first in method, 6. first tenor QP. Both achieve Learning the Ropes level 3

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
NASSINGTON, Northamptonshire, St Mary the Virgin and All Saints
Monday 2 March, 2020 in 0h43 (9-2-4 in G)
1260 Grandsire Doubles
  1 Caroline Mould
  2 Hilary Hardie
  3 Chris Burgess
  4 Stuart Weston (C)
  5 Terry Wright
  6 Ronnie Fraser

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
NASSINGTON, Northamptonshire, St Mary the Virgin and All Saints
Monday 24 February, 2020 in 0h44 (9-2-4 in G)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
  1 Hilary Hardie
  2 Alex Heaton
  3 Ronnie Fraser
  4 Stuart Weston (C)
  5 Terry Wright
  6 Chris Burgess
First quarter inside 2.

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
NASSINGTON, Northamptonshire, St Mary the Virgin and All Saints
Monday 13 January, 2020 in 0h43 (9-2-4 in G)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
  1 Helen Cornford
  2 Hilary Hardie
  3 Chris Burgess
  4 Stuart Weston (C)
  5 Terry Wright
  6 Ronnie Fraser
First Quarter 1, a Ringing Remembers recruit.

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
NASSINGTON, Northamptonshire, St Mary the Virgin and All Saints
Monday 23 December, 2019 in 0h43 (9-2-4 in G)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
  1 Caroline Mould
  2 Bob Payne
  3 Hilary Hardie
  4 Stuart Weston (C)
  5 Terry Wright
  6 Ronnie Fraser
First QP 1, a Ringing Remembers recruit. Rung for her birthday on 27 December.

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
NASSINGTON, Northamptonshire, St Mary the Virgin and All Saints
Thursday 5 December, 2019 in 0h45 (9-2-4 in G)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
  1 Julie Pocock
  2 Angela Whiteway
  3 Alan Ellis
  4 Stuart Weston (C)
  5 Terry Wright
  6 Hilary Hardie
First Quarter, Treble. Rung to commemorate the life of her sister-in-law Helen Mason who died on 6 December 2017, and also the lives of good friends Ruth Renowden and Tony Bradford Brennan, both of whom died recently.

NASSINGTON, Northamptonshire, St Mary the Virgin and All Saints
Thursday 28 November, 2019 in 0h41 (9-2-4 in G)
1272 Rossendale Surprise Minor
  1 Adrian C Malton (C)
  2 Janet C Garnett
  3 Vanessa E Webster
  4 Katie Wright
  5 David L Thomas
  6 Simon W Edwards
100th quarter peal in 2019: 6.
150th quarter peal in 2019: 5.

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
NASSINGTON, Northamptonshire, St Mary the Virgin and All Saints
Monday 18 November, 2019 in 0h45 (9-2-4 in G)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
  1 Hilary Hardie
  2 Jane Robinson
  3 Angela Whiteway
  4 Stuart Weston (C)
  5 Terry Wright
  6 Chris Burgess
First Quarter inside (2).

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
NASSINGTON, Northamptonshire, St Mary the Virgin and All Saints
Tuesday 22 October, 2019 in 0h45 (9-2-4 in G)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
  1 Alex Heaton
  2 Bob Payne
  3 Hilary Hardie
  4 Stuart Weston (C)
  5 Terry Wright
  6 Ronnie Fraser
First Quarter by the Treble, a ringing remembers recruit. Rung for her birthday on Thursday

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
NASSINGTON, Northamptonshire, St Mary the Virgin and All Saints
Wednesday 13 March, 2019 in 0h46 (9-2-4 in G)
1260 St Felix Doubles
(St Osmund with a Wallflower Single )
  1 Angela Whiteway
  2 David Banks
  3 Hilary Hardie
  4 Stuart Weston
  5 Andrew Christie (C)
  6 Alex Dyer
Rung in celebration of Paula and Terry Wright`s first grandchild, Felix Michael.

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
NASSINGTON, Northamptonshire, St Mary the Virgin and All Saints
Monday 28 January, 2019 in 0h46 (9-2-4 in G)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
  1 Jane Robinson
  2 Hilary Hardie
  3 Angela Whiteway
  4 Stuart Weston (C)
  5 Terry Wright
  6 Chris Edis
First Quarter 1, and a Ringing Remembers recruit. Rung for her 50th birthday this week

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
NASSINGTON, Northamptonshire, St Mary the Virgin and All Saints
Tuesday 22 January, 2019 (9-2-4 in G)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
  1 Jane Webb
  2 Pat Teall
  3 Hilary Hardie
  4 Stuart Weston (C)
  5 Terry Wright
  6 George Edis
First Quarter 1 and a Ringing Remembers recruit

NASSINGTON, Northamptonshire, St Mary the Virgin and All Saints
Tuesday 28 August, 2018 in 0h48 (9-2-4 in G)
1260 Plain Minor (4m)
(360 Double Oxford, Single Oxford and Plain Bob. 180 St.Clements)
  1 Sheila J George
  2 Sally J Mew
  3 Catherina E Griffiths
  4 Naomi A Laredo
  5 Jon Reed
  6 Phillip S George (C)
In the village where Sheila`s grandmother, Edith Bream, was born and bred.

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
NASSINGTON, Northamptonshire, St Mary the Virgin and All Saints
Saturday 12 May, 2018 in 0h43 (9-2-4 in G)
1260 Single Oxford Bob Minor
  1 Terry Wright
  2 Stuart Weston
  3 Hilary Hardie
  4 Andrew Christie
  5 David Banks (C)
  6 Nick Elks
3: First in method.
Rung in celebration for the wedding anniversary of Paula and Terry and also for Hilary`s birthday.

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
NASSINGTON, Northamptonshire, St Mary the Virgin and All Saints
Monday 23 April, 2018 in 0h44 (9-2-4 in G)
1260 Plain Bob Minor
  1 Angela Whiteway
  2 David Banks (C)
  3 Andrew Christie
  4 Alex Dyer
  5 Terry Wright
  6 Michael Smedley
Rung to celebrate the royal birth of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge`s third child and celebrating St George`s Day. QP 6 of 8 for the day.

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
NASSINGTON, Northamptonshire, St Mary the Virgin and All Saints
Tuesday 20 February, 2018 in 0h44 (9-2-4 in G)
1260 Plain Bob Minor
  1 Ian Larter
  2 Diana Street
  3 Angela Whiteway
  4 Stuart Weston
  5 Terry Wright
  6 Nicholas Parsons (C)
A 60th birthday compliment to Diana

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
NASSINGTON, Northamptonshire, St Mary the Virgin and All Saints
Tuesday 21 November, 2017 in 0h43 (9-2-4 in G)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
  1 Hilary Hardie
  2 Pat Teall
  3 Chris Burgess
  4 Ronnie Fraser
  5 Stuart Weston (C)
  6 Terry Wright
!st Doubles QP for 4
Rung for the Branch Quarter Peal Week

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
NASSINGTON, Northamptonshire, St Mary the Virgin and All Saints
Saturday 18 November, 2017 in 0h47 (9-2-4 in G)
1290 Doubles (2m)
(Grandsire and Plain Bob Doubles)
  1 Chris Edis
  2 Hilary Hardie
  3 Andrew Christie (C)
  4 Nick Elks
  5 Terry Wright
  6 Angela Whiteway
Rung for the Branch Quarter Peal Week.
1: First quarter on treble.

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
NASSINGTON, Northamptonshire, St Mary the Virgin and All Saints
Saturday 18 November, 2017 in 0h45 (9-2-4 in G)
1260 Doubles (3 methods/v)
(Grandsire, April Day and Plain Bob )
  1 Angela Whiteway
  2 Hilary Hardie
  3 Nick Elks
  4 Andrew Christie (C)
  5 Terry Wright
  6 George Edis
Rung for the Branch Quarter Peal Week.
6: First quarter

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
NASSINGTON, Northamptonshire, St Mary the Virgin and All Saints
Tuesday 29 August, 2017 in 0h44 (9-2-4 in G)
1260 Plain Bob Minor
  1 Sylvia Upex
  2 Joan Parker
  3 Hilary Hardie
  4 Terry Wright
  5 David Banks (C)
  6 Andrew Christie
Rung by a branch band and utilising all the bells since the augmentation to 6.

Friends of Derick Obergene Society
NASSINGTON, Northamptonshire, St Mary the Virgin and All Saints
Sunday 6 August, 2017 in 0h42 (9-2-4 in G)
1260 Plain Bob Minor
  1 Andrew J Rawlinson (C)
  2 Susan M Sawyer
  3 Maggie Ross
  4 Phill A Butler
  5 Andrew D Clarke
  6 Jack R Bendrey

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
NASSINGTON, Northamptonshire, St Mary the Virgin and All Saints
Friday 28 April, 2017 in 0h43 (9-2-4 in G)
1260 Doubles (42 Variations)
(60 changes of 1, St Alban, St Ambrose, St Paul, St John the Evangelist; 120s of 2, St Jude, St Austell, St Laurence, St Stephen; 3, St Wilfrid, Sussex , St Oswald, Septuagesima; 4, Elford, St Felix, Austrey, St Wenceslas; 5, Winchester, Vectis, Wykeham, Quinquagesima; 6, Eynsham, St Ninian, St Leonard, St John the Baptist; 7,St Mary, St Cecilia, St Crispin, Laverstoke; 8, Lonsdale, Rye, Lockerley , Over Wallop; 9, Shareshill, St Cleer, Ryton, Omega; 10, Brockenhurst, Uphill, Lyndhurst, Mottisfont; 11, Lapley, Horsley, St John, Obediah.)
  1 Gavin Simpson
  2 Elaine Wilkinson
  3 Rhiannon F Pugh
  4 Mark Pugh (C)
  5 Andrew Christie
  6 Terry Wright
In memory of Ian Gibson who passed away suddenly and will be missed by his family.

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
NASSINGTON, Northamptonshire, St Mary the Virgin and All Saints
Wednesday 19 April, 2017 (9-2-4 in G)
1260 April Day Doubles
  1 Joan Parker
  2 Andrew Christie
  3 Hilary Hardie
  4 David Banks (C)
  5 Terry Wright
  6 Chris Burgess
Celebrating Easter.
3 and 5: First inside to April Day.

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
NASSINGTON, Northamptonshire, St Mary the Virgin and All Saints
Tuesday 24 January, 2017 in 0h46 (9-2-4 in G)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
  1 Dave Brown
  2 Hilary Hardie
  3 Nick Elks (C)
  4 Chris Burgess
  5 Alex Dyer
  6 Terry Wright
This was the `Volunteers` QP. All those ringing were volunteers who had worked on the Nassington Bells Project. Also First QP for Bell 1 Dave Brown.

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
NASSINGTON, Northamptonshire, St Mary the Virgin and All Saints
Friday 20 January, 2017 in 0h46 (9-2-4 in G)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
  1 David Teall
  2 Pat Teall
  3 Andrew Parker
  4 Hilary Hardie
  5 John Riley (C)
  6 Terry Wright
First QP on the newly installed peal of six. David Teall to ring the first QP on the `Teall` treble. Hilary Hardie to ring the first QP on the `Hardie` bell

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
NASSINGTON, Northamptonshire, St Mary the Virgin and All Saints
Wednesday 3 August, 2016 in 0h43 (9-2-16)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
  1 Angela Whiteway
  2 Pat Teall
  3 David Teall
  4 Chris Burgess
  5 John Riley (C)
First Quarter Peal by the ringer of the Treble. The last Quarter Peal on the five bells before their removal for restoration and augmentation.

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
NASSINGTON, Northamptonshire, St Mary the Virgin and All Saints
Friday 22 July, 2016 in 0h43 (9-2-16)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
  1 Sylvia Upex
  2 Hilary Hardie
  3 Terry Wright
  4 Andrew Christie (C)
  5 John Riley
3: first quarter on the bells.
A penultimate quarter peal on the bells prior to augmenting the ring to a 6.

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
NASSINGTON, Northamptonshire, St Mary the Virgin and All Saints
Wednesday 8 June, 2016 in 0h44 (9-2-16 in G)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
(Bob Doubles)
  1 Chris Burgess
  2 Hilary Hardie
  3 Sylvia Upex
  4 Alex Dyer
  5 John Riley (C)
First QP inside for Sylvia Upex (3)

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
NASSINGTON, Northamptonshire, St Mary the Virgin and All Saints
Saturday 30 April, 2016 in 0h41 (9-2-16)
1320 Yockenthwaite Doubles
  1 Tom Stevenson
  2 Stuart Weston
  3 David Banks
  4 Alex Dyer
  5 Andrew Christie (C)
First of Yockenthwaite by the band. A birthday compliment to Tom and rung as a fundraiser for the augmentation appeal.
4: 250th QP

NASSINGTON, Northamptonshire, St Mary the Virgin and All Saints
Saturday 11 October, 2014 (9-2-16)
1320 Spliced Doubles (7m)
(11 spliced 120s rung with no calls, only changes of method. Winchendon Place, St. Nicholas, Huntley Place, St. Remigius, Hascombe Slow Course, Longford Slow Course, Thornborough Slow Course.)
  1 Robert J Deeley
  2 Rose Nightingale (C)
  3 Richard Booth
  4 Nicholas H Brett
  5 Simon J O Head
First qp of spliced as conductor. First spliced doubles: 2,3 and 4

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
NASSINGTON, Northamptonshire, St Mary the Virgin and All Saints
Saturday 13 September, 2014 in 0h45 (9.2.16)
1260 Grandsire and Plain Bob Doubles
(300 Grandsire Doubles 960 Plain Bob Doubles)
  1 Keith Underwood
  2 Pat Teall
  3 David Teall (C)
  4 Chris Burgess
  5 John Riley
Rung in celebration of the life of Bill Black who was a ringer in this Tower for over 50 years.

NASSINGTON, Northamptonshire, St Mary the Virgin and All Saints
Wednesday 20 October, 2010 ()
1260 Doubles
(Stedman, Grandsire and Plain Bob)
  1 Barry Cowper
  2 Mary Rixon
  3 Stella Shell
  4 Godfrey C Reynolds
  5 Howard Collings (C)

NASSINGTON, Northamptonshire, St Mary the Virgin and All Saints
Thursday 5 August, 1993 in 0h49 (9-2-4 in G)
1440 Doubles (48m)
(Caernarvonshire, Flintshire, Merionethshire, Radnorshire; Londonthorpe, Casthorpe, Manthorpe, Nunthorpe; Forncett, Ellingham, Bedingham, Screveton; Knapton, Lyng, Intwood, Strelley; Fundenhall, Haddiscoe, Harpley, Ossington; Braywood, Welford, Longworth, Sutton on Trent; Maltby, Chevasse, Callender, Montgomeryshire; Twineham, Bampton, Fifield, St Ouen; New Bob, Huntspill, St Vedast, Blaisdon; Westminster, Blackburn, St Hilary, Dragon; St Nicholas, Winchendon, St Remigius, Huntley; St Simon's, St Martin's, St Osmund, Eynesbury)
  1 Rowena Marshall
  2 Roger Butt
  3 Stephen R Knight
  4 Adrian Malton
  5 Colin Newman (C)
Most methods - 2

Durham University Society of Change Ringers
NASSINGTON, Northamptonshire, St Mary the Virgin and All Saints
Monday 8 January, 1990 (9-2-4 in G)
1260 Erin Doubles
  1 Christopher A Cooper (C)
  2 Caroline E Burton
  3 Helena J Shaw
  4 Andrew P Warboys
  5 Peter C Gay
First in method for all