EAST HADDON, Northamptonshire, St Mary the Virgin
Thursday 23 May, 2024 in 0h50 (15-0-22 in E)
1296 Cambridge Surprise Minor
  1 Anthea Hiams
  2 Pam M Bailey
  3 Helen Camps
  4 Liz Reading
  5 Mark Webb
  6 Alistair Donaldson (C)
First QP in the Method: 3
First ringing in the village of his birth: 5

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
EAST HADDON, Northamptonshire, St Mary the Virgin
Saturday 10 December, 2022 (15-0-22 in E)
1320 Cambridge Surprise Minor
  1 Anthea Hiams
  2 Liz Reading
  3 Nick Hiams
  4 Alistair Donaldson
  5 David P Westerman
  6 Andrew Gunstone (C)
Rung in memory of Angela Curtis, wife of John Curtis, Tower Captain, who died on 9 December 2022. Angela was an East Haddon resident for over 20 years. May she rest in peace.

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
EAST HADDON, Northamptonshire, St Mary the Virgin
Saturday 23 October, 2021 in 0h52 (15-0-22 in E)
1296 Cambridge Surprise Minor
  1 Daphne Hinton
  2 Anthea Hiams
  3 Elizabeth Reading
  4 Colin Sim
  5 Nick Hiams
  6 David Westerman (C)
To Commemorate the 400th Anniversary of bells 2,3,4 and 6

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
EAST HADDON, Northamptonshire, St Mary the Virgin
Friday 16 March, 2018 (15-0-22 in E)
1320 Kent Treble Bob Minor
  1 Carole Pullin
  2 Alison Willgress
  3 Brian Clark
  4 Gwynneth White (C)
  5 Geoff Pullin
  6 James White

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
EAST HADDON, Northamptonshire, St Mary the Virgin
Monday 6 November, 2017 (15-0-22 in E)
1296 2 Surprise Minor
(720 Norwich 576 Cambridge )
  1 Alison Steer
  2 Colin Sim
  3 Nick Hiams
  4 Robin Wilson
  5 Alistair Donaldson
  6 David Westerman (C)
70th Birthday compliment to Colin.

EAST HADDON, Northamptonshire, St Mary the Virgin
Friday 27 February, 2015 in 0h46 (15-0-22)
1320 Northorp Surprise Minor
  1 Janet Garnett
  2 Katie Wright
  3 Patricia Cresshull
  4 Alison Daniels
  5 Ian Cresshull
  6 Adrian Malton (C)
First in method for all the band. 1300th quarter peal :5.

EAST HADDON, Northamptonshire, St Mary V
Wednesday 18 July, 2012 ()
1276 Cambridge Surprise Minor
  1 Jill Wigney
  2 Monica Trow
  3 Andrew Harvey
  4 Gill Tomlinson
  5 James Ingham (C)
  6 Tony Nunn
A birthday treat for the conductor. On Barnes Ringers Annual Summer Tour

EAST HADDON, Northamptonshire
Friday 3 December, 2010 ()
1260 Plain Bob Minor
  1 P Clifton
  2 R F Waddy
  3 J Thorne
  4 R Tregillus
  5 M J Harvey
  6 D Baskerville (C)
In thanks giving for the life and work of Margaret Wrathall, Church Warden who was tragically killed in a farming accident.

EAST HADDON, Northamptonshire
Saturday 5 February, 2005 ()
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
  1 D Meakin
  2 S Ruddlesden
  3 I Calvert (C)
  4 M Harvey
  5 R Waddy
  6 P Clifton
Rung in celebration of the life of Jan Pike who had been a tireless worker and staunch supporter of this Church for over 35 years.

EAST HADDON, Northamptonshire, St Mary the Virgin
Tuesday 7 July, 1992 (15-0-22 in E)
1296 Cambridge Surprise Minor
  1 Richard M Barnett
  2 John E Heaton
  3 Derek P Jones
  4 K Maurice Starkey
  5 J Spencer
  6 Alan Rowe (C)

EAST HADDON, Northamptonshire, St Mary the Virgin
Saturday 13 June, 1992 in 0h49 (15-0-22 in E)
1320 Linden Surprise Minor
  1 Michael Edwards
  2 Edwin Parsons
  3 Roger Butt
  4 Rowena Marshall
  5 Colin Newman
  6 Adrian Malton (C)
First in method by all except conductor; 600th quarter - 3