Peterborough Diocesan Guild
FINEDON, Northamptonshire, St Mary the Virgin
Monday 8 November, 2021 in 0h44 ()
1260 Plain Bob Minor
  1 Cathy Dixon
  2 John Holmes
  3 Harry Curtis
  4 Kevan Chapman
  5 John Beresford
  6 Simon Dixon (C)
In Celebration of the 1st Anniversary of the marriage of John & Janet Beresford

FINEDON, Northamptonshire, St Mary the Virgin
Sunday 17 October, 2021 in 0h47 (21-2-23 in D)
1260 Stedman Triples
  1 Sue Marsden
  2 Patricia Cresshull
  3 Janet Garnett
  4 Lucy Gwynne
  5 Ian Cresshull
  6 Nick Elks
  7 Adrian Malton (C)
  8 John Gwynne

FINEDON, Northamptonshire, St Mary the Virgin
Tuesday 28 September, 2021 in 0h52 (21-2-23 in D)
1280 Tuesday Surprise Major
Comp: R Weeks
  1 Molly S Waterson
  2 Claire C Nicholson
  3 Bjørn E Bradstock
  4 Alan D Pink
  5 Matthew A Skues
  6 Simon D G Webb
  7 Phill A Butler
  8 David A C Matthews (C)

FINEDON, Northamptonshire, St Mary the Virgin
Saturday 17 February, 2018 in 0h50 (21-2-23 in D)
1260 Grandsire Doubles
  1 Brenda Parr
  2 Richard Bimson
  3 Izabelle A Bimson
  4 Nicholas J Parr
  5 Terry M Astill (C)
  6 Richard J Chantler

FINEDON, Northamptonshire, St Mary the Virgin
Wednesday 2 August, 2017 in 0h47 (21-2-23 in D)
1260 St Clement's College Bob Triples
  1 Gareth L M Lawson
  2 Susan M Sawyer
  3 Louise G Pink
  4 Emily E Hall
  5 Christopher J Field
  6 David A C Matthews
  7 Simon D G Webb (C)
  8 Kevan J Chapman

FINEDON, Northamptonshire, St Mary the Virgin
Friday 28 April, 2017 in 0h47 (21-2-23)
1260 Single Oxford Bob Triples
  1 Clive Moore
  2 Alison Daniels
  3 Patricia Cresshull
  4 Janet Garnett
  5 Vanessa E Webster
  6 Katie Wright
  7 Adrian Malton (C)
  8 Ian Cresshull

FINEDON, Northamptonshire, St Mary the Virgin
Monday 2 January, 2017 in 0h49 (21-2-23 in D)
1344 No 5029 Nunney Castle Surprise Major
Comp: Elf
  1 Nich Wilson
  2 Vicky LeFèvre
  3 Ann Evans
  4 Bjørn E Bradstock (C)
  5 Richard Sales
  6 Alistair Donaldson
  7 Claire C Nicholson
  8 Matthew R Johnson

Cambridge University Guild
FINEDON, Northamptonshire, St Mary the Virgin
Sunday 1 January, 2017 in 0h60 (21-2-23)
1456 Plain Bob Major
Comp: O P Bardsley
  1 Megan A Corless
  2 Samuel D Johnson
  3 Rachel L Anderson
  4 Imogen R Diver
  5 Oliver P Bardsley (C)
  6 Andrew J Carlotti
  7 Robert K Flockton
  8 James R A Dann
Rung on Guild New Year #GNY2k17
25th together - 4 & 7

FINEDON, Northamptonshire, St Mary V
Saturday 5 November, 2016 in 0h47 (21)
1260 Grandsire Triples
  1 Vanessa Webster
  2 Ann-M Webb
  3 Janet Garnett
  4 Katie Wright
  5 Alison Daniels
  6 Joe Ostler
  7 Adrian Malton (C)
  8 David Webb

FINEDON, Northamptonshire, St Mary the Virgin
Saturday 7 February, 2015 in 0h46 (21-2-23 in D)
1260 Stedman Triples
Comp: T Thurstans
  1 Matthew D Hardy
  2 Siân E Austin
  3 Tim R Palmer (C)
  4 Claire C Nicholson
  5 Andy D Clark
  6 Anna K Bayley
  7 Samuel M Austin
  8 Matthew D Franklin

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
FINEDON, Northamptonshire, St Mary-the-Virgin
Saturday 22 February, 2014 in 0h47 (21cwt)
1260 Plain Bob Triples
  1 Alan Marks (C)
  2 Rod Walker
  3 Brenda Dixon
  4 Pam Bailey
  5 Harry Curtis
  6 Richard Cowley
  7 Tim Samson
  8 Kevan Chapman
We couldn`t Ring at Higham Ferrers as they haven`t got any Bells at the moment!!

FINEDON, Northamptonshire, St Mary the Virgin
Friday 10 January, 2014 in 0h50 (21-2-23)
1280 Double Norwich Court Bob Major
  1 Ann Evans
  2 Penny Browne
  3 Vicky LeFèvre
  4 Adrian Malton
  5 John Rank
  6 Claire C Nicholson
  7 Stephen Wood
  8 Richard Sales (C)

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
FINEDON, Northamptonshire, St Mary-the-Virgin
Friday 27 July, 2012 in 0h45 ()
1272 Plain Bob Minimus
  1 Julia Havlickova
  2 Bryan Chapman
  3 Kevan Chapman (C)
  4 John Havlicek
Rung starting at 8.12 as part of `All the Bell`s` for the Olympics
First Minimus for all

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
FINEDON, Northamptonshire, St Mary the Virgin
Monday 4 June, 2012 in 0h45 ()
1260 Doubles (2 methods)
  1 Julie Havlickova
  2 Bryan Chapman
  3 John Havlicek
  4 Mark Butts
  5 Kevan Chapman (C)
  6 Helen Brookes
Part of Wellingborough Branch celebration of the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
FINEDON, Northamptonshire, St Mary-the-Virgin
Monday 4 June, 2012 in 0h45 (10cwt)
1260 Doubles (2m)
  1 Julia Havlicek
  2 Bryan Chapman
  3 John Havlicek
  4 Mark Butts
  5 Kevan Chapman (C)
  6 Helen Brooks
For the Diamond Jubilee of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
FINEDON, Northamptonshire, St Mary-the-Virgin
Friday 29 April, 2011 in 0h46 (10cwt)
1260 Plain Bob and Stedman Doubles
  1 Julia Havlickova
  2 John Havlicek
  3 Bryan Chapman
  4 Mark Butts
  5 Kevan Chapman (C)
  6 Helen Brooks
For the Royal Wedding of Miss Catherine Middleton to Prince William.
Rung during the Wellingborough Branch Quarter Peal Weekend
First Quarter at 1st Attempt - 6

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
FINEDON, Northamptonshire, St Mary
Sunday 4 October, 2009 in 0h46 (21 cwt)
1260 Plain Bob Triples
  1 Chris Downey
  2 Niki Wildman
  3 Pam Bailey
  4 Kathryn Stenton
  5 Denis Pearson
  6 Jason Carter (C)
  7 Pat Albon
  8 Ken Wildman
Rung in memory of Bob Goss of Finedon. 1st of Triples: 1

FINEDON, Northamptonshire, St Mary the Virgin
Sunday 27 September, 2009 (21-2-23 in D)
1264 Double Norwich Court Bob Major
  1 Philip Vracas
  2 Jillian Laken
  3 Pauline Dingley
  4 Margaret Peirce
  5 Richard Andrew
  6 Mark Harris
  7 Paul Norman
  8 Stephen Jakeman (C)
1st in method: 2 & 4.

FINEDON, Northamptonshire, St Mary the Virgin
Saturday 21 June, 2008 in 0h48 (21-2-23)
1280 Double Norwich Court Bob Major
  1 John Roberts
  2 Liz Griffith-Jones
  3 Bill Griffith-Jones
  4 Ann Evans
  5 Clive B Moore
  6 Thomas B Mack
  7 Adrian C Malton (C)
  8 Richard Sales
First quarter of DNCB:- 6.

FINEDON, Northamptonshire, St Mary the Virgin
Monday 25 October, 1993 in 0h48 (21-2-23 in D)
1280 Uxbridge Surprise Major
  1 Michael Edwards
  2 Rowena Marshall
  3 Jeni Dodds
  4 Angus Dodds
  5 Desmond Mayell
  6 Paul Bloomfield
  7 Colin Newman
  8 Adrian Malton (C)

FINEDON, Northamptonshire, St Mary the Virgin
Monday 2 January, 1989 in 0h48 (21-2-23)
1250 Cambridge Surprise Major
  1 Keith Lewin
  2 Barbara Nichols
  3 Christine M Carter
  4 Duncan P Vyse
  5 Jonathan R Pawley
  6 Dennis Green
  7 Derek A Hammond
  8 Robin E H Woolley (C)

FINEDON, Northamptonshire, St Mary the Virgin
Sunday 3 June, 1973 (21-2-23 in D)
1296 Little Bob Major
  1 CE Richardson
  2 JA Underwood
  3 EJ CHapman
  4 Susan Pearson
  5 William D Lanyon (first of Little Bob)
  6 J C Parker
  7 EC Buckby
  8 D G Pearson (C)
For Ascension-tide

FINEDON, Northamptonshire, St Mary the Virgin
Saturday 16 December, 1972 (21-2-23 in D)
1296 Cambridge Surprise Minor
  1 C Richardson
  2 Brenda Dixon
  3 J Underwood
  4 William D Lanyon (first of Cambridge)
  5 N Pearson
  6 AJ Marks (C)
  8 EJ Chapman (cover)