STOKE DOYLE, Northamptonshire, St Rumbald
Thursday 31 August, 2023 in 0h44 (10-3-10 in G#)
1280 Plain Bob Doubles
  1 George Potter
  2 Anne Deebank
  3 Teresa M Jones
  4 Edward C Buckby
  5 Martin R Hall (C)
In memory of Ruth Keens, formerly of Stoke Doyle. Died January 25th 2023, aged 98.

Leicester Diocesan Guild
STOKE DOYLE, Northamptonshire, St Rumbald
Wednesday 2 May, 2018 in 0h43 (10cwt-3qr-10lb)
1260 Mixed Doubles
(180 Stedman Doubles, 360 Grandsire Doubles, 360 April Day Doubles, 360 Plain Bob Doubles)
  1 Teresa M Jones
  2 Martin R Hall
  3 Garry Mason (C)
  4 Jonathan D Shanklin
  5 Mike Roberts
Rung in memory of Private Arthur Edward Moisey, ringer at Stoke Doyle, killed 100 years ago to the day buried in Englebelmer cemetery - Great Uncle of Teresa Jones

STOKE DOYLE, Northamptonshire, St Rumbald
Tuesday 2 August, 2016 in 0h48 (10-3-10)
1260 St Simon's Bob Doubles
  1 Siân E Austin
  2 Nicholas C Field
  3 Christopher J Field
  4 Matthew D Hardy
  5 Samuel M Austin (C)

STOKE DOYLE, Northamptonshire
Tuesday 14 October, 2014 ()
1260 Doubles (4m/1p)
  1 Jill Harvey
  2 Chris Jenkins
  3 Hilary Aslett
  4 Alan Marks (C)
  5 Mike Harvey
To celebrate the marriage of Caroline Harvey and Benno Kittelmann in Frankfurt on 19th September

STOKE DOYLE, Northamptonshire, St Rumbold
Saturday 11 October, 2014 (10-3-10)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
  1 Rose Nightingale
  2 Simon J O Head
  3 Robert J Deeley
  4 Richard Booth
  5 Nicholas H Brett (C)
First quarter peal on the bells since rehanging.
4th of 4.

STOKE DOYLE, Northamptonshire, St Rumbald
Thursday 17 July, 1997 (10-3-10 in G#)
1260 Stoke Doyle Doubles
  1 David Kingman
  2 Helen Coleman
  3 Steven Harrell
  4 Nicholas Churchman
  5 Paul Mason (C)
1st in v.: CC 7 c/f.

STOKE DOYLE, Northamptonshire, St Rumbald
Thursday 13 August, 1992 (10-3-10 in G#)
1260 Doubles (11m/v)
(Stedman, St Ninian, St John Evangelist, St Nicholas, Lapley, Winchendon Place, St Miles, St Remigius, Huntley Place, Kennington, April Day)
  1 Matthew A Walker
  2 Peter C Warboys
  3 Andrew P Warboys (C)
  4 Anthony D Walker
  5 Andrew M Farmer

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
STOKE DOYLE, Northamptonshire, St Rumbold
Friday 11 August, 1972 in 0h40 (10)
1260 Stoke Doyle and Other Doubles
(Stoke Doyle and seven other m/v)
Comp: JD (Stoke Doyle Doubles (1972))
  1 Nicola Renyard
  2 John Riley
  3 John David (C)
  4 Paul Loxston
  5 Steven Bell
Stoke Doyle believed rung for the first time, Reverse Canterbury bobs, Grandsire bobs, Plain Bob bobs. 100th quarter John David.