Peterborough Diocesan Guild
THORNHAUGH, Cambridgeshire, St Andrew
Wednesday 20 April, 2022 in 0h38 (5-2-1 in A)
1260 Doubles (7m/v)
(Eynesbury, St Osmond, St Martin, St Simon, April Day, Plain Bob, Grandsire. )
  1 Terry Wright
  2 Hilary Hardie
  3 Diana Street
  4 Stuart Weston
  5 Andrew Christie (C)
2: Most m/v inside.
Wishing Joan Parker a speedy recovery and return home.

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
THORNHAUGH, Cambridgeshire, St Andrew
Tuesday 1 March, 2022 in 0h36 (5-2-1 in A)
1260 Thomas, Christie and St David Doubles
(Thomas is Grandsire with a P-Single, a Grandsire Bob and a Grandsire Single, Christie is Brigstock Place with a Reverse Canterbury Plain and a New Bob Bob, St David is Reverse Canterbury with an Antelope Single.)
  1 Julian Burton
  2 Diana Street
  3 David Banks (C)
  4 Stuart Weston
  5 Andrew Christie
Remembering Aubrey Parker and Thomas Christie who died on St David`s day in 1977 and 2012 respectively.
Canon Thomas Christie was parish priest of Wansford and Thornhaugh between 2001 and 2011.
Joan Parker wished to be associated with this quarter peal too

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
THORNHAUGH, Cambridgeshire, St Andrew
Sunday 1 March, 2020 in 0h38 (5-2-1 in A)
1260 St David Doubles
(St David is Reverse Canterbury with an Antelope Single )
  1 Angela Whiteway
  2 Elaine Wilkinson
  3 David Banks
  4 Stuart Weston
  5 Andrew Christie (C)
Remembering Aubrey Parker and Thomas Christie who died on St David`s day in 1977 and 2012 respectively.
Canon Thomas Christie was parish priest of Wansford and Thornhaugh between 2001 and 2011.

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
THORNHAUGH, Cambridgeshire, St Andrew
Saturday 29 April, 2017 in 0h39 (5-2-1 in A)
1260 Doubles (4m,1v)
(300 changes of Grandsire and 240's of Plain Bob, April Day, St Simon's and St Martin's)
  1 Rhiannon F Pugh
  2 Diana Street
  3 Elaine Wilkinson (C)
  4 Matthew Bradwell
  5 Mark Pugh
The West meets East tour

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
THORNHAUGH, Cambridgeshire, St Andrew
Wednesday 28 December, 2016 in 0h38 (5-2-1 in A)
1260 Julie McDonnell Bob Doubles
  1 Terry Wright
  2 David Banks
  3 Michael Smedley
  4 Andrew Christie (C)
  5 Stuart Weston
Rung in support of #SBABC.
3: First in method

Friends of Derick Obergene Society
THORNHAUGH, Cambridgeshire, St Andrew
Tuesday 2 August, 2016 in 0h46 (5-2-1)
1320 Joshua Differential Doubles
  1 Nicholas C Field (C)
  2 Susan M Sawyer
  3 Matthew D Hardy
  4 Jonathan D Storey
  5 L Martin Daniels

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
THORNHAUGH, Cambridgeshire, St Andrew
Saturday 18 June, 2016 in 0h38 (5-2-1)
1260 Grandsire and Plain Bob Doubles
  1 Mandy Loveder
  2 Joan Parker
  3 Ian Larter
  4 Andrew Christie
  5 Stuart Weston (C)
Rang after the wedding of Carol Sainthouse and Antony Henderson.

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
THORNHAUGH, Cambridgeshire, St Andrew
Tuesday 1 March, 2016 in 0h38 (5-2-1 in A)
1320 St David Doubles
  1 Lucy Smith
  2 Joan Parker
  3 Alex Dyer
  4 Andrew Christie (C)
  5 Sean Smith
1st in method by the band.
Remembering Thomas Christie and Aubrey Parker who died on St David`s Day in 2012 and 1977 respectively.

THORNHAUGH, Cambridgeshire, St Andrew
Sunday 13 December, 2015 (5-2-1 in A)
1260 Original Doubles
  1 Elaine Wilkinson
  2 Andrew Shipman
  3 Matthew Bradwell
  4 Nick Elks
  5 Philip Shipman (C)
A total of 165 calls

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
THORNHAUGH, Cambridgeshire, St Andrew's
Saturday 8 December, 2012 in 0h38 (5-2-1)
1260 Doubles (11 methods/v)
(Stedman, All Saints, Cliffords Pleasure, Southrepps, Reverse Canterbury, Grandsire, St Simon, St Martin, Kennington, April Day & Plain Bob)
  1 Geoff Davis
  2 Joan Parker
  3 Alex Dyer
  4 Andrew Christie (C)
  5 Nick Elks
3: Most methods inside

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
THORNHAUGH, Cambridgeshire, St Andrew's
Saturday 10 March, 2012 in 0h38 (5-2-1)
1260 Doubles (5 methods/v)
(Grandsire, April Day, St Simon, St Martin and Plain Bob)
  1 Geoff Davis
  2 Marilyn Jenner
  3 Joan Parker
  4 Andrew Christie (C)
  5 Alex Dyer
Rung in recognition for the life of service of Canon Thomas Christie, former parish priest of Wansford and Thornhaugh. 08/08/1931 - 01/03/2012

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
THORNHAUGH, Cambridgeshire, St Andrew's
Saturday 24 September, 2011 in 0h37 (5-2-1)
1260 Doubles (8 methods/v)
(April Day, Grandsire, Winchendon Place, St Nicholas, Reverse Canterbury, St Simon, St Martin and Plain Bob.)
  1 Geoff Davis
  2 Joan Parker
  3 Marilyn Jenner
  4 Stuart Weston
  5 Andrew Christie (C)
Retirement tribute to Canon Tom Christie, after 10 years serving the parishes of Wansford & Thornhaugh.

Society of Rambling Ringers
THORNHAUGH, Cambridgeshire, St Andrews
Monday 8 August, 2011 in 0h37 (5-2-1)
1260 Doubles (2m/V)
(120 Christie; 1140 Plain Bob)
  1 Helen Rigby
  2 Paul M de Kok
  3 H Geoffrey Wells
  4 Harm Jan A de Kok
  5 Anthony J Crabtree (C)
First in the variation Christie 222 k/r (Brigstock Place with Rev Cant Plain as Bob and New Bob Bob as Single)
In celebration of the 80th Birthday of the Rev. Canon Thomas Christie, Priest in Charge, St Andrew’s Thornhaugh and St Mary’s Wansford

THORNHAUGH, Cambridgeshire, St Andrew
Wednesday 20 October, 2010 in 0h42 (5cwt)
1260 Doubles
(Stedman and Grandsire)
  1 Stella Shell
  2 Mary Rixon
  3 Godfrey C Reynolds
  4 Howard Collings
  5 Barry Cowper (C)
Rung for the wedding of Timothy (son of Conductor) and Claire to be married on 23rd October 2010

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
THORNHAUGH, Cambridgeshire, St Andrew
Friday 8 June, 2007 (5-2-1)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
  1 Keith Underwood
  2 Marion Joseph
  3 Joan Parker
  4 Mike Kennedy
  5 Tony Evans (C)
Rung in the presence of and for the occasion of local legend David Powell`s 90th birthday.

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
THORNHAUGH, Cambridgeshire, St Andrew
Thursday 8 June, 2006 (5-2-1)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
  1 Keith Underwood
  2 Marion Joseph
  3 Joan Parker
  4 Mike Kennedy
  5 Tony Evans (C)
Rung in the presence of and for the occasion of local legend David Powell`s 90th birthday.

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
THORNHAUGH, Cambridgeshire, St Andrew
Tuesday 24 December, 2002 in 0h34 (5-2-1)
1260 4 Doubles
(St Simon, Plain Bob, St Martin & Grandsire)
  1 Geoff Davis
  2 Jack Gunning
  3 James Mort
  4 Joan Parker
  5 Stuart Weston (C)
Rung for the Christingle service

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
THORNHAUGH, Cambridgeshire, St Andrew
Sunday 4 August, 2002 in 0h38 (5 cwt)
1260 11 Doubles
(Reverse Canterbury, St Nicholas, Winchendon, St Remigius, St Osmond, St Simons, St Martins, Plain Bob, April Day, Grandsire, Stedman)
  1 Lis Freeman
  2 Sue Parker
  3 Joan Parker
  4 Andrew Parker (C)
  5 Tony Evans
1: 1st Stedman 5: Most methods In memory of Molly Evans, mother of 5th, on the 2nd anniversary of her death. Rung as celebration of the life of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother, on the anniversary of her birth and on the Peterborough Branch Quarter Peal Day.

THORNHAUGH, Cambridgeshire, St Andrew
Saturday 31 July, 1993 in 0h36 (5-2-1 in A)
1260 Doubles (12 Methods)
(St Simon's, St Martin's, St Osmund, Eynesbury, St Nicholas, Winchendon, St Remigius, Huntley, Plain Bob, Reverse Canterbury, Stedman, Grandsire)
  1 Michael Edwards
  2 Rowena Marshall
  3 David Pearson
  4 Adrian Malton
  5 Colin Newman (C)

Durham University Society of Change Ringers
THORNHAUGH, Cambridgeshire, St Andrew
Monday 8 January, 1990 (5-2-1 in A)
1260 Doubles (11m/v)
(Stedman, Dummer, Sarratt, Heyford, Chilton, Royston, Amersham, St John Divine, St Ignatius, Churchill, May Day)
  1 Caroline E Burton
  2 Helena J Shaw
  3 Peter C Gay
  4 Andrew P Warboys (C)
  5 Christopher A Cooper