COLLINGTREE, Northamptonshire, St Columba
Monday 12 May, 2014 in 0h42 (12cwt)
1260 Stedman Doubles
  1 Davina Buckle
  2 Alan Cozens
  3 Harry Curtis
  4 Nick Gray
  5 Tony Gray (C)
First QP Stedman 1. First QP Stedman Doubles as Conductor 5.

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
COLLINGTREE, Northamptonshire, St Columba
Friday 13 September, 2013 in 0h46 (12-2-2)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
  1 Elizabeth Woodrow
  2 David J Warwick Smith
  3 Davina R Buckle
  4 Mark D Rogers
  5 Alan C Cozens (C)
In memory of John Warwick, died 13/9/11 and in celebration of his 91 birthday.
Also in memory of Denis Pearson died 7/9/13

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
COLLINGTREE, Northamptonshire, St Columba
Friday 13 September, 2013 in 0h46 (12-2-2)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
  1 Elizabeth Woodrow
  2 David Warwick
  3 Davina Buckle
  4 Mark Rogers
  5 Alan Cozens (C)
Rung on the anniversary of John Warwick`s death (past tower captain). Also in memory of Denis Pearson who recently passed away.
First QP inside 2

COLLINGTREE, Northamptonshire, St Columba
Saturday 16 February, 2013 (12-2-2)
1320 Newington Doubles
  1 Jan Robinson
  2 Simon J O Head
  3 Rose Nightingale
  4 Kevin Pughe
  5 Richard Booth (C)
First in the variation for all.