Extracts from Bell News Vol 17 p14 18th June 1898
The members of the Oundle First Deanery Association held their fourth annual meeting at Elton, for although the parish is out of the deanery and diocese, the Association was glad enough to have the use of the fine bells and to welcome the ringers.
.. Seven ringers were present at Elton, four from Warmington, six from Benefield, five from Stoke Doyle, and one from Oundle and Cotterstock. ..Not much change-ringing was accomplished except by the Stoke Doyle band, who rang some 6-scores of Grandsire and Bob Doubles.
Extracts from Bell News Vol 18 p63 1st July 1899
The Oundle First Deanery Association held their sixth [?] annual meeting in this parish in glorious weather on Wednesday, June 21st. The home ringers were joined by bands from Pilton, Cotterstock, Warmington, Benefield, and Elton. .. An invitation was gladly accepted to meet at Cotterstock next year.
From Bell News Vol 33 p701 21st Aug 1915
On Sunday, August 1st, in response to an invitation from the young ringers Mr. George Fellows arranged for a band from the Oundle First Deanery Association to spend the day at King’s Cliffe. .. They rang for both morning and evening services touches of Grandsire Doubles.