Peterborough Diocesan Guild
PIDDINGTON, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Thursday 4 April, 2019 in 2h50 (10-2-23 in F#)
5040 Surprise Minor (7m)
(7m: 1 extent each Wooler, Carlisle, Wells, Hull, Ipswich, Rossendale, Westminster)
  1 Susan E Marshall
  2 Ruth Curtis
  3 Paul M Mason
  4 Colin Aked
  5 Richard I Allton
  6 Paul F Curtis (C)
Ringing World page ref: 5635.0404

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
PIDDINGTON, Northamptonshire, St John Baptist
Friday 23 May, 2003 in 2h51 (10)
5040 Roade Hybrid Minor
(7 different extents)
  1 Sally A Mason
  2 Denis G Pearson
  3 Victoria Samson
  4 Paul M Mason (C)
  5 M J 'Bill' Blowfield
  6 Michael D Fiander
Silver Wedding Anniversary compliments to Joanne & Ivor Wilde, and Denise & Ian Smith of Piddington.
First peal in the method.
Roade Hybrid Minor:
f 34-3.1.2-2.23-2.234-234.25-23.2-2.1.3-34.2
Ringing World page ref: 4807.0565

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
PIDDINGTON, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Friday 12 January, 2001 in 2h43 (10-2-23 in F#)
5040 Piddington Delight Minor
(7 different extents)
  1 Michael D Fiander
  2 Barry R Care
  3 Victoria Samson
  4 Denis G Pearson
  5 James M Bence
  6 Paul M Mason (C)
First peal in the method.
Piddington Delight Minor:
f -3-4-5- lh12 (TDMM 48682)
Ringing World page ref: 4685.0137

Oxford Diocesan Guild
PIDDINGTON, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Friday 17 July, 1992 in 2h42 (10-2-23 in F#)
5040 Spliced Surprise Minor (24m)
(1 London, Wells; 2 Norfolk, Hull, Primrose, Queen Mary; 3 Lightfoot, Wearmouth, Rossendale, Stamford; 4 Ipswich, Bourne, Cambridge, King Edward; 5 Carlisle, Chester, Munden; 6 Bourne, Netherseale; 7 Beverley, Surfleet, Berwick, Hexham, York, Durham)
  1 Andrew P Warboys
  2 Andrew M Farmer
  3 Mary C Symes
  4 John E Ewer
  5 Peter G C Ellis (C)
  6 Colin M Turner
Ringing World page ref: 4243.0821

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
PIDDINGTON, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Thursday 18 February, 1954 in 2h46 (10-2-23 in F#)
5040 Minor (4m)
(Being one extent of Single Oxford Bob, and two extents each of Oxford TB, Kent TB, and Plain Bob )
  1 J Michael Stephens
  2 Percy Amos
  3 Henry W Gayton
  4 Philip Jones
  5 R George Care
  6 Bryan Pattison (C)
First peal of Minor as conductor: 6.
Ringing World page ref: 2240.0149

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
PIDDINGTON, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Friday 27 February, 1953 in 2h45 (10-2-23 in F#)
5040 Minor (2m)
(3 extents of Kent TB and 4 of Plain Bob.)
  1 John Harrold
  2 Alan C Cozens
  3 Walter Mawby
  4 Bernard E Frost
  5 Ivor J Dickin
  6 Eric Nobles (C)
First peal of Minor with Treble Bob included - 1,3. First of Minor inside - 2. Rung for the Festivals of SS Valentine and David.

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
PIDDINGTON, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Tuesday 26 August, 1952 in 2h43 (10-2-23 in F#)
5040 Minor (2m)
(2 extents of St Clements and 5 extents of Plain Bob.)
  1 John Harrold
  2 Kenneth D Perkins
  3 Ivor J Dickin
  4 Anthony J Baker
  5 Edward G Bennett
  6 Eric Nobles (C)
First peal of Minor - 1. First peal of Minor "inside" - 2,4. 25th peal - 5. Rung to commemorate the Festival of St Bartholomew.

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
PIDDINGTON, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Monday 21 April, 1952 in 2h50 (10-2-23 in F#)
5040 Plain Bob Minor
(7 extents CCC Nos 51,49,50,34,37,28 and 29)
  1 Alan C Cozens
  2 Anthony J Baker
  3 Walter Mawby
  4 Kenneth D Perkins
  5 Ivor J Dickin
  6 Eric Nobles (C)
First peal of Minor - 1,2. First peal of Minor inside - 4. Rung as a birthday compliment to HM Queen Elizabeth.

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
PIDDINGTON, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Friday 29 February, 1952 in 2h40 (10-2-23 in F#)
5040 Minor (3m)
(2 extents each of Oxford TB, Kent TB and 3 of Plain Bob.)
  1 Walter Mawby
  2 Ivor J Dickin
  3 Philip Jones
  4 Bertie O Soden
  5 Bernard E Frost
  6 Eric Nobles (C)
First peal of Minor in 3 methods - 1. Rung on the eve, to commemorate the Feast of St David, and conductor`s birthday.

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
PIDDINGTON, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Friday 11 May, 1951 in 2h47 (10-2-23 in F#)
5040 Minor (4m)
(1 extent each of Oxford TB and St Clement's, 2 of Kent TB and 3 of Plain Bob.)
  1 Kenneth D Perkins
  2 Bernard E Frost
  3 Ivor J Dickin
  4 Bertie O Soden
  5 William R Hammons
  6 Eric Nobles (C)
First peal of Minor - 1,3. First peal - 2. A Festival of Britain peal.

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
PIDDINGTON, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Wednesday 1 March, 1950 in 2h50 (10-2-23 in F#)
5040 Minor (6m)
(1 extent each Double Oxford, Single Oxford, Oxford TB, Kent TB and St Clements, and 2 extents Plain Bob)
  1 Kilby R Holtom
  2 Ronald C Noon
  3 William R Hammons
  4 George Care
  5 Harry Wooding
  6 Eric Nobles (C)
First peal of Minor in 6 methods, and as conductor in 6 methods - 6. Birthday peal for conductor.

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
PIDDINGTON, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Monday 23 January, 1950 in 2h48 (10-2-23 in F#)
5040 Plain Bob Minor
(7 different extents)
  1 Eric Nobles
  2 William R Hammons
  3 George Care (C)
  4 Harry Woooding
  5 Walter Mawby
  6 Philip Jones
First peal of Minor inside - 5. A birthday compliment to Miss M Valentine and ringer of 5.

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
PIDDINGTON, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Thursday 27 October, 1949 in 2h45 (10-2-23 in F#)
5040 Minor (7m)
(1 extent each Cambridge Surprise, St Clements, Double Oxford, Oxford Bob, Oxford TB, Kent TB and Plain Bob)
  1 Philip Jones
  2 Brian S Cope
  3 George Care
  4 Ronald C Noon
  5 Patrick I Chapman
  6 Geoffrey E Watson (C)
A 21st birthday compliment to Miss Jill Poole.

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
PIDDINGTON, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Saturday 30 July, 1949 in 2h40 (10-2-23 in F#)
5040 Minor (2m)
(2 extents Kent TB CCC 130, 151 and 5 of Plain Bob CCC 34, 49, 51, 28, 29.)
  1 Edward G Bennett
  2 Philip Jones
  3 Philip Delmon
  4 Arthur Gibbs
  5 Ronald C Noon
  6 Eric Nobles (C)
First peal of Minor in 2 methods - 1,3. A 21st birthday compliment to Miss Thelma Rainbow. A welcome to the new Vicar.

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
PIDDINGTON, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Monday 7 March, 1949 in 2h47 (10-2-23 in F#)
5040 Minor (5m)
(1 extent each Oxford Bob CCC 59, St Clements CCC 103, Oxford TB CCC 150, and Kent TB CCC 151, and 3 extents Plain Bob CCC 51, 49, 28.)
  1 George Care
  2 Bertie O Soden
  3 Philip Jones
  4 Stanley M Ruddlesden
  5 Ronald C Noon
  6 Eric Nobles (C)
25th together - 1,6. First peal in 5 methods Minor - 2,4. First in 5 methods as conductor. Birthday compliment to the conductor.