Trent Valley Association
BRAFIELD ON THE GREEN, Northamptonshire, St Laurence
Tuesday 16 January, 2024 in 3h16 (12-0-7 in F)
5400 Spliced Surprise Minor (41m)
(240 each Cambridge, Stamford, Warkworth, Wooler; 120 each Allendale, Alnwick, Annable's London, Bacup, Bamborough, Berwick, Beverley, Bourne, Canterbury, Carlisle, Chester, Coldstream, Cunecastre, Durham, Hexham, Hull, Ipswich, Lincoln, Kelso, Lightfoot, London, Morpeth, Munden, Netherseale, Newcastle, Norfolk, Northumberland, Norwich, Primrose, Rossendale, Sandiacre, Surfleet, Wearmouth, Wells, Westminster, Whitley, York. 99 com, atw, no 65s at backstroke.)
Comp: A E Holroyd, arr. P G C Ellis
1 Ruth Curtis
2 Martin J Whiteley
3 Paul F Curtis
4 Paul M Mason
5 Ian Butters
6 Peter G C Ellis (C)
Circled the tower: 4.
To welcome the new vicar, Revd Kris Seward, arriving in March.
Ringing World page ref: 5884.0106
Peterborough Diocesan Guild
BRAFIELD ON THE GREEN, Northamptonshire, St Laurence
Thursday 4 April, 2019 in 2h57 (12-0-7 in F)
5040 Treble Dodging Minor
(7m. 1 extent each London S., Oswald D., Westminster S., Bourne S., Oxford T.B., Cambridge S., Norwich S.)
1 Ruth Curtis
2 Susan E Marshall
3 Paul M Mason
4 Colin Aked
5 Paul F Curtis
6 Richard I Allton (C)
Congratulations to Ray Henman, tower captain at this church, on being awarded a Medallist of the Order of the British Empire in the New Year`s Honours List for services to the community in Brafield on the Green, Northamptonshire.
Ringing World page ref: 5635.0404
Peterborough Diocesan Guild
BRAFIELD-ON-THE-GREEN, Northamptonshire, St Laurence
Saturday 16 May, 2009 in 2h55 (12)
5040 Brafield-on-The-Green Treble Place Minor
Comp: Arr. D G Salter (Camb no.7)
1 Michael D Fiander
2 Paul M Mason (C)
3 Victoria Samson
4 M J 'Bill' Blowfield
5 Michael J Dew
6 Peter M Fleckney
A farewell compliment to Father Richard Stainer after 12 years service in the Benefice of Cogenhoe & Little Houghton with Brafield-on-the-Green & Great Houghton.
First peal in the Method.
Brafield-on-the-Green Treble Place Minor:
b -3-4.234-234.1-2-5 lh12
Ringing World page ref: 5119.0588
Peterborough Diocesan Guild
BRAFIELD ON THE GREEN, Northamptonshire, St Laurence
Friday 8 August, 2003 in 3h1 (12-0-7 in F)
5040 Xerophilous Delight Minor
1 William H Hulme
2 Anne P Cook
3 Sally A Mason
4 Victoria Samson
5 M J "Bill" Blowfield,
6 Paul M Mason (C)
For the Patronal Festival. The first peal in the method.
Ringing World page ref: 4818.0833
Peterborough Diocesan Guild
BRAFIELD-ON-THE-GREEN, Northamptonshire, St Laurence
Friday 8 August, 2003 in 3h1 (12)
5040 Xerophilous Delight Minor
(7 different extents)
1 William H Hulme
2 Anne P Cook
3 Sally A Mason
4 Victoria Samson
5 M J 'Bill' Blowfield
6 Paul M Mason (C)
Rung for the Patronal Festival.
First peal in the method.
Xerophilous Delight Minor:
f -5-4-5-1.234.4-5 (TDMM 62807)
Ringing World page ref: 4818.0833
Peterborough Diocesan Guild
BRAFIELD ON THE GREEN, Northamptonshire, St Laurence
Monday 26 November, 2001 in 2h49 (12-0-7 in F)
5040 Brafield-on-The-Green Surprise Minor
(7 different extents)
1 Alan C Cozens
2 Elizabeth A Betts
3 Denis G Pearson
4 Victoria Samson
5 Paul M Mason (C)
6 David Kingman
First peal in the method.
Brafield-on-the-Green Surprise Minor:
b -5-45.2-2.3-4-3 lh12
Ringing World page ref: 4729.1242
Peterborough Diocesan Guild
BRAFIELD ON THE GREEN, Northamptonshire, St Laurence
Friday 30 March, 2001 in 2h50 (12-0-7 in F)
5040 Brafield Treble Bob Minor
(7 different extents)
1 Paul M Mason (C)
2 Victoria Samson
3 Barry R Care
4 Denis G Pearson
5 Alan E Chantler
6 Michael D Fiander
800th peal: 6.
First peal in the method.
Brafield Treble Bob Minor:
b 34-34.1.2-2.1.4-4.5 lh12 (TDMM 81277)
Ringing World page ref: 4695.0405
Peterborough Diocesan Guild
BRAFIELD ON THE GREEN, Northamptonshire, St Laurence
Saturday 9 March, 1991 in 2h55 (12-0-7)
5040 Minor (5m)
(Oxford Treble Bob, Kent Treble Bob, Cambridge, Double Oxford, 2x Plain Bob)
1 R Owen Battye
2 Dorothy M Stopps
3 R George Care
4 Barry R Care
5 Denis G Pearson (C)
6 Raymond Henman
Ringing World page ref: 4173.0374
Peterborough Diocesan Guild
BRAFIELD ON THE GREEN, Northamptonshire, St Laurence
Sunday 10 February, 1980 in 2h53 (12-0-7 in F)
5040 Doubles (7m)
(6 extents each St Nicholas, Winchendon Place, St Martin, St Simon, Rev Canterbury P, Plain Bob, Grandsire)
1 Keith F Gautrey
2 David Jarvis
3 Trevor Jarvis
4 David J Morgan
5 Raymond Henman (C)
First peal - 1,2,3.
Peterborough Diocesan Guild
BRAFIELD ON THE GREEN, Northamptonshire, St Laurence
Tuesday 30 December, 1969 in 2h46 (12-0-7 in F)
5040 Minor (7m)
(Cambridge S, Oxford TB, Kent TB, Double Oxford, Pinehurst, St Clements, Plan Bob.)
1 Raymond Henman
2 David J Morgan
3 Stephen B Bell
4 J Malcolm Tyler
5 Barry R Care (C)
6 Richard J Cowley
Circled tower - 1,2.
Ringing World page ref: 3066.0075
Peterborough Diocesan Guild
BRAFIELD ON THE GREEN, Northamptonshire, St Laurence
Saturday 4 April, 1953 in 3h13 (12-0-7 in F)
5040 Plain Bob Minor
(7 different extents)
1 Cyril Longland
2 Richard Brockwell
3 Antony Brockwell
4 Roland James
5 Philip Jones
6 George Care (C)
First peal of Minor - 1,2,3,4. Rung half muffled.
Peterborough Diocesan Guild
BRAFIELD ON THE GREEN, Northamptonshire, St Laurence
Friday 15 February, 1952 in 2h55 (12-0-7 in F)
5040 Doubles (11m)
(2 extents St Nicholas and 4 extents each Union, Old, Chase, April Day, London, St Simon's, Antelope, Canterbury P, Plain Bob and Grandsire.)
1 Anthony Brockwell
2 Jack Davey
3 Philip Jones (C)
4 Ronald C Noon
5 George Care
Rung half muffled. Memorial peal for the Late King George VI.
Peterborough Diocesan Guild
BRAFIELD ON THE GREEN, Northamptonshire, St Laurence
Monday 1 October, 1951 in 3h12 (12-0-7 in F)
5040 Doubles (4m)
(12 extents Canterbury Pleasure and 10 extents each April Day, Plain Bob & Grandsire.)
1 Philip Jones (C)
2 Roland Jones
3 Anthony Brockwell
4 Claude Brockwell
5 Cyril Longland
First peal - 3,4. Wedding compliment to George Care, bell ringer and organist at this church, and Miss M Herridge. Also for the wedding anniversary of Mr & Mrs Roland Jones.
Peterborough Diocesan Guild
BRAFIELD ON THE GREEN, Northamptonshire, St Laurence
Monday 27 November, 1950 in 3h5 (12-0-7 in F)
5040 Doubles (7m)
(720each St Simon, London, Antelope, Reverse Canterbury Pleasure, April Day, Plain Bob and Grandsire)
1 Gwendoline M Rainbow
2 Philip Jones (C)
3 Ronald C Noon
4 George Care
5 Leslie Battison
First peal - 1. Rung as a birthday compliment to the conductor and also Mrs A Noon, mother of Ronald Noon.
Peterborough Diocesan Guild
BRAFIELD ON THE GREEN, Northamptonshire, St Laurence
Thursday 1 December, 1949 in 2h53 (12-0-7 in F)
5040 Doubles (7m)
(720 each of Stedman, Chase, St Simon's, Reverse Canterbury, Plain Bob, April Day and Grandsire)
1 Ronald C Noon
2 George Care (C)
3 Geoffrey E Watson
4 Harry Wooding
5 Patrick I Chapman
First peal in 7 methods - 3,4,5.
Peterborough Diocesan Guild
BRAFIELD ON THE GREEN, Northamptonshire, St Laurence
Monday 29 December, 1947 in 3h0 (12-0-7 in F)
5040 Doubles (4m/v)
(3m/1v: 10 extents each April Day, Reverse Canterbury Pleasure P, Plain B; 12 extents Grandsire)
1 Philip Jones
2 George Care (C)
3 Leslie Battison
4 William R Hammons
5 Cyril Longland