DUSTON, Northamptonshire, St Luke
Thursday 14 September, 2023 in 0h4347s (8-0-1 in Bb)
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1 Alistair Donaldson
2 Pam Bailey
3 Liz Reading
4 Andrew North
5 Andrew Gunstone
6 Thomas Coulter-Brophy (C)
First QP Inside: 4
DUSTON, Northamptonshire, St Luke
Saturday 22 April, 2023 in 0h44 (8-0-1 in Bb)
1260 Plain Bob Minor
Comp: Traditional
1 Bridget Taylor
2 Julie Minch
3 Michael Probert
4 Lorna Curtis
5 Sarah L Elliott
6 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke (C)
Thanking Hilary Aslett for organising such an enjoyable day out for the Ladies Guild (South Midlands District) and for a very warm welcome to her "home patch".
Peterborough Diocesan Guild
DUSTON, Northamptonshire, St Luke
Tuesday 18 October, 2022 in 0h47 (8-0-1 in Bb)
1260 Grandsire Doubles
1 Elizabeth Leaman
2 Jane Bloomfield
3 Martin Bull
4 Giles Willson
5 Alistair Donaldson (C)
6 Geoffrey Brown
Rung for St Luke’s Patronal Festival. In memory of Cecil Swann, tower captain at St Luke’s 1975 – 2021 and father of treble ringer, who died 12th March 2022. Nick Swann, Liz Moore and St Luke`s ringers would like to be associated with this performance.
Peterborough Diocesan Guild
DUSTON, Northamptonshire, St Luke
Saturday 28 January, 2017 in 0h42 (8-0-1 in Bb)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Elizabeth Moore
2 Jennie Paul
3 Jane Bloomfield
4 Giles Willson (C)
5 Nicholas Parsons
6 Nick Chatt
Rung in memory of Trevor Jarvis (Trev) 27 February 1958 - 1 December 2016; former Ringing Master and Skittles champion of the Northampton Branch of the Peterborough Diocesan Guild. Rung prior to the Branch AGM and service. Mark Rogers, Di Rogers, Norman Pope and Pam Bailey would like to be associated with this Quarter Peal.
DUSTON, Northamptonshire, St Luke
Saturday 9 August, 2014 in 0h38 (8-0-1)
1296 Morpeth Surprise Minor
1 Andrew D Clark
2 Jonathan D Storey
3 Anna K Bayley
4 Phill A Butler
5 Philip M Pratt
6 Simon D G Webb (C)
DUSTON, Northampton
Tuesday 5 June, 2012 ()
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Heather Peters
2 Gwynneth White
3 Alison Willgress
4 Cecil A Swann
5 Ian Willgress (C)
6 Ian Leatherland
1st Q at 1st attempt by ringers of Treble and Tenor. For the Queen`s Diamond Jubilee.
DUSTON, Northamptonshire, St Luke
Tuesday 17 February, 2009 in 0h42 (8)
1296 Lightfoot Surprise Minor
1 Patricia Cresshull
2 Bill Griffith-Jones
3 Ann Evans
4 Liz Griffith-Jones
5 Frank Warboys
6 Adrian Malton (C)
DUSTON, Northamptonshire, St Luke
Saturday 31 March, 2001 in 0h40 (8-0-1 in Bb)
1260 Spliced Minor (3m)
(Cambridge, Little Bob, Plain Bob)
1 Jennifer Johnson
2 Simon Kemp
3 Debbie Malin
4 Martin Sutcliffe
5 John Adams
6 Claire Nicholson (C)
Rung on Simon`s quarter peal day.
Peterborough Diocesan Guild
DUSTON, Northamptonshire, St Luke
Friday 9 June, 1978 (8-0-1 in Bb)
1296 Ipswich Surprise Minor
1 Linda M Garton
2 David J Mossop
3 Margaret Chamberlain
4 Christopher J Idle
5 David J Garton
6 Peter M Fleckney (C)