MILTON MALSOR, Northamptonshire, Holy Cross
Saturday 20 February, 2016 (11-0-18 in F#)
1260 Doubles (11m)
(Grandsire, Huntley, St Remigius, Winchendon Place, St Nicholas, Reverse Canterbury, Eynesbury, St Osmund, St Martin's, St Simon's and Plain Bob.)
1 Sue Marshall
2 Paul Mason
3 Rachel Coates
4 Tim Jackson
5 Graham Nabb (C)
4/5 of February Five Bell Frolic.
Peterborough Diocesan Guild
MILTON MALSOR, Northamptonshire, Holy Cross
Sunday 5 July, 2015 in 0h45 (11-0-18 in F#)
1260 Grandsire Doubles
1 Elizabeth Woodrow
2 Diane P Rogers
3 Barbara A King
4 Jonathan G W King
5 Christopher E Bulleid (C)
Rung in celebration of the recent appointment of Sue Cooper as assistant curate to the Grand Union Benefice, following her first service taken at Milton Malsor.
MILTON MALSOR, Northamptonshire, Holy Cross
Sunday 1 March, 2015 in 0h42 (11)
1260 Stedman Doubles
1 Ann-M Webb
2 Alison Daniels
3 Janet Garnett
4 Adrian Malton (C)
5 David Webb
First in method - 2
MILTON MALSOR, Northamptonshire, Holy Cross
Saturday 16 February, 2013 (11-0-16)
1260 St Simon's Bob Doubles
1 Richard Booth
2 Jan Robinson
3 Rose Nightingale
4 Kevin Pughe
5 Simon J O Head (C)
First in method: 2
MILTON MALSOR, Northamptonshire, Church of the Holy Cross
Saturday 19 May, 2012 in 0h40 ()
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Andrew Johnson (1st Q)
2 Diane P Rogers
3 Mark D Rogers
4 Davina Buckle
5 Richard Haseldine (C)
Rung in loving memory of Richard Johnson, ringer and Tower Captain of Milton Malsor by his friends and family on the anniversary of his birthday.
The treble ringer was Richard`s nephew.
Peterborough Diocesan Guild
MILTON MALSOR, Northamptonshire, Holy Cross
Saturday 19 May, 2012 ()
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Andrew Johnson (1st Q, and Nephew of Richard)
2 Diane P Rogers
3 Mark D Rogers
4 Davina Buckle
5 Richard hasledine (C)
Rung in loving memory of Richard Johnson, ringer and Tower Captain at Milton Malsor, by his friends and family on the anniversary of his birthday.
Peterborough Diocesan Guild
MILTON MALSOR, Northamptonshire , Holy Cross
Saturday 19 May, 2012 ()
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Andrew Johnson (1st quarter peal)
2 Diane P Rogers
3 Mark D Rogers
4 Davina Buckle
5 Richard Haseldine (C)
Rung in loving memory of Richard Johnson, by his friends and family on the anniversary of his birthday.
The treble ringer is Richards nephew..
MILTON MALSOR, Northamptonshire, Holy Cross
Thursday 16 February, 2012 in 0h44 (11-0-18)
1260 Doubles
(120 Reverse Canterbury Pleasure, 240 each St Nicholas, Winchendon Place, St Simon, St Martin, 180 Plain.)
1 Andrew White
2 Bridget Paul
3 Nicholas Elks
4 Graham Paul (C)
5 Alan Paul
Rung in memory of Richard Johnson, for many years Tower Captain at this church, who died suddenly on Sunday 22nd January 2012 aged 76.
MILTON MALSOR, Northamptonshire, Holy Cross
Friday 26 November, 2010 in 0h41 (11-0-18)
1260 Doubles (1 principle, 2 methods)
(60 Stedman, 720 Grandsire, 480 Plain Bob)
1 James P Mort (C)
2 John Gwynne
3 Geoff Pullin
4 Philip Denton
5 Roderic K Bickerton
The 20th of Philip Denton`s sponsored quarter peals at Holy Cross churches, raising funds for a new ring of bells at Holy Cross, South Ockendon, Essex.
Oxford Diocesan Guild
MILTON MALSOR, Northamptonshire, Holy Cross
Saturday 16 February, 2008 in 0h44 (11-0-18 in F#)
1260 Doubles (10m/v)
1 Maarit Kivilo
2 Simon L Edwards
3 Andrew Dunn
4 Christian Burrell
5 Hugh Deam (C)