BOUGHTON, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Thursday 31 October, 2024 in 0h44 (6-0-18 in B)
1260 Doubles (2m)
(240 All Hallows Place Doubles, 1020 All Saints Place Doubles)
  1 Pam M Bailey
  2 Giles Willson
  3 Catherine E Hemmington
  4 Liz Reading
  5 Alistair Donaldson (C)
Rung to mark All Hallows Eve (Hallowe`en) tonight.
First QP in both methods: 2nd and 3rd.

Ladies Guild
BOUGHTON, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Friday 12 May, 2023 in 0h42 (6-0-18 in B)
1260 Doubles (5p/m)
(60 Stedman conducted by Bridget, 240 Plain Bob conducted by Sarah, 240 St Simon conducted by Charlotte, 360 Reverse Canterbury conducted by Alison, 360 Grandsire conducted by Hilary. )
  1 Bridget Taylor
  2 Sarah Thomas
  3 Hilary Aslett
  4 Charlotte A Holmes
  5 Alison T Merryweather-Clarke
Rung by members of the South Midlands District of the Ladies Guild to mark the coronation of HM King Charles III and Queen Camilla.
Jointly conducted by all the band. Believed to be the first QP for the South Midlands District in which all ringers have jointly conducted, in keeping with the sense of community instilled by the coronation celebrations.
1st jointly conducted QP: 1 & 4.
1st including Stedman: 1.

BOUGHTON, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Friday 11 February, 2022 in 0h38 (6-0-18 in B)
1260 Doubles (11m)
(120 St Nicholas, Winchendon, St Remigius, Huntley, Reverse Canterbury, Grandsire, St Simon's, St Martin's, St Osmund, Eynesbury; 60 Plain Bob )
  1 Adrian Malton (C)
  2 Sue Marsden
  3 Janet Garnett
  4 Nick Elks
  5 John Gwynne

BOUGHTON, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Saturday 9 August, 2014 in 0h38 (6-0-18)
1260 Montgomeryshire Place Doubles
  1 Gareth L M Lawson
  2 Samuel M Austin (C)
  3 Katie H Lucas
  4 Simon D G Webb
  5 Ian R Fielding

BOUGHTON, Northamptonshire, St John the Babt
Wednesday 23 June, 2004 (6-0-18)
1260 Doubles (5m)
(Reverse Canterbury, St Simons, St Martins, Plain Bob & Grandsire )
  1 Jill Harvey
  2 Hilary Aslett
  3 Mike Harvey
  4 Sue Marshall
  5 Graham Nabb (C)

BOUGHTON, Northamptonshire, St John the Baptist
Thursday 13 March, 2003 (6-0-18 in B)
1260 Doubles (2m)
(PB and Grandsire.)
  1 Christine Lea
  2 Derek E Sibson
  3 Bill Blowfield
  4 Cecil Swann
  5 Philip A F Chalk (C)
Rung in thanksgiving for the life of Sir Tony Alment, a ringer at Boughton who died on 6th March 2002.