Friends of Derick Obergene Society
LITTLE HOUGHTON, Northamptonshire, St Mary the Blessed Virgin
Saturday 29 July, 2017 in 0h46 (11-3-17 in F)
1260 Reverse Canterbury Pleasure Place Doubles
1 Josh D P Jones
2 Christopher J Field
3 Phill A Butler
4 Nicholas C Field
5 Jack R Bendrey (C)
LITTLE HOUGHTON, Northamptonshire, St Mary the Blessed Virgin
Friday 16 January, 2015 in 0h45 (11-3-17)
1260 Doubles
(In 6 methods: 240 each St Simon, St Martin, St Nicholas, Winchendon Place, 180 Reverse Canterbury Pleasure and 120 Plain.)
1 Mira Parsons
2 Bridget Paul
3 Jennie Paul
4 Graham Paul (C)
5 Colin Sampson
Rung in memory of Christopher Davidge OBE, DL, who died on 2nd December 2014 age 85 and whose funeral took place in this church earlier in the day.
Peterborough Diocesan Guild
LITTLE HOUGHTON, Northamptonshire, St Mary the Blessed Virgin
Wednesday 17 February, 2010 in 0h43 (12cwt)
1320 Doubles
(Grandsire, Plain Bob and Reverse Canterbury Pleasure)
1 Bridget Paul
2 Dorothy Stopps
3 Alan Paul
4 Graham Paul
5 Nicholas Parsons (C)
Half-muffled in memoriam Robert Deacon, for many years a resident of Little Houghton, and J Malcolm Tyler, a past Master of the PDG, who both died recently.
LITTLE HOUGHTON, Northamptonshire, St Mary BV
Wednesday 28 October, 2009 in 0h43 (11-3-17)
1260 Doubles
(Grandsire, Reverse Canterbury Pleasure, St Simon, St Martin, Plain Bob.)
1 Mira Parsons
2 Bridget Paul
3 Nicholas Parsons
4 Trevor Jarvis
5 Graham Paul (C)
Rung half-muffled in memory of Joy Evans, Churchwarden at Great Houghton for twenty four years, and Rev Simon Tebbutt, locum vicar and friend of this parish.
LITTLE HOUGHTON, Northamptonshire
Wednesday 7 October, 2009 ()
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Mary Rixon
2 Barry Cowper
3 Joyce Cornwall
4 James R L Ingham (C)
5 David Cornwall
LITTLE HOUGHTON, Northamptonshire
Saturday 30 May, 2009 in 0h44 (12)
1260 Doubles
(5m; St Simon, St Martin, St Nicholas, Winchendon Place, Reverse Canterbury Pleasure)
1 Mira Parsons
2 Bridget Paul
3 Alan Paul
4 Nick Parsons
5 Graham Paul (C)
To celebrate the 100th birthday on 27th May of Robert Deacon of this parish.
LITTLE HOUGHTON, Northamptonshire, St Mary BV
Tuesday 24 February, 2009 in 0h43 (11)
1260 Doubles (7 M)
(120 St Nicholas; 240 Winchendon, Reverse Canterbury; 120 Grandsire, St Simon's; 240 St Martin's; 180 Plain Bob)
1 Bill Griffith-Jones
2 Liz Griffith-Jones
3 Clive Moore
4 John Rank
5 Adrian Malton (C)