SCALDWELL, Northamptonshire, St Peter and St Paul
Thursday 21 March, 2024 in 0h42 (10-0-7 in G)
1260 Plain Doubles (3m)
(3 extents each St. Simons, St. Martins, 4.5 extents Plain Bob.)
1 Giles Willson
2 Pam M Bailey
3 Catherine E Hemmington
4 Steve Millington
5 Thomas Coulter-Brophy (C)
SCALDWELL, Northamptonshire, St Peter and St Paul
Saturday 25 September, 2021 in 0h43 (10-0-7 in G)
1260 Doubles (35m/v)
(St Simon’s, St Martin’s, St Osmund, Eynesbury, St Alban, St Paul, St Ambrose, St John the Evangelist, Eynsham, St Leonard, St Ninian, St John the Baptist, Cassington, St Peter, St Patrick, Candlemas, St Nicholas, Winchendon, St Remigius, Huntley, St Giles, St Miles, Church Gresley, Ezneih, Lapley, St John, Horsley, Obediah, St Thomas, St Luke, St Chrysostom, Scorpio, Plain Bob, Reverse Canterbury and Grandsire )
1 Julia A Lysaght
2 Louise G Pink (C)
3 Alan D Pink (C)
4 Simon D G Webb (C)
5 Molly S Waterson (C)
Jointly conducted
SCALDWELL, Northamptonshire, SS Peter and Paul
Monday 4 August, 2014 in 0h44 (10-0-7)
1260 Doubles (5m)
1 Christopher J Field
2 Louise G Pink
3 Elizabeth A Evans
4 Siân E Austin
5 Ian R Fielding (C)
SCALDWELL, Northamptonshire, St Peter and St Paul
Friday 23 May, 2014 (10-0-7)
1260 Grandsire Doubles
1 Rose Nightingale
2 Bob Tregillus
3 Richard Booth
4 Simon J O Head
5 Peter K Phillips (C)
4 of 4. Rung to welcome Hugo, grandson of the conductor, born yesterday evening.
The Friends of the Reverend Geoffrey Stickland Society
SCALDWELL, Northamptonshire, St Peter and Paul
Thursday 30 July, 2009 in 0h47 (10-0-7)
1299 Grandsire Doubles
1 Alex Hosking
2 Stephen Lake
3 John Ware
4 Phillip Butler
5 David Matthews (C)
Rung As A Thank You To The Reverend Geoff Stickland for organising another superb Cycling Tour
SCALDWELL, Northamptonshire, St Peter and St Paul
Saturday 17 February, 2001 in 0h41 (10-0-7 in G)
1260 Doubles (7m/v/p)
1 Roy H Jones
2 Sarah E Stonehouse
3 R Ian Stonehouse
4 Robin E H Woolley (C)
5 Stephen Davies