Peterborough Diocesan Guild
SEATON, Rutland, All Hallows
Thursday 11 January, 2024 in 0h43 (10-0-21 in G)
1296 Spliced Surprise Minor (6m)
(Cambridge, Norfolk, Ipswich, Hull, Primrose, Bourne Surprise Minor)
  1 Thomas Saunders
  2 Steve Millington
  3 Sue Marsden
  4 Helena Thorpe
  5 Nick Elks (C)
  6 James Thorpe
Rung as part of the celebrations marking the Centenary of the founding of the Peterborough Diocesan Guild

SEATON, Rutland, All Hallows
Thursday 29 July, 2021 in 0h45 (10-0-21 in G)
1296 Surfleet Surprise Minor
  1 Alison Iliffe
  2 Sue Marsden
  3 Dan Iliffe
  4 Steve Millington
  5 Terry Iliffe (C)
  6 Nick Elks

SEATON, Rutland, All Hallows
Friday 29 November, 2019 in 0h45 (10-0-21 in G)
1296 Surfleet Surprise Minor
  1 Katie Wright
  2 Adrian C Malton
  3 Janet C Garnett
  4 Vanessa E Webster
  5 David L Thomas
  6 Simon W Edwards (C)

SEATON, Rutland, All Hallows
Thursday 2 November, 2017 in 0h42 (10-0-21 in G)
1272 York Surprise Minor
  1 Sue Marsden
  2 Steve Millington
  3 Sam Hartley
  4 Terry Iliffe
  5 Nick Elks
  6 Luke Groom (C)
1st in Method - 2,3

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
SEATON, Rutland, All Hallows
Sunday 2 November, 2014 in 0h45 ()
1320 Plain Bob St Clements Spliced, Cambridge Surprise Minor
  1 David Murcott
  2 Janice Atkinson
  3 Jack Atkinson
  4 Alan Wordie
  5 David Couldwell
  6 Richard Beadman (C)
For a service of Thanksgiving at All Hallows Seaton for the restoration of the Clock Face, restoration of the Bell Frame and the Augmentation and Dedication of the New Treble “for the people of Seaton and Thorpe by Water 1914 - 2014”

Peterborough Diocesan Guild
SEATON, Rutland, All Hallows
Friday 27 June, 2003 in 0h45 (10)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
  1 Robin Rogers (C)
  2 Judith Rogers
  3 David Thorne
  4 David Murcott
  5 David Couldwell
Arranged as a farewell to Revd Julie Hutchinson.