Peterborough Diocesan Guild
FLORE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Sunday 23 February, 2020 (12-2-27 in F#)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Ann Maud
2 David Foster
3 Ian Willgress (C)
4 Jane Rands
5 Brian Foley
6 Alison Willgress
1st QP "inside":2.
For the successful completion of the restoration of the tower stonework.
Peterborough Diocesan Guild
FLORE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Friday 18 January, 2019 (12-2-27 in F#)
1260 Single Oxford Bob Minor
1 Brian Foley
2 Anthea Hiams
3 Alison Willgress
4 Geoff Pullin
5 Gwynneth White (C)
6 James White
1st in method: 2,4,5.
Peterborough Diocesan Guild
FLORE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Wednesday 29 August, 2018 (12-2-27 in F#)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 David Foster
2 Ann Maud
3 Gwynneth White
4 Ian Willgress (C)
5 James White
6 Alison Willgress
A compliment to Josephine Blagrove on obtaining a place at Merton College, Oxford, to study Biology. Great Auntie Jean Wardley would like to be associated with this QP and was present in the ringing chamber throughout.
Peterborough Diocesan Guild
FLORE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Friday 10 August, 2018 (12-2-27 in F#)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Gwynneth White (C)
2 Alison Willgress
3 Carole Pullin
4 Geoff Pullin
5 James White
6 Alex Stevens
1st QP: 6.
Ladies Guild
FLORE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Saturday 7 April, 2018 in 0h47 (12-2-27 in F#)
1260 Reverse Canterbury Pleasure Place Doubles
1 Elizabeth A Smith (C)
2 Bo Hollingshurst
3 Margaret Ingman
4 Pam M Bailey
5 Shirley Waterhouse
6 Sue McCouaig
Rung by members of the South Midlands District of the Ladies Guild to commemorate, on 1st April 2018, the Centenary of the Royal Air Force.
Peterborough Diocesan Guild
FLORE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Saturday 24 March, 2018 (12-2-27 in F#)
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1 Geoff Pullin (C)
2 Alison Buck
3 Richard Piner
4 Carole Pullin
5 James Grennan
6 Ian Willgress
Daventry Branch (PDG) QP day.
Peterborough Diocesan Guild
FLORE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Sunday 8 October, 2017 in 0h45 (12-2-27 in F#)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 David Foster
2 Ann Maud
3 Shirley Waterhouse
4 Ian Willgress (C)
5 Alison Willgress
6 Jane Rands
80th birthday compliment to Liz Wardley, with congratulations and best wishes from fellow ringers at Flore, Heyford and Bugbrooke.
Peterborough Diocesan Guild
FLORE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Wednesday 30 August, 2017 (12-2-27 in F#)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 David Foster
2 Ann Maud
3 Shirley Waterhouse
4 Ian Willgress (C)
5 Alison Willgress
6 Jane Rands
1st QP on a "working bell":1.
FLORE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Friday 19 February, 2016 (12-2-27 in F#)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Janet Stevenson, Treble
2 Pam Bailey
3 Rosemary Hemmings (C)
4 Hilary Aslett
5 Shirley Waterhouse
6 Chris Cooke, Tenor
Rung in remembrance of Freda Willgress and Betty Earl both longstanding members of the Ladies Guild South Midlands (formally Northants) District who died recently. Janet Wilkins and Mary Williams wished to be associated with the quarter.
FLORE, Northamptonshire, All SAints
Wednesday 30 December, 2015 (12-2-27)
1296 Cambridge Surprise Minor
1 Anne Deebank
2 Graham Nabb
3 Becki Johnson
4 Rachel Coates
5 Tim Jackson
6 Sue Marshall (C)
1/5 of Tour around Flore
FLORE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Thursday 13 August, 2015 in 0h48 (12-2-27)
1296 Cambridge Surprise Minor
1 Jill Harvey
2 Debbie Sampson
3 Jenny Ball
4 Hilary Aslett
5 Michael Harvey
6 Colin Sampson (C)
Rung to celebrate the arrival of the new generation of our grandchildren & one great grandchild
Peterborough Diocesan Guild
FLORE, Northamptonshire
Friday 27 February, 2015 ()
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Geoff Pullin
2 Gwynneth White
3 Carole Pullin
4 James White
5 James Grennan (C)
6 Brian Foley
1st of Doubles as conductor
FLORE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Thursday 26 February, 2015 in 0h45 (12-2-27)
1296 Carlisle Surprise Minor
1 Ian Cresshull
2 Katie Wright
3 Alison Daniels
4 Patricia Cresshull
5 Janet Garnett
6 Adrian Malton (C)
Peterborough Diocesan Guild
FLORE, Northamptonshire
Monday 20 January, 2014 ()
1260 Doubles (5m)
(Grandsire, Rev.Canterbury, Winchendon Place, Plain Bob and St.Simon's )
1 Ann Maud
2 Shirley Waterhouse
3 Ian Willgress (C)
4 Jane Rands
5 Michael Harvey
6 Alison Willgress
Rung half muffled in memory of Ron Fonge, ringer and former Tower Captain at Flore, by a local band.
Peterborough Diocesan Guild
FLORE, Northamptonshire
Friday 3 January, 2014 ()
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1 Ros Atchison
2 Carole Pullin
3 Alison Willgress
4 Geoff Pullin
5 Gwynneth White (C)
6 James White
First of Minor: 1. In thanksgiving for the life of Ron Fonge (past Tower Captain of Flore) by members of the Daventry Branch (PDG)
Peterborough Diocesan Guild
FLORE, Northamptonshire
Monday 30 September, 2013 ()
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1 Shirley Waterhouse
2 Ann Maud
3 Alison Willgress
4 Jane Rands
5 Ian Willgress (C)
6 Andrew Timms
First Minor "inside": 2. By the local practice band.
Peterborough Diocesan Guild
FLORE, Northamptonshire
Monday 23 September, 2013 ()
1260 Doubles (5m)
1 Ann Maud
2 Shirley Waterhouse
3 Jane Rands
4 Alison Willgress
5 Ian Willgress (C)
A birthday compliment to Ann Maud by the local band.
Peterborough Diocesan Guild
FLORE, Northamptonshire
Monday 16 September, 2013 ()
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Alison Willgress
2 Ann Maud
3 Jane Rands
4 Shirley Waterhouse
5 Ian Willgress (C)
A birthday compliment to Alison Willgress by the local band.
Peterborough Diocesan Guild
FLORE, Northamptonshire
Friday 10 May, 2013 ()
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Eileen Thompson
2 Gwynneth White (C)
3 Hilary Aslett
4 James White
5 Geoff Pullin
6 Carole Pullin
First Quarter: 1
FLORE, Northamptonshire
Saturday 23 February, 2013 ()
1296 Beverley Surprise Minor
1 Gwynneth White
2 Geoff Pullin
3 Andrew Timms
4 Carole Pullin
5 Ian Willgress
6 James White (C)
1st Beverley S Minor: 3.
Daventry Branch QP Day
FLORE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Saturday 19 May, 2012 in 0h44 (12-2-27)
1296 Beverley Surprise Minor
1 Alison Willgress
2 Alison R Williams
3 Gwynneth White
4 Ian Willgress
5 Roy Williams
6 James White (C)
With our best wishes to Ann Maud of Flore.
FLORE, Northamptonshire
Saturday 25 February, 2012 ()
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Alison Willgress
2 Richard Waddy
3 Jane Wincott
4 Richard Piner
5 Ian Willgress (C)
6 Richard Hartley
On Daventry Branch Quarter Peal Day.
First inside: 3.
FLORE, Northamptonshire
Saturday 19 February, 2011 ()
1296 Cambridge Surprise Minor
1 Alison Willgress
2 Hilary Aslett
3 Gwynneth White
4 Carole Pullin
5 Brian Foley
6 James White (C)
Daventry Branch Quarter Peal Day
FLORE, Northamptonshire
Saturday 17 July, 2010 ()
1260 Doubles (2m)
1 Jane Wincott
2 Alison Willgress
3 Ian Calvert
4 Gwynneth White
5 Ian Willgress (C)
6 Colin Anderson
First QP for Treble, the only ringer from Church Stowe to ring a QP in living memory!
Daventry Branch Quarter Peal Day.
FLORE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Tuesday 22 June, 2010 (12-2-27 in F#)
1272 Wells Surprise Minor
1 Susan M Sawyer
2 Lesley A Tucker
3 Janet M Coles
4 Lynne Hughes
5 Graham P Tucker
6 Timothy M Bayton (C)
FLORE, Northamptonshire
Thursday 27 August, 2009 ()
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1 Christine Rodhouse (1st Minor)
2 Hilary Aslett
3 Barbara Woplin
4 Geoff Pullin
5 David Harris
6 Alan Marks (C)
FLORE, Northamptonshire
Tuesday 30 December, 2008 ()
1296 Cambridge Surprise Minor
1 Mike Harvey
2 Brenda Dixon
3 Jill Harvey
4 Hilary Aslett
5 Geoff Pullin
6 Alan Marks 1400th quarter (C)
Rung on the wedding anniversary of Peter and Hilary Aslett
FLORE, Northamptonshire
Thursday 30 October, 2008 ()
1260 St Clement Bob Minor
1 Geoff Pullin
2 Mary Horsley (1st in method)
3 Brenda Dixon
4 Hilary Aslett
5 Ken Rutland
6 Alan Marks (C)
FLORE, Northamptonshire
Saturday 21 June, 2008 in 0h46 ()
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1 Carole Pullin
2 Jill Harvey
3 Hilary Aslett
4 Alan Cozens
5 Mike Harvey
6 Geoff Pullin (C)
Rung on Daventry Branch QP day at the beginning of the 46th annual Flore Flower Festival, the first of which raised money for rehanging these bells.
Peterborough Diocesan Guild
FLORE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Wednesday 9 April, 2008 in 0h43 (12-2-27)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Thomas A Brown
2 Alan Cozens
3 Tom Anderson
4 Geoff Pullin
5 David J Marshall (C)
6 Mary J Horsley
FLORE, Northamptonshire
Thursday 28 February, 2008 ()
1296 Cambridges Minor
1 Brenda Dixon
2 Hilary Aslett
3 Mary Horsley
4 Geoff Pullin
5 Alan Marks
6 David Harris (C)
South Northamptonshire Society
FLORE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Thursday 3 January, 2008 in 0h47 (12-2-27)
1296 Surprise Minor (3m)
(720 Beverley, Surfleet; 576 Cambridge.)
1 Alan A Paul
2 Bridget Paul
3 Robin J Hickmott
4 Roger Fountain
5 John M Thurman (C)
6 Graham C Paul
Rung to welcome Robin back from his Christmas holiday in Kent.
FLORE, Northamptonshire
Thursday 20 December, 2007 ()
1260 Doubles (1p/2m) Inc Morris's 240 Grandsire
1 Brenda Dixon
2 Jill Harvey
3 Hilary Aslett
4 Geoff Pullin
5 Mike Harvey
6 Mary Horsley
Jointly conducted by all the band.
Rung to celebrate the Golden Wedding of John and Jean Aslett (21/12) and the Ruby Wedding of Peter and Hilary Aslett (30/12)
FLORE, Northamptonshire
Monday 29 October, 2007 ()
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Val Hartley
2 Julie Mintram (1st 'inside')
3 Hilary Aslett
4 Brian Foley
5 Philip Saunders (C)
6 Richard Hartley
FLORE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Saturday 24 March, 2007 in 0h46 (12-2-27 in F#)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Margaret Dean
2 Geoff Pullin
3 Peter Wenham
4 Carole Pullin
5 Ian Willgress (C)
6 Alison Willgress
First quarter peal for 78 year old Margaret, a Millennium ringer from Kilsby.
Peterborough Diocesan Guild
FLORE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Saturday 24 February, 2007 in 0h49 (12cwt)
1260 Kent Treble Bob Minor
1 Val Hartley
2 Shirley Waterhouse
3 Richard Hartley
4 Gwyneth White
5 Brian Foley
6 James White (C)
First of Kent 3 and first of Treble Bob 1
FLORE, Northamptonshire
Tuesday 13 February, 2007 ()
1296 Cambridge Surprise Minor
1 Tom Anderson (1st TB)
2 Ian Calvert (circled tower)
3 Hilary Aslett
4 Brenda Dixon
5 Geoff Pullin
6 Alan Marks (C)
FLORE, Northamptonshire
Thursday 25 January, 2007 ()
1296 Bourne Surprise Minor
1 David Harris
2 Hilary Aslett
3 Brenda Dixon
4 Ian Calvert
5 Geoff Pullin
6 Alan Marks (C)
FLORE, Northamptonshire
Wednesday 25 January, 2006 ()
1296 Bourne Surprise Minor
1 David Harris
2 Hilary Aslett
3 Brenda Dixon
4 Ian Calvert
5 Geoff Pullin
6 Alan Marks (C)
Peterborough Diocesan Guild
FLORE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Monday 12 December, 2005 in 0h46 (12)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Ann Ford
2 Hilary Aslett
3 Ian Calvert (C)
4 Paul M Mason
5 Phil Saunders
6 Mike Harvey
First QP: 1.
Peterborough Diocesan Guild
FLORE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Monday 10 March, 2003 in 0h46 (12)
1298 Cambridge Surprise Minor
Comp: R E H Woolley (578)
1 Mike Harvey
2 Jill Harvey
3 Hilary Aslett
4 Victoria Samson
5 Paul M Mason (C)
6 Ian Calvert
Peterborough Diocesan Guild
FLORE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Monday 21 October, 2002 (12)
1260 Grandsire Doubles
1 Jenny Ball
2 Jill Harvey
3 Paul M Mason (C)
4 Debbie Sampson
5 Ian Calvert
6 Mike Harvey
FLORE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Saturday 2 August, 1997 (12-2-27 in F#)
1260 Doubles (3m)
1 Zoe Barker
2 C Michael H Brady
3 Matthew J Clark
4 Maggie F Willans
5 R Will Willans (C)
6 John K Maddams
FLORE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Saturday 16 November, 1996 in 0h45 (12-2-27 in F#)
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1 Sarah Pullin
2 Joanna Walas
3 James Causebrook
4 Iris Webb
5 Geoff Pullin
6 Peter (Alex) Alexander (C)
Daventry Branch Quarter Peal Day
FLORE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Saturday 22 January, 1994 (12-2-27 in F#)
1440 Norwich Surprise Minor
1 Frank Smith
2 Janet Bowers
3 Bob Sinclair
4 Shirley Waterhouse
5 Bryan J Williams
6 Ted Garrett (C)
First in method - 2,3 & 4. 3/10 Daventry Branch QP Day.
FLORE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Thursday 30 September, 1993 (12-2-27 in F#)
1296 Surprise Minor (2m)
1 Janet Bowers
2 Alison Collins
3 Hilda Collins
4 Ray Vickers
5 Ted Garrett
6 Janet Collins (C)
2/6 Daventry Branch QP at Harvest time.
FLORE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Saturday 13 June, 1992 in 0h48 (12-2-27 in F#)
1320 Rossendale Surprise Minor
1 Michael Edwards
2 Edwin Parsons
3 Roger Butt
4 Rowena Marshall
5 Colin Newman
6 Adrian Malton (C)
First in method - 3
FLORE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Tuesday 17 September, 1991 (12-2-27 in F#)
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1 Andy Timms
2 Shirley Waterhouse
3 Hilda Collins
4 Bill Collins
5 Iris Webb (C)
6 Ted Garrett
5/9 by Daventry Branch to celebrate 450th anniversary of the diocese.
FLORE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Monday 29 May, 1989 (12-2-27 in F#)
1260 Doubles (5m/p)
(inc Stedman)
1 Richard Harding
2 Janet Bowers
3 Bob Sinclair
4 Peter (Alex) Alexander
5 Peter Wenham (C)
6 Michael Harding
4/9 Daventry Branch QP Day
FLORE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Monday 30 May, 1988 in 0h45 (12-2-27 in F#)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Ron Fonge
2 Janet Bowers
3 Bob Sinclair
4 Geoff Pullin
5 Iris Webb (C)
6 Michael Harding
3/8 on Daventry Branch QP Day
FLORE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Monday 25 May, 1987 (12-2-27 in F#)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Helen Jones
2 Claire Rands
3 Ron Woodward
4 Stephen Short
5 Iris Webb
6 Sally Reynolds
First away from cover -1. 12/12 sponsored quarter peals by Daventry Branch for Cathedral & Guild bell funds.
FLORE, Northamptonshire, All Saints
Monday 26 May, 1986 (12-2-27 in F#)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Fiona Waddy
2 Janet Bowers
3 Hazel Withers
4 Bill Collins
5 Richard Hobbs (C)
6 Richard Waddy
4/10 sponsored QPs rung by Daventry Branch for Peterborough Cathedral Bells appeal.